Jaksel Script is a new programming language, very modern, easy to learn, using Indonesia-slang language. No programming experience required.
Thank you for all your contributions, share, star, and everything.
Install from npm
npm install -g jaksel-language
Or Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/RioChndr/jaksel-language.git
If you install from npm, run jaksel script using jaksel
jaksel example/example1.jaksel
Or run from this repository
node jaksel-interpreter.js example/example1.jaksel
Example :
literally umur itu 21
spill "Umur lu " + umur
kalo umur lebih gede 20
spill "Elu tua"
literally umurgua itu umur + 10
spill "Kalo gua umurnya " + umurgua
kalo umurgua lebih gede 30
spill "gua lebih tua"
spill "dasar bocil"
spill "Udahan ah"
literally jumlah itu 10
spill "Jumlah: " + jumlah
whichis jumlah itu 11
spill "Jumlah: " + jumlah
literally isHidup itu positive vibes
spill "is hidup :" + isHidup
fomo i endup 10
kalo i lebih gede 3
spill "loop ke " + i
Some command just like javascript, the only different is keyword and this language will translate to javascript and run as javascript. I know, this is just for fun.
This project just for fun, I don't want to hurt anyone. Just from idea "what if jaksel language is a programming language" and make it true. This project only for education purpose, not for production ready.
Some cool project from you, submit your project like highlight text, jaksel-to-js, etc. Make PR link to your repo !. Don't limit your creativity
- vim-jaksel jaksel programming language plugin for (n)vim
- vscode-jaksel-language-support visual studio code extension for syntax highlighting, code snippet, and auto formatting