Releases: VATSIM-Radar/vatsim-radar
Releases · VATSIM-Radar/vatsim-radar
- Renamed ATIS to ATC Information in ATC Overlay
- Fixed R44 icon size
- Removed duplicate ATC from VATGlasses popup
- (next) Added ATC rating and facility to ATC stats
- (next) Excluded ATIS from ATC online
- Added relative scale indicator to map
- Added Map Setting that prevents VR to update center/zoom in address bar
- VATGlasses has been moved to the top of general as more frequently used setting
- Added import (even from VatSpy!)/export/copy of Favorite (Friends) in User Settings
- Added sorting support for all presets
- Fixed gates not showing up for some airports when using Navigraph
- Fixed gates not showing up for some airports when using Navigraph
- Fixed "next" performance and VG combined mode issues
- Clicking on aircraft callsign will now also open it's popup in Airport Dashboard
- Fixed aircraft popup on mobile version of Airport Dashboard
- Fixed this annoying issue when airport layouts (and more things) were just not loading on initial map open unless you move it
- Based on severe community feedback, changed "atc" in the footer to "ATC"
- Applied small performance improvements on each map update
- Disabled zoom to CTR/FSS facilities
- Fixed the way pilots without flight plans display in Favorite tab
- Unknown airports ICAO will now be properly displayed in flight plan window
- Added indication of no flight plan uploaded to pilot popup
- Added auto-selection of list to "Add to Favorites" popup if you only have one list
- Removed duplicate runway identifier from thresholds
- Restored north reset icon for mobile
- Fixed airport default zoom change to floating number breaking whole map settings save
- Added 10% opacity as possible for weather/layers opacity
- Fixed invisible region in popups list
- Increased emergency color priority over enabled tracks
- New icons from DotWallop (B350, C5M, C206, DR40, E3CF, E295, JS41, K35E, ME08, P212, PC21, R44, R66, SB20, SH36, SIRA, VC10, VISC)
- Added model matching (C210 -> C206, E290 -> E295, E3TF -> E3CF, K35R -> K35E)
- Diverting flight state by MindCollaps
- Changed data projection to EPSG:4326, thus improving data consumption, improving performance and making VR easier to work with for developers in most cases where EPSG:EPSG:3857 will now only be used under the hood
- New icons from DotWallop (P180, BA11, DH88, F28, J328)
- Added model matching (B3XM)
- Fixed ZSE VATGlasses display (we can now ignore some incomplete VG files. If you need this - write to us)
- Fixed sectors sometimes not rendering on mobile devices
- Improved rendering performance for mobile devices