Original idea and code from https://github.com/mbuonomo/notificationcenter
Apple OS X Style Notification Center for web
Demo/Documentation: http://thesin-.github.io/notificationcenter/
- Document title modification to show alert count
- Display only a certain amount of notifs at once
- Sound notification if the user is on an other tab/page
- Per type Sounds/Colors/alert timeout and notif count displayed
- Pop up alerts that are not retained in the notif pane
- Click overlay when the pane is open so any click closes the pane
- Notif callbacks, including a redisplay notification option
- Export callback so you can save the list of current notifs
- Mobile compat, includes options for swipe delete on notifs
- Mobile on notifications stay in viewport even with pinch zoom
- CSS Styled allows lots of styling control to the site
- Allow ajax and/or faye alerts on top of js calls to create alerts
- Allow Sticky notifications, sticky notifications also have an optional settable action button
- Add a 'poof' effect like OS X instead of slide right for close
- once notificationul hits to bottom stack a stagger stack