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React Jungle Select aims to let you create powerful lists and selects.

Here are some of the main advantages of this library compared to others:

  • We use it in production on different projects with various usecases. That's why we wanted it to be easily and fully customizable.

  • It's not just a simple "select": if you want a list, you can get it, with or without search, with or without keyboard navigation, with or without groups, with or without multiple selections, and so on.

  • It works well with Redux Form, react-custom-scrollbars and other indispensable libraries (see examples below).

  • We also provide a clean DOM: easy to customize (with or without our example stylesheet).

Give it a try and feel free to contribute!

React Jungle Select is made with love by the Welcome to the Jungle Tech team.


with npm :

npm install react-jungle-select --save

with yarn :

yarn add react-jungle-select


react-jungle-select has 2 display modes, list and select.

list mode is useful when you want to have full control on the UI to open your list.

select mode offers a customizable select that can be customized through styles.

Core props

Property Type Required Default Description
mode bool select Display mode. select or list
items array[string⎮object] The items of your list. Can be an array of strings or objects
groups array[object] Group your items
selected string⎮object⎮object In select mode The selected item(s)
filteringMode string exact filteringMode will allow you to filter results according to the mode you choose ('exact' | 'every' | 'any'). 'exact' will return items that match exactly your search string, 'every' will return items that match each word of your search string no matter their order and 'any' will return items that match at least one of the words of your search string (searchable={true} only)
searchable bool false Display a filter input or not
searchableAttributes array[string] Limit your search filter to defined keys if your items are objects
initialFilter string Initial filter to apply (searchable={true} only)
limit number Limit the number of results of your list to the chosen number (not supported for groups)
focus bool false Allows to handle the focus state of the filter input (searchable={true} only)
autofocus bool false Focus state of the filter input on component mount. Deal with focus prop to handle the focus state. (searchable={true} only)
selectFirstItem bool false Automatically highlights the first matching item on search results
remote object null Fetch items from remote endpoint

Rendering props

Property Type Required Default Description
classList array[string] Adds custom classes to the main tag
placeholder string Represents the placeholder of the search input
renderItem func ⚠️ required if your items are objects Lets you customize the items as you need. The item is passed as first argument, the item's index from the items list as second argument and the highlightedItem as third argument
renderGroup func ⚠️ required if you use groups Lets you customize the groups as you need. group and matching items are passed as arguments
renderSelectedItem func Lets you customize the selected item. item is passed as an argument
additionalItem node Lets you add an additonal item (at the end) (i.e: A link to create a new item)
clearNode node × Lets you customize the button that clears the selected value
iconNode node Allows you to add a node at the end of the .jungle-select-filter (select mode or searchable true)
label node Adds a label for your jungle-select
renderShowAll func Lets you customize the 'More / Less' button. It takes 2 arguments, a boolean indicating if the list is expanded or not, and the callback to toggle expand status
listWrapper func Adds a wrapper tag around your list items (.jungle-select-item) or around your groups if you use groups (.jungle-select-group). The items or group nodes are passed as an argument. It can be used to add a CSSTransitionGroup element to animate the opening list.

Callbacks props

Property Type Required Default Description
onChange func Called whenever the user clicks or selects an item with the keyboard. item is passed as an argument
onFilter func Called whenever filter occurs. filter is passed as an argument
filterItem func Custom method to filter an item. item and filter is passed as an argument. This method should return a bool

Highlighting wordings that match with your search string (if searchable={true})

If you want your search filter matches to be highlighted in your search results, just use the highlighted item available as third argument of the renderItem prop. It will wrap the matches in your resulting items with an <em className='jungle-select-filter-match'></em> tag.

You can see an example of highlighted search filter matches here.

DOM default structure

<div class="jungle-select jungle-select-opened jungle-select-selected">
  <div class="jungle-select-filter">
    <div class="jungle-select-selected-values">
      <div class="jungle-select-placeholder">Choose an item</div>
      <div class="jungle-select-selected-value">Selected item</div>
    <input type="text">
    <div class="jungle-select-clear">×</div>
  <div class="jungle-select-list">
      <div class="jungle-select-item">Item #1</div>
      <div class="jungle-select-item">Item #2</div>
      <div class="jungle-select-item">Item #3</div>

The parent class is .jungle-select.

Other classes are added to this element to indicate the component's status :

  • .mode-list, .mode-select: The chosen display mode
  • .jungle-select-opened: the list is opened
  • .jungle-select-selected: a value has been selected
  • .jungle-select-focused: the component has focus

JungleSelect's controls are wrapped in a .jungle-select-controls tag. It contains the following elements :

  • .jungle-select-filter which wraps :
    • .jungle-select-values which is the tag that wraps each selected values (.jungle-select-selected-value) or the placeholder (.jungle-select-placeholder) if no value has been selected.
    • the search input
  • .jungle-select-clear which is used to clear the selected value and filter

The list container has the .jungle-select-list class, groups have the .jungle-select-group class and items have the .jungle-select-item class.


A default stylesheet is provided in the library at dist/JungleSelect.css. You can use it directly or write your own theme.


Our documentation contains examples to get started with React Jungle Select


To run examples locally in a development server, clone this repo and run:

yarn docs:dev

Then open localhost:9090 in a browser.


yarn test


  1. Create an issue and describe your idea
  2. Fork it
  3. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Publish the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create a new Pull Request