This is the development version of NUL, the NOVA UserLand, developed at the Operating Systems Group at TU Dresden. It complements the NOVA microhypervisor with applications, mainly a virtual machine monitor and a hardware resource multiplexer.
The code is still experimental and far from feature complete. Use it on your own risk. If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.
Useful points of reference:
This file uses Org-Mode, which ships with a nice manual that you can find via the Info browser (C-h i). I recommend reading the 5min tutorial, if you are unfamiliar with Org-Mode:
Some hints: C-c C-t: Cycle through TODO states. C-c C-z: Take a note. TAB on section header: Cycle through visibility states. Shift-TAB: Toggle overview. C-c C-e l: Export as LaTeX. :-D
- Binutils 2.20 or later
- GCC 4.4.4, 4.5.2 or later
- SCons 1.2.0 or later
- Python 2.6 or later
The latest public version of the NOVA userland is available from Github:
Hypervisor development happens also on Github:
This section is aimed at the prospective NUL hacker. Its purpose is to boot your knowledge about nul to a point where you can start hacking on it.
The NUL tree consists of several applications and libraries, which are loosely grouped by topic into repositories. Each subdirectory of the top-level directory is a repository.
To build NUL you need a build directory. Luckily, there is already a
preconfigured one in build. We use a minimal SCons-based build
system that mostly does what we want. So to build the default
configuration just cd into build and type scons
. Binaries will be
installed in build/bin and build/boot by default.
To use a customized build configuration, copy the default build repository and adapt its SConstruct file.
There are some variables that can be passed to SCons in order to control the build process.
Argument | Description |
target_cc=mycc | Compile C code with mycc. |
target_cxx=myc++ | Compile C++ code with myc++ |
To compile nul with an old version of GCC, type:
scons target_cc=gcc-4.4.4 target_cxx=g++-4.4.4
To generate HTML documentation run scons doc
We use git to manage our source code. (Un)fortunately, there are many ways to use git. Let’s summarize some hints and “best practices”. If you are completely unfamiliar with Git, you should read one of the many tutorials first. A good one for the Subversion-proficient reader is
It is important to use your real name and a working email address as these are stored in your commits. Set them using:
git config --global yourname
git config --global [email protected]
If you cloned the repository as shown above, you can pull the
latest changes from the central repository by simply typing git
. If you have local commits and someone else committed to the
central repository, this will automatically create a merge between
your repository head and the head of the central repository.
git push
does the reverse and pushes your changes to the central
There are two downsides to the simple approach: Pulling blindly might be undesirable in some cases, as it can create a lot of conflicts. A second downside is the creation of a non-linear history, if you push the created merge commits back to the central repository. This is easily avoidable, except for very complex patches and merging of long-lived branches.
A slightly more complex way to update your tree and commit your changes is to first inspect the changes your co-workers commited and then rebase your changes on top of theirs before you push them to the central repository. Rebasing your local changes before committing keeps the central history merge-free and linear, which is a good thing!
The workflow would thus be:
git remote update
to get the latest changes from the central repositorygitk --all
(for X11 users) ortig --all
(for those console junkies) to see your local branches as well as the remote branches.git rebase origin/master
to rebase your local commits on top of the central repository’s head. If you like to reorder or squash your commits, you can pass the-i
flag to rebase.
At this point, your local branch contains all commits from the
central repository with your commits on top of them. If you wish
to commit them, you can now do git push
to send them to the
central repository.
NUL provides a simple infrastructure for automated testing. It is
located in michal/wvtest. To run all tests in qemu, invoke scons
from the build directory.
To write a test you need to:
- Write your test program. The easiest way is to include
“wvtest.h”, inherit your program from
instead ofNovaProgram
and implementwvrun(...)
method.Somewhere in your code use assert-like macros starting with WV*. See for an example.
- Write a novaboot script, make it executable and name it as *.wv.
- Run
scons test
in the build directory. If you see only green “ok” at the right column of your screen, all tests passed.
To boot NOVA you need to setup a multiboot compliant bootloader to load the hypervisor, userland binaries and userland configuration. This procedure is slightly different for various bootloaders and boot methods (PXE, local harddrive, bootable CD, …).
To make it easier to boot NOVA in different environments, there is a
program that reads a so called novaboot script and uses
it either to boot NOVA (e.g. in qemu) or to generate the
configuration for a specific bootloader and optionally to copy the
necessary files to the proper locations.
The novaboot
program is currently able to:
- run NOVA in qemu,
- create GRUB/GRUB2/Pulsar bootloader configuration and copy it with all the needed files to a remote TFTP server,
- run DHCP and TFTP server on your development machine to PXE boot NOVA from it,
- create bootable ISO images.
cd michal/boot
- Copy novaboot somewhere to your path e.g.
cp novaboot ~/bin
. - Configure novaboot for your system (optional)
novaboot --dump-config > ~/.novaboot
vi ~/.novaboot
- Try to run “hello world” in qemu
or copy the needed files to your TFTP server./hello --server
See novaboot --help
for more details (you need perl-doc package
installed for this to work).
An example novaboot script to run the hypervisor and a virtual machine is michal/boot/vancouver.
A GRUB configuration can be found in demo/example.conf. Another example is the Demo CD. For explanation of the individual parameters refer to README.sigma0 and README.vmm.
Bugs can be reported using Github or via sending a mail to Julian Stecklina <[email protected]>. General discussion is happening on the l4-hackers mailing list:
NUL is the work of Bernhard Kauer <[email protected]>, Alexander Böttcher <[email protected]>, Michal Sojka <[email protected]> and Julian Stecklina <[email protected]>. The author of the NOVA hypervisor is Udo Steinberg <[email protected]>.