Back at it again heh
- Day 1: Nice easy day 1, I forgor tha abs 💀
- Day 2: The site crashed wtf, kinda tedious solution so I made my code funny one-line
- Day 3: One regex to govern them all
- Day 4: I listed everything for my silver star at first, which was, uhh, stupid
- Day 5: Me when I wanted to do a graph (I'm overcomplicating myself)
- Day 6: Python is such a language
- Day 7: CHAOS CHAOS Jevil's theme playing (I really wasn't trying to be fast since I woke up late)
- Day 8: Understanding the problem was harder than actually solving it
- Day 9: I don't even want to look at the code to commit it, it's that bad
- Day 10: 44 seconds deltatime lmao
- Day 11: Recursion for the win
- Day 12: Weird algo but oh well
- Day 13: Gauss-Jordan my bébou
I forgot to archive it in 2022 so I'm repairing my mistakes
- Day 1: Why is the gold star so hard wtf, took me 8 bad answers to figure it out
- Day 2: it's a day 2
- Day 3: Lucky the numbers didn't touch two stars at the same time cause first solution didn't include that
- Day 4: It was so nice compared to the others before, truly a day 4 (plus I was the first in my uni to get it so cool 🕺🕺)
- Day 5: Wtf is this gold star, why did they put a day 20 equivalent in this, incredible I was able to do it although without really coding so it's kinda bad
- Day 6: I spent approximately two years to parse the file, other than that very easy (especially the gold star, I added a single line)
- Day 7: It took me 25 minutes to realize cards had order (and I really replaced the true values with ordered ones 💀)
- Day 8: I took 1h45 to do it, just to put a lcm........
- Day 9: Very easy for a day 9
- Day 10: WTF, really a rollercoaster of difficulty this year (although I was stoopid)
- Day 11: Really nice day
- Day 12: Gold star was really hard because I wasn't doing it in the right way (Shoutouts to @RisingSunLight42 for the nice recursivity and nice code)
- Day 13: Pretty nice
- Day 14: Really cool day, unfortunately my code isn't very flexible to other inputs
- Day 15: I don't have anything to say
- Day 16: 10 minutes bruteforce => Wrong Answer => 15 minutes bruteforce => Right Answer
- Day 17: We don't talk about day 17 (I did it 2 days later because didn't know priority queue)
- Day 18: Didn't know shoelace/pick, banger algorithm
- Day 19: Really nice day, didn't have too much trouble
- Day 20: Apparently my code for silver worked enough for the silver star but not enough for the gold star so that was interesting
- Day 21: Funny geometry (I did cheat a bit)
- Day 22: Me when I stop after analyzing one block
- Day 23: Nice one, didn't get the nice graph vertex optimization at first but really nice day
- Day 24: M A T H