A project for managing custom web maps and viewing web paths with automatic tools and javascript libraries
We are using git submodules
so clone this repository in recursive mode:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/WebMole/WebMole.git
cd WebMole
git submodule update --recursive
If you want to do any modification in a demo, you should checkout master
branch on Ajax-Listing-Generator
like so:
cd demos/Ajax-Listing-Generator/
git checkout master
Extract application into a folder of your web server and access it using your web server address. Visit the tabs and press the cool buttons. Note that there is an help button in the header.
Simply use Vagrant
First install vagrant. Install VirtualBox if you don't have it already.
Also make sure you have precise64 box installed
Now run this in the current repository directory:
vagrant up
Now sit and relaxe or go take a coffee, may take a while ;)
When it's done, you can visit the app running at localhost:8080
- A web server with PHP 5.2.0 or newer (for JSON lib)
- A web browser
- Tested with Google Chrome and Safari but may work with other popular browsers
- Javascript must be enabled
Webmole does not provide any way to hack a website nor encourages hacking. The project is delivered as-is for research purposes and web map generation and analysis.
Written by Gabriel Le Breton, Fabien Maronnaud in collaboration with Sylvain Hallé, professor at Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.
- Added Oracle Editing capability (will execute custom JavaScript on each node to filter the map)
- Changed google's Prettyprint for Ace web editor wich is an awesome opensource web editor that allow alot of options such as edit/read-only, alot of langages, etc. :)
- Separated the libraries from the app (makes it easier to locate custom scripts and app's code)
- Renamed project to "WebMole"
- Added working Web Explorer
- Added working config system (backend only atm)
- Changed graph viewer for a proper Radial Graph
- Scripts are loaded and skeleton is ready
- Implement drag and drop upload for viewer
- Make settings writable
- Eval javascript after user's edit from ui with ace editor
- Update Viewer to handle explorer's json data
- Update demo with new dynamic page generator (Currently in WebMole Demo folder)