A package and command line tool to generate Lorem ipsum.
Checkout the code coverage at: https://ulti.js.org/lorelai
go get github.com/UltiRequiem/lorelai/pkg
func printTonsOfText() {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
func sayHi() {
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("My, my name is: %s.", lorelai.Word()))
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("My email address is %s", lorelai.Email()))
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("My website is: %s", lorelai.URL()))
For more examples check the examples directory.
This package exports 8 functions:
- Word: Returns 1 Word
E.g: "sodales", "phasellus" , "diam", etc.
- Sentence: Returns 8 Words
E.g: "Varius sed imperdiet amet laoreet ex sapien placerat.", etc.
- Paragraph: Returns 45 Words
E.g: "Nisi lacinia ante non nunc eros nibh mattis enim orci ante in ornare accumsan iaculis vel..."
- FormattedLoremWords: It receives a number and returns a string with the number of words you have indicated. The first letter will be capital and the sentence will end with a dot.
E.g: "Libero malesuada duis massa luctus.", "Curabitur hendrerit sed.", "Ligula.", etc.
- LoremWords: It receives a number and returns a string with the number of words you have indicated.
E.g: "arcu", "blandit porttitor a scelerisque", "donec justo lacinia", etc.
- Domain: Returns a domain
E.g: "neque.net", "arcu.org" , "lorem.io", etc.
- URL: Returns an URL
E.g: "https://pellentesque.org", "https://id.io" , "https://efficitur.com", etc.
- Email: Retuns an email address
E.g: "[email protected]", "[email protected]" , "[email protected]", etc.
go install github.com/UltiRequiem/lorelai@latest
Or use a binary from releases.
If you don't pass any flag or you pass the help flag:
lorelai 1.0.0
Easily generate Lorem Ipsum on command line.
-h or --help Print this
-w or --word Number of words to print
-p or --paragraph Number of paragraphs to print
-s or --sentences Number of sentences to print
-o or --output If passed it will try to put the output in a file
--url A random URL
--email A random Email Address
--color Print the output with colors?
lorelai -w 55 # Will print 55 words
lorelai -p 5 # Will print 5 paragraphs
lorelai -s 5 --output b # Will write 5 sentences on file b if possible
lorelai -w 55 -s 5 # Will print 55 words and 5 sentences
If you need more help, found a bug or want to suggest a new feature:
Feel free to sugest new features or report bugs.
A big thanks to Antoineio for adding tests and contributing to the CI.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.