This application could be used for testing devices containing standard RC servo, by generating a PWM RC servo signal.
Please install the application from Flipper Zero application catalog, or go to the releases, download, and extract it to your SD card.
- Connect the Servo PWM input to A7 Flipper Zero in.
- Enable 5V output in the GPIO menu or plug-in USB-C charging cable. (If you're supplying power from an external power source, make sure it has common ground with the flipper GND)
- Start the Servo Tester app
- Move servo required positions using controls bellow
Button | Action |
🔼 | Up button increases pulse width by 10 us. |
🔽 | The down button decreases pulse width by 10 us. |
Left button decreases pulse width by 1 us. | |
The right button increases pulse width by 1 us. | |
↩️ | Back button exit application. |
🔵 | Center button change mode. |
Install uFBT - micro Flipper Build Tool to get a toolkit for building flipper zero applications.
- Clone this git repository
- cd to ServoTesterApp content.
- run ufbt && ufbt launch with flipper connected. It automatically installs the compiled application into Flipper Zero.