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2023 - Present ROS2 repo for rover RoverFlake1 is old.

Setting up this repo on your computer

Reccomended/Required: Ubuntu 22.04

SSH authentication is the easiest way to get authorized to push code.

To set up SSH keys on your computer, follow this tutorial: Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent

Then, set up the newly generated SSH in github with this tutorial: Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account

Now, you can clone the repo, with SSH, NOT HTTPS:

#Install into your home directory

git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:UBC-Snowbots/RoverFlake2.git

Obviously you are welcome to use HTTPS or another form of authentication (like GitHub Desktop) if you prefer

Then cd in, and we can use setup scripts from here.

bash setup_scripts/

This script will install ros2, as well as other common dependencies.


arm_hardware_interface fails to build:

Could not find a package configuration file provided by "serial" with any of the following names:



if src/external_pkgs/serial is empty, you need to update your git submodules:

'git submodule init' 'git submodule update'

This is only needed if you did not clone recursivley.

'serial' is a ros2 package, its also a git repository. Instead of just copying the code into our repository, git submodules makes it easier to manage different git repositories.

This error means CMake cannot find a package, specifically a ROS2 package. In the above error example CMake cannot find the serial package, which is an external package we use to communicate over USB connections. If you get this error for another package, you may just need to install it:

'sudo apt install ros-humble-<package_name>'


2023/2024 ROS2 repo for rover






No releases published


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