NVisualiser is a web application that provides tools for interacting with and visualising NHANES data
- PHP: https://www.php.net/
- Composer: https://getcomposer.org/
- Docker: https://www.docker.com/
- You will need to copy
and make suitable modifications - You should run
composer install
- If it is the first time running, you will need to perform
php artisan key:generate
- You can then start the containers by running
./vendor/bin/sail up -d
- Create the database tables and populate with
./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate:fresh --seed
(Notice the warnings that dataset files aren't present. You can download these from NHANES, e.g. using nhanes_utils, then move the files to the specified locations, then run this command again) - You should install the NPM dependencies with
./vendor/bin/sail npm install
- Run vite with
./vendor/bin/sail npm run dev
then you should be able to access the application at0.0.0.0