BlockBreak Checks related to players breaking blocks. Direction FastBreak Frequency NoSwing Reach WrongBlock BlockInteract Checks related to players interacting with blocks. Direction Reach Speed Visible BlockPlace Checks related to players placing blocks. Against AutoSign Direction FastPlace Reach Scaffold NoSwing Speed PreventMisc Chat Checks related to chat activity and login/join. Captcha Color Commands Text Warning Relog Logins Combined Checks combined by multiple inputs within NoCheatPlus or that just don't fit into any other category. BedLeave Enderpearls Improbable Invulnerable MunchHausen YawRate(Settings) Fight Checks related to players interacting with other entities. General Angle Critical Direction FastHeal GodMode NoSwing Reach SelfHit Speed Inventory Concerns players interacting with inventories and/or containers. Drop FastClick InstantBow InstantEat FastConsume InventoryMove MoreInventory Gutenburg Items Open Hotifx Moving Checks that concern player movement and locations. General CreativeFly MorePackets NoFall Passable SurvivalFly Vehicle Checks related to players riding vehicles General MorePackets Envelope Net These checks are ProtocolLib-dependant. They check players on a packet-level. General AttackFrequency FlyingFrequency KeepAliveFrequency PacketFrequency SoundDistance WrongTurn