This role allows you to install SQL-Ledger on Debian Bullseye.
Clone it to your Ansible roles directory:
git clone path_to_ansible/roles/sql-ledger
The machine from which the playbook is being run needs to have Ansible 2.0 or higher installed. For detailed information how to obtain current packages for your distribution of choice have a look at the Ansible documentation.
The target machine needs SSH access and Python and sudo installed. As standard Debian comes without sudo, you should install it and update your host configuration:
ansible_become: true
ansible_become_pass: "{{ vault_sudo_pwd }}"
The following variables can be passed to this role:
Variable Name | Default Value | Description |
debian_additional_packages | [] | additional packages to be installed |
sl_admin_pwd | undefined | password for |
sl_dvipdf | false | use dvipdf instead of pdflatex |
sl_git_branch | full | branch that will be checked out |
sl_git_source | | URL of the Git repository |
sl_helpful_login | false | helpful error messages on login screen |
sl_httpd_config | /etc/apache2 | path to the webserver config |
sl_httpd_path | /var/www/sql-ledger | local path of the installation |
sl_httpd_url | sql-ledger | browser URL on the server |
sl_latex | true | install and use LaTeX |
sl_login_language | language of the login screen | |
sl_pdftk | true | use pdftk to combine PDFs |
sl_postgres_user | sql-ledger | user name to connect to PostgreSQL |
sl_protect_admin | false | protect admin interface |
sl_protect_password | password for protected admin interface | |
sl_protect_username | username for protected admin interface | |
sl_sendmail | "| /usr/sbin/sendmail -f <%from%> -t" | pipe to sendmail |
sl_timezone | Europe/Zurich | time zone for server |
sl_xelatex | false | use XeLaTex instead of pdflatex |
texlive_lang | german | language of TeX Live that will be installed |
Please notice that this role doesn't install a mail transport agent or printing system.
To install with the default settings and language German/Switzerland (chd_utf) on the login screen, use the following playbook:
- hosts: sql-ledger-servers
- { role: sql-ledger, sl_login_language: chd_utf }
If you want to set the password for to '12345678' (probably not a good idea), write:
- hosts: sql-ledger-servers
- { role: sql-ledger, sl_admin_pwd: 12345678 }
Use the Vault to protect your passwords!
To make the original version from DWS available under /sl-dws, write:
- hosts: sql-ledger-servers
- { role: sql-ledger, sl_httpd_path: /var/www/sl-dws, sl_httpd_url: sl-dws, sl_git_branch: master }
It is possible to install the role multiple times under different URLs on the same server.
If your hosts are defined in sql-ledger.hosts in this way:
and the name of the playbook is sql-ledger.yml, you can start the installation with:
ansible-playbook -i sql-ledger.hosts sql-ledger.yml
Be aware that the installation of texlive needs a lot of time.
The available tags are:
installs the basic packagessl-config
updates sql-ledger and wlprinter configsl-database
configures the access to the databasesl-git
downloads SQL-Ledger from GitHubsl-latex
installs LaTeX, if sl_latex is truesl-webserver
configures the webserver, including password protection
To update the installation, simply run the playbook again. If you just want to download a new version:
ansible-playbook -t sl-git sql-ledger.yml