Syglance is a simple and universal, Linux utility for generating a report for the host system
Sysglance will generate a report about:
- Host information
- System uptime and load in 1, 5 and 15 minutes span
- Available User Accounts
- Currently logged in users
- CPU, GPU, USB, Network adapters
- File system partitions and disk space usage
- Free and used memory in the system
- Top 10 processes as far as memory usage is concerned including user, pid and when it started
- Show per Network device, Public and Private IP addresses
- List of Processes and open Networking Ports
- List of Errors/Alerts in log files since the last system boot
Sysglance is packaged as AppImage using Travic CI in continuous maner.
You can download the latest version from Releases by clicking on Assets and the Sysglance.AppImage* file.
Or you can do it from terminal:
Once downloaded you have to give the Sysglance package, executable permitions. e.g.:
chmod +x Sysglance*.AppImage
You can run Sysglance with
Or you can save the output to a text file for further investigation
./Sysglance*.AppImage > sysglance-report.txt
To get notified for new releases, you just need to click on Watch --> Releases Only :
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure test your pull requests as appropriate.
You can also contribute by clicking on the Sponsor button
Please reffer to LICENSE file