OMEinsumContractionOrders is a Julia package that provides an optimize_code
function for finding optimal contraction orders for tensor networks. It is designed to work with multiple tensor network packages, such as: OMEinsum.jl package and ITensorNetworks.jl.
To install OMEinsumContractionOrders, please follow these steps:
- Open Julia's interactive session (known as REPL) by typing
in your terminal. - Press the ] key in the REPL to enter the package mode.
- Type
add OMEinsumContractionOrders
to install the stable release of the package. - (Optional) If you want to use the
optimizer, which is based on the KaHyPar library, typeadd KaHyPar
. Note that this step is optional because some users may have issues with the binary dependencies of KaHyPar (please check issues: this and this).
The contraction order optimizer is implemented in the optimize_code
function. It takes three arguments: code
, size
, and optimizer
. The code
argument is the einsum notation to be optimized. The size
argument is the size of the variables in the einsum notation. The optimizer
argument is the optimizer to be used. The optimize_code
function returns the optimized contraction order. One can use contraction_complexity
function to get the time, space and rewrite complexity of returned contraction order.
julia> using OMEinsumContractionOrders, Graphs, KaHyPar
julia> function random_regular_eincode(n, k; optimize=nothing)
g = Graphs.random_regular_graph(n, k)
ixs = [[minmax(e.src,e.dst)...] for e in Graphs.edges(g)]
return EinCode([ixs..., [[i] for i in Graphs.vertices(g)]...], Int[])
julia> code = random_regular_eincode(200, 3);
julia> optcode_tree = optimize_code(code, uniformsize(code, 2),
TreeSA(sc_target=28, βs=0.1:0.1:10, ntrials=2, niters=100, sc_weight=3.0));
julia> optcode_tree_with_slice = optimize_code(code, uniformsize(code, 2),
TreeSA(sc_target=28, βs=0.1:0.1:10, ntrials=2, niters=100, sc_weight=3.0, nslices=5));
julia> optcode_kahypar = optimize_code(code, uniformsize(code, 2),
KaHyParBipartite(sc_target=30, max_group_size=50));
julia> optcode_sa = optimize_code(code, uniformsize(code, 2),
SABipartite(sc_target=30, max_group_size=50));
julia> contraction_complexity(code, uniformsize(code, 2))
Time complexity: 2^200.0
Space complexity: 2^0.0
Read-write complexity: 2^10.644757592516257
julia> contraction_complexity(optcode_kahypar, uniformsize(code, 2))
Time complexity: 2^39.5938886486877
Space complexity: 2^28.0
Read-write complexity: 2^30.39890775966298
julia> contraction_complexity(optcode_sa, uniformsize(code, 2))
Time complexity: 2^41.17129641027078
Space complexity: 2^29.0
Read-write complexity: 2^31.493976190321106
julia> contraction_complexity(optcode_tree, uniformsize(code, 2))
Time complexity: 2^35.06468305863757
Space complexity: 2^28.0
Read-write complexity: 2^30.351552349259258
julia> contraction_complexity(optcode_tree_with_slice, uniformsize(code, 2))
Time complexity: 2^33.70760100663681
Space complexity: 2^24.0
Read-write complexity: 2^32.17575935629581
is shipped with OMEinsum
package. You can use it to optimize the contraction order of an OMEinsum
julia> using OMEinsum
julia> code = ein"ij, jk, kl, il->"
ij, jk, kl, il ->
julia> optimized_code = optimize_code(code, uniformsize(code, 2), TreeSA())
SlicedEinsum{Char, NestedEinsum{DynamicEinCode{Char}}}(Char[], ki, ki ->
├─ jk, ij -> ki
│ ├─ jk
│ └─ ij
└─ kl, il -> ki
├─ kl
└─ il
is an extension of the OMEinsumContractionOrders
package that provides a visualization of the contraction order. It is designed to work with the OMEinsumContractionOrders
package. To use LuxorTensorPlot
, please follow these steps:
pkg> add OMEinsumContractionOrders, LuxorGraphPlot
julia> using OMEinsumContractionOrders, LuxorGraphPlot
and then the extension will be loaded automatically.
The extension provides the following to function, viz_eins
and viz_contraction
, where the former will plot the tensor network as a graph, and the latter will generate a video or gif of the contraction process.
Here is an example:
julia> using OMEinsumContractionOrders, LuxorGraphPlot
julia> eincode = OMEinsumContractionOrders.EinCode([['a', 'b'], ['a', 'c', 'd'], ['b', 'c', 'e', 'f'], ['e'], ['d', 'f']], ['a'])
ab, acd, bcef, e, df -> a
julia> viz_eins(eincode, filename = "eins.png")
julia> nested_eins = optimize_code(eincode, uniformsize(eincode, 2), GreedyMethod())
ab, ab -> a
├─ ab
└─ acf, bcf -> ab
├─ acd, df -> acf
│ ├─ acd
│ └─ df
└─ bcef, e -> bcf
├─ bcef
└─ e
julia> viz_contraction(nested_code)
[ Info: Generating frames, 7 frames in total
[ Info: Creating video at: /var/folders/3y/xl2h1bxj4ql27p01nl5hrrnc0000gn/T/jl_SiSvrH/contraction.mp4
The resulting image and video will be saved in the current working directory, and the image is shown below:
The large white nodes represent the tensors, and the small colored nodes represent the indices, red for closed indices and green for open indices.If you find this package useful in your research, please cite the relevant papers in CITATION.bib.
Please check this Gist:
OMEinsumContractionOrders was developed by Jin-Guo Liu and Pan Zhang.