Helm Chart for XNAT
Create a cluster into which the chart will be installed using your preferred method. For example, using kind:
kind create cluster --name xnat
To install a local copy of the chart, first create a package:
helm package --dependency-update chart
Install the packaged chart in the cluster with the following command:
helm install \
--set image.name=xnat-core
--set image.tag=0.0.1 \
--set imageCredentials.enabled=true \
--set imageCredentials.registry=ghcr.io \
--set imageCredentials.username=<GH_USERNAME> \
--set imageCredentials.password=<GH_PAT> \
--set postgresql.auth.password=xnat \
--namespace xnat-core \
--create-namespace \
xnat-core xnat-0.0.7.tgz
Note that omitting the namespace
option and create-namespace
flag will
result in the resources being created in the default
Set image.tag
to the version of the
XNAT image
you would like to use.
Create a PAT
with read:packages
scope. Use the PAT to set imageCredentials.password
Set imageCredential.username
to be your GitHub username.
Uninstall the chart using the following command:
helm uninstall xnat-core -n xnat-core
The chart can be rendered using the default values with the following command:
helm template xnat-core ./xnat-0.0.7.tgz > build/chart.yaml
Name | Description | Value |
replicaCount |
Number of replicas | 1 |
image.pullPolicy |
image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
image.pullSecret |
Name of secret used to pull image | "" |
image.registry |
Image registry | ghcr.io |
image.namespace |
Image registry namespace | ucl-mirsg |
image.name |
Name of the image in the registry | "" |
image.tag |
Image tag | latest |
imageCredentials.enabled |
Enable or disable image pull secret | false |
imageCredentials.registry |
Image registry | "" |
imageCredentials.username |
Image registry username | "" |
imageCredentials.password |
Image registry password | "" |
imageCredentials.email |
Image registry email | "" |
nameOverride |
Override name | "" |
fullnameOverride |
Override fullname | "" |
serviceAccount.create |
Specifies whether a service account should be created | true |
serviceAccount.automount |
Automatically mount a ServiceAccount's API credentials? | true |
serviceAccount.annotations |
Annotations to add to the service account | {} |
serviceAccount.name |
The name of the service account to use. | "" |
service.port |
Service port | 80 |
service.type |
Service type | ClusterIP |
service.targetPort |
Service target port | 8080 |
persistence.storageClass |
Persistent volume storage class | nil |
persistence.annotations |
Persistent volume annotations | {} |
volumes[0].name |
XNAT node configuration Volume name | node-conf |
volumes[1].name |
XNAT archive Volume name | xnat-archive |
volumes[1].accessModes |
XNAT archive Volume access modes | ["ReadWriteOnce"] |
volumes[1].annotations |
XNAT archive Volume annotations | {} |
volumes[1].existingClaim |
XNAT archive Volume existingClaim | nil |
volumes[1].persistent |
XNAT archive Volume persistent | true |
volumes[1].size |
XNAT archive Volume size | 8Gi |
volumes[1].storageClass |
XNAT archive Volume storageClass | nil |
volumes[2].name |
XNAT instance configuration Volume name | xnat-config |
volumes[2].secret.secretName |
XNAT instance configuration Volume secret name | xnat-conf |
volumes[3].name |
XNAT OpenID configuration Volume name | xnat-openid-config |
volumes[3].secret.secretName |
XNAT OpenID configuration Volume secret name | openid-conf |
volumes[4].name |
XNAT prearchive Volume name | xnat-prearchive |
volumes[4].accessModes |
XNAT prearchive Volume access modes | ["ReadWriteOnce"] |
volumes[4].annotations |
XNAT prearchive Volume annotations | {} |
volumes[4].existingClaim |
XNAT prearchive Volume existingClaim | nil |
volumes[4].persistent |
XNAT prearchive Volume persistent | true |
volumes[4].size |
XNAT prearchive Volume size | 8Gi |
volumes[4].storageClass |
XNAT prearchive Volume storageClass | nil |
volumeMounts[0].name |
XNAT node configuration Volume name | node-conf |
volumeMounts[0].mountPath |
XNAT node configuration Volume mount path | /data/xnat/home/config/node-conf.properties |
volumeMounts[0].subPath |
XNAT node configuration Volume sub path | node-conf.properties |
volumeMounts[1].name |
XNAT archive Volume name | xnat-archive |
volumeMounts[1].mountPath |
XNAT archive Volume mount path | /data/xnat/archive |
volumeMounts[1].subPath |
XNAT archive Volume sub path | nil |
volumeMounts[2].name |
XNAT instance configuration Volume name | xnat-config |
volumeMounts[2].mountPath |
XNAT instance configuration Volume mount path | /data/xnat/home/config/xnat-conf.properties |
volumeMounts[2].readOnly |
XNAT instance configuration Volume read only | true |
volumeMounts[2].subPath |
XNAT instance configuration Volume sub path | xnat-conf.properties |
volumeMounts[3].name |
XNAT OpenID configuration Volume name | xnat-openid-config |
volumeMounts[3].mountPath |
XNAT OpenID configuration Volume mount path | /data/xnat/home/config/auth/openid-conf.properties |
volumeMounts[3].readOnly |
XNAT OpenID configuration Volume read only | true |
volumeMounts[3].subPath |
XNAT OpenID configuration Volume sub path | openid-conf.properties |
volumeMounts[4].name |
XNAT prearchive Volume name | xnat-prearchive |
volumeMounts[4].mountPath |
XNAT prearchive Volume mount path | /data/xnat/prearchive |
volumeMounts[4].subPath |
XNAT prearchive Volume sub path | nil |
Name | Description | Value |
postgresql.enabled |
Enable or disable the PostgreSQL deployment | true |
postgresql.auth.database |
PostgreSQL database name | xnat |
postgresql.auth.username |
PostgreSQL username | xnat |
postgresql.auth.password |
PostgreSQL password. Make sure to override this. | xnat |
postgresql.auth.postgresPassword |
PostgreSQL password. Make sure to override this. | postgres |
postgresql.image.tag |
PostgreSQL image tag | 14.17.0-debian-12-r2 |
postgresql.primary.resources.requests.cpu |
CPU request | 1 |
postgresql.primary.resources.requests.memory |
Memory request | 4000Mi |
postgresql.primary.resources.limits.cpu |
CPU limit | 2 |
postgresql.primary.resources.limits.memory |
Memory limit | 4000Mi |
Name | Description | Value |
web.siteUrl |
Site URL | "" |
web.auth.openid.clientId |
OpenID client ID | "" |
web.auth.openid.clientSecret |
OpenID client secret | "" |
web.auth.openid.accessTokenUri |
OpenID access token URI | "" |
web.auth.openid.userAuthUri |
OpenID user authentication URI | "" |
web.auth.openid.link |
OpenID link | "" |
web.podAnnotations |
Annotations to add to the web pod | {} |
web.podLabels |
Labels to add to the web pod | {} |
web.podSecurityContext.runAsUser |
Pod security context runAsUser | 1000 |
web.securityContext |
Pod security context | {} |
web.ingress.enabled |
Enable or disable the ingress deployment | false |
web.ingress.className |
Ingress class name | "" |
web.ingress.annotations |
Ingress annotations | {} |
web.ingress.hosts[0].host |
Ingress host | chart-example.local |
web.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path |
Ingress path | / |
web.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType |
Ingress path type | ImplementationSpecific |
web.ingress.tls |
Ingress TLS | [] |
web.resources.limits.cpu |
CPU and memory limits | 2 |
web.resources.limits.memory |
Memory limits | 4000Mi |
web.resources.requests.cpu |
CPU and memory requests | 1 |
web.resources.requests.memory |
Memory requests | 4000Mi |
web.livenessProbe.failureThreshold |
Liveness probe failure threshold | 1 |
web.livenessProbe.httpGet.path |
Liveness probe httpGet path | /app/template/Login.vm#! |
web.livenessProbe.httpGet.port |
Liveness probe httpGet port | http |
web.livenessProbe.periodSeconds |
Liveness probe period seconds | 10 |
web.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
Liveness probe timeout seconds | 5 |
web.readinessProbe.failureThreshold |
Readiness probe failure threshold | 1 |
web.readinessProbe.httpGet.path |
Readiness probe httpGet path | /app/template/Login.vm#! |
web.readinessProbe.httpGet.port |
Readiness probe httpGet port | http |
web.readinessProbe.periodSeconds |
Readiness probe period seconds | 10 |
web.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
Readiness probe timeout seconds | 3 |
web.startupProbe.failureThreshold |
Startup probe failure threshold | 15 |
web.startupProbe.httpGet.path |
Startup probe httpGet path | /app/template/Login.vm#! |
web.startupProbe.httpGet.port |
Startup probe httpGet port | http |
web.startupProbe.periodSeconds |
Startup probe period seconds | 10 |
web.startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Startup probe initial delay seconds | 20 |
web.autoscaling.enabled |
Enable or disable the autoscaling | false |
web.autoscaling.minReplicas |
Minimum number of replicas | 1 |
web.autoscaling.maxReplicas |
Maximum number of replicas | 100 |
web.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage |
Target CPU utilisation percentage | 80 |
web.nodeSelector |
Node selector | {} |
web.tolerations |
Tolerations to add to the web pod | [] |
web.affinity |
Affinity to add to the web pod | {} |