This project is built with React,Vite,Typescript & Zustand, in order to build a memory card matching game.
To run this project, install it locally using npm
1.Clone this repo. react-vite-task.
3.Run npm install.
4.npm run dev
1.created create-react-vite-app boiler plate.
2.created reusable components,containers & Zustand store.
- The player reveals pairs of identical image tiles.
4.created a responsive page showing the memory game
5.created no of attempts , game duration & and date of each game.
6.Added types with Typescript as well.
- React components,Vite , Zustand & Typescript.
- ES2015 & ES2016.
- Code linter and formatter.
- CSS,FlexBox,SCSS.
- libraries used React,Zustand & Typescript.