Mentr is a frontend application to match students with mentors (such as professors) via a swipe left or right feature. Mentr was developed for both iOS and Android with a primary focus on the iOS version. The app houses a profile page, social page, matching and matched page (housing a private chat feature). This app was created to showcase to Louis Strokes Center for Promotion of Academic Careers (LSCPAC). To developement this app, we used Xamarin (a .NET codebase)
Mentr allows the user to add an image, a description/bio, research interest, and email to their profile page.
A user has the ability to see posts from all of their Mentrs on the social page. These posts are only able to be made by approved mentors and the posts made go to the mentor's mentees.
This is where the core function of the app is. Users have the ability to review mentor's profiles and either accept or reject (via swiping or using the buttons). If accepted, the mentor will have a chance to review the profile. If both sides accept then we have a match and the two users can begin messaging one another.
This page houses every mentor that the user matches with along with the ability to click on the mentor and begin privately messaging them, as shown in the next image.