Open software developed under the European TERRINet program.
Author: Irene Rivas-Blanco
Contact info: [email protected]
Affiliation: University of Malaga, Medical Robotics Lab
The MATLAB GUI for easily using the data of the ROSMA datset has been created with the tool App Designer in MATLAB R2019. To run the gui:
First, browse a data file from the dataset. This will generate a mat file named data.mat containing a struct variable with all the data of the csv file.
To run the file press the play button. The cartesian position of the Master Tool Manipulators and the Patient Side Manipulators is displayed in real-time. You can pause the simulation and play it again, or stop it.
If the checkbox ROS is on, the joint position of the four manipulators is published in the corresponding ROS topics to move them. Thus, if the dVRK package is running (real hardware or simulation) the manipulators will replicate the motion stored in the csv file.
You can download the dVRK package from Then, use the configuration files of the folder config of this repository:
- Copy file full_system.rviz into /dvrk-ros/dvrk_model/rviz_config.
- Copy file dvrk_full_rviz.launch into /dvrk-ros/dvrk_robot/launch.
- Copy files sawControllersPID-PSM_modified.xml and full_teleop_SIMULATED.json into /cisst-saw/sawIntuitiveResearchKit/share.
Then, launch the package as:
cd ~/catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch dvrk_robot dvrk_full_rviz.launch slave1:=PSM1 slave2:=PSM2 master1:=MTMR master2:=MTML config:=<catkin_ws path>/src/cisst-saw/sawIntuitiveResearchKit/share/full_teleop_modified_SIMULATED.json