- Support for list view of Leboncoin website
- Add state field ("etat") to know if the item could be shipped with LBC
- Script is now dockerized see instructions below
Build the Docker image from the repo :
docker build -f Dockerfile -t lbc-watchresell:v2 ./
Create the container :
docker create \
-v <path_to_config_folder>:/usr/src/lbc-watchresell/config \
--name lbc \
You have to mount the config folder with the fallowing files in it:
- config.py
- User agent to emulate the browser
- proxy (if needed)
- capsolver API key (if your IP become evil)
- Discord bot token
- Check period (in second) -> time between to add check
- lbc.json
- URL of your LBC search
- Discord channel id
Credits to @enzo-berry
A python project to scrap leboncoin new articles and sending it to a discord channel.
The anti-scrapping system datadome is bypassed using Capsolver.
Do not use this project for production use.