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VoicenterTeam Documentation Template
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VoicenterTeam Documentation Template

The Template for VoicenterTeam projects documentations.


  1. Create folder docs and create new nuxt project:
npx nuxi@latest init docs


cd docs && npx nuxi@latest init .

With Template:

npx nuxi@latest init . -t content   
  1. Install next dependencies:
    "dependencies": {
        "@nuxt/content": "^2.13.2",
        "nuxt": "^3.13.0",
        "voicenter-team-documentation-template": ""
    "devDependencies": {
        "typedoc": "^0.26.6",
        "typedoc-plugin-markdown": "^4.2.5"
  1. Configure your nuxt project by adding the following:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
    extends: [
        [ 'github:VoicenterTeam/documentation-template', { install: true } ]
    uiTypedoc: {
        /* if need to generate api-docs folder by entryPoints */
        typesGenerate: true, // true | false
        entryPoints: [ resolve(__dirname, '../dist/some-file.d.ts') ]
    css: [

To use the Voicenter UI library, you need to add styles above tailwind css (components are added by default):

export default defineNuxtConfig({
    extends: [
        [ 'github:VoicenterTeam/documentation-template', { install: true } ]
    uiTypedoc: {
        /* if need to generate api-docs folder by entryPoints */
        typesGenerate: true, // true | false
        entryPoints: [ resolve(__dirname, '../dist/some-file.d.ts') ]
    css: [
  1. Configure app configs (to change default configs), Example:
export default defineAppConfig({
    ui: {
        primary: 'red',
        gray: 'slate',
        appLogo: {
            width: '164px',
            height: 'auto',
            maxWidth: '164px'
    seo: {
        siteName: 'VoicenterTeam Documentation',
        siteDescription: 'VoicenterTeam Documentation Site Description',
        docsHeaderTemplate: '%s | VoicenterTeamDocs',
        apiHeaderTemplate: '%s | VoicenterTeamDocs',
        indexHeaderTemplate: 'Project Overview | VoicenterTeamDocs'
    header: {
        version: '',
        showSiteName: true,
        apiLinkName: 'Api',
        exampleLinkName: 'Demo'

Default Configs:

export default defineAppConfig({
    ui: {
        primary: 'red',
        gray: 'cool',
        appLogo: {
            width: '100%',
            height: 'auto',
            maxWidth: '132px'
        icons: {
            dark: 'i-heroicons-moon-20-solid',
            light: 'i-heroicons-sun-20-solid',
            system: 'i-heroicons-computer-desktop-20-solid',
            search: 'i-heroicons-magnifying-glass-20-solid',
            external: 'i-heroicons-arrow-up-right-20-solid',
            chevron: 'i-heroicons-chevron-down-20-solid',
            hash: 'i-heroicons-hashtag-20-solid',
            menu: 'i-heroicons-bars-3-20-solid',
            close: 'i-heroicons-x-mark-20-solid',
            check: 'i-heroicons-check-circle-20-solid',
            navRoot: 'i-heroicons-book-open',
            navFolder: 'i-heroicons-square-3-stack-3d-16-solid',
            navPage: 'i-heroicons:document-text',
            navNext: 'i-heroicons-arrow-left-20-solid',
            navPrev: 'i-heroicons-arrow-right-20-solid',
            navDocs: 'i-heroicons:book-open',
            navApi: 'i-heroicons:square-3-stack-3d',
            navDemo: 'i-heroicons:computer-desktop'
    seo: {
        siteName: 'Nuxt UI VC Doc',
        siteDescription: 'Nuxt UI VC Doc Template',
        docsHeaderTemplate: '%s | UI VC Doc',
        apiHeaderTemplate: '%s | UI VC Doc',
        indexHeaderTemplate: ''
    header: {
        version: '',
        showSiteName: true,
        apiLinkName: 'Api',
        exampleLinkName: 'Demo'
        // height: '200px'
  1. Remove app.vue file from root folder.
  2. Change tailwind.config.ts, if needed. For example, change primary colors (ui.primary: 'red' in app.config.ts):
import type { Config } from 'tailwindcss'
// import defaultTheme from 'tailwindcss/defaultTheme'

export default <Partial<Config>>{
    theme: {
        extend: {
            colors: {
                red: {
                    50: '#ffece9',
                    100: '#ffd9d2',
                    200: '#feb2a6',
                    300: '#f47465',
                    400: '#ef5c4e',
                    500: '#e31515',
                    600: '#c51111',
                    700: '#a80c0c',
                    800: '#8c0808',
                    900: '#710505',
                    950: '#3f0202'
  1. Check tailwind.css file
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities; 
  1. Run npm run dev or npm run build


After starting project in folder content should be created docs and api-docs folders (api-docs if typesGenerate: true), also need to add (can be only one row in this file) and created index page, docs page and api-docs (optional). If needed to add example (demo) page just add example.vue component to pages folder.

Adding or Changing content

Logo: app-logo.svg in public

FavIcon: favicon.ico in public

IndexPage WelcomePageContent.vue in components

Available components to usage:

  • components:
    • [WelcomePageContent.vue]
    • [WelcomePageNavigation.vue]
    • [PageTocList.vue]
    • [PagePrevNext.vue]
    • [PageNavigationLinks.vue]
    • [PageNavigationLink.vue]
    • [PageHeader.vue]
    • [PageBottomNavLink.vue]
    • [ContentTocLinks.vue]
    • [ContentSearch.vue]
    • [ButtonColorMode.vue]
  • components -> layout:
    • [AppAside.vue]
    • [AppFooter.vue]
    • [AppHeader.vue]
    • [AppLogo.vue]
    • [AppSiteName.vue]
    • [AppTopNavigation.vue]
    • [SearchModalContent.vue]


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