This repository contains protocol buffers for the new Braiins OS Public API, which is based on gRPC API technology.
Public API Version | Braiins OS version |
1.3.0 | 24.09 |
1.2.0 | 24.06 |
1.1.0 | 24.04 |
1.0.0 | 24.03 |
1.0.0-beta.6 | 24.02 |
1.0.0-beta.5 | 23.12 |
1.0.0-beta.4 | 23.10.1 |
1.0.0-beta.3 | 23.10 |
1.0.0-beta.2 | 23.08 |
1.0.0-beta.1 | 23.05 |
1.0.0-beta | 23.04 |
1.0.0-alpha.1 | 23.03.3 |
1.0.0-alpha | 23.03 |
The Braiins OS Public API, introduced in version 23.03, represents a significant milestone in our platform's evolution. This API sets a standard for all present and forthcoming hardware variants, irrespective of their manufacturer. It provides a unified interface for interacting with mining hardware, enabling seamless integration with third-party applications and services. The API is designed to be intuitive, efficient, and versatile, offering a wide range of functionalities to meet diverse requirements.
We've curated a collection of examples demonstrating the utilization of our Public API, conveniently hosted on our GitHub repository: These examples serve as practical guides for integrating our API into your projects, showcasing its versatility and ease of use. Explore the repository to discover hands-on demonstrations tailored to various use cases.
gRPC is a high-performance remote procedure call (RPC) framework developed by Google. It allows developers to create efficient and reliable communications between client and server applications running on different platforms and written in different programming languages. Read more about gRPC at
- Miner must have port 50051 enabled. As of Braiins OS version 23.03.1, it should be enabled by default.
There is no specific prerequisite for using Braiins OS Public API. It is possible to directly access it using standard GUI tools like Postman, Kreya or CLI tool like grpcurl. Please find an example how to access gRPC api using grpcurl below.
Best way to start using our public API is to list available services and describe them. This can be done 2 ways:
- using prepared proto files,
- using reflection.
Example of how to list available services in proto file and how to describe service.
$ grpcurl -import-path ./proto -proto bos/v1/actions.proto list
$ grpcurl -import-path ./proto -proto bos/v1/actions.proto describe
braiins.bos.v1.ActionsService is a service:
service ActionsService {
// Method to pause mining
rpc PauseMining ( .braiins.bos.v1.PauseMiningRequest ) returns ( .braiins.bos.v1.PauseMiningResponse );
// Method to reboot whole miner
rpc Reboot ( .braiins.bos.v1.RebootRequest ) returns ( .braiins.bos.v1.RebootResponse );
// Method to restart bosminer
rpc Restart ( .braiins.bos.v1.RestartRequest ) returns ( .braiins.bos.v1.RestartResponse );
// Method to resume mining
rpc ResumeMining ( .braiins.bos.v1.ResumeMiningRequest ) returns ( .braiins.bos.v1.ResumeMiningResponse );
// Method to start bosminer
rpc Start ( .braiins.bos.v1.StartRequest ) returns ( .braiins.bos.v1.StartResponse );
// Method to stop bosminer
rpc Stop ( .braiins.bos.v1.StopRequest ) returns ( .braiins.bos.v1.StopResponse );
Braiins OS Public API has gRPC Server Reflection enabled. gRPC Server Reflection provides information about publicly-accessible gRPC services on a server, and assists clients at runtime to construct RPC requests and responses without precompiled service information. It is used by gRPC CLI, which can be used to introspect server protos.
Readme more at gRPC Server Reflection Tutorial.
List available services
$ grpcurl -plaintext miner:50051 list
Describe available service
$ grpcurl -plaintext miner:50051 describe
braiins.bos.ApiVersionService is a service:
service ApiVersionService {
rpc GetApiVersion ( .braiins.bos.ApiVersionRequest ) returns ( .braiins.bos.ApiVersion );
braiins.bos.v1.ActionsService is a service:
service ActionsService {
// Method to pause mining
rpc PauseMining ( .braiins.bos.v1.PauseMiningRequest ) returns ( .braiins.bos.v1.PauseMiningResponse );
// Method to reboot whole miner
rpc Reboot ( .braiins.bos.v1.RebootRequest ) returns ( .braiins.bos.v1.RebootResponse );
// Method to restart bosminer
rpc Restart ( .braiins.bos.v1.RestartRequest ) returns ( .braiins.bos.v1.RestartResponse );
// Method to resume mining
rpc ResumeMining ( .braiins.bos.v1.ResumeMiningRequest ) returns ( .braiins.bos.v1.ResumeMiningResponse );
// Method to start bosminer
rpc Start ( .braiins.bos.v1.StartRequest ) returns ( .braiins.bos.v1.StartResponse );
// Method to stop bosminer
rpc Stop ( .braiins.bos.v1.StopRequest ) returns ( .braiins.bos.v1.StopResponse );
braiins.bos.v1.AuthenticationService is a service:
service AuthenticationService {
rpc Login ( .braiins.bos.v1.LoginRequest ) returns ( .braiins.bos.v1.LoginResponse );
The vast majority of requests necessitate authentication, achieved by presenting a token in the Authorization header. This token primarily functions as a session token rather than an authentication token, mirroring the approach in the Braiins OS GUI. Sessions are time-limited, with tokens expiring after 3600 seconds of inactivity. Renewed activity prolongs the session, effectively extending its expiration. Consequently, a session remains active if requests are consistently made within short intervals.
Send a request with username and password to Login method in AuthenticationService. The token is present in the response body in token
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"username": "xxxx", "password": "yyyy"}' miner:50051 braiins.bos.v1.AuthenticationService/Login
"token": "eUInGZBQ4yGyKiDe",
"timeoutS": 3600
Note: Legacy way that token is present in the response header authorization
still works.
To authenticate requests with a token just add authorization
header with token using -H
$ grpcurl -plaintext -H 'authorization:FvZarvVQLCtzNaM6' miner:50051 braiins.bos.v1.MinerService/GetMinerDetails
"uid": "lAOJ0RbI6axyOyGf",
"minerIdentity": {
"model": "MINER_MODEL_ANTMINER_S19J_PRO", // Deprecated, use miner_model
"name": "Antminer S19J Pro"
"miner_model": "Antminer S19J Pro",
"platform": "PLATFORM_AM3_BBB",
"bosMode": "BOS_MODE_NAND",
"bosVersion": {
"current": "2023-04-20-0-0ce150e9-23.03-plus",
"major": "2022-09-13-0-11012d53-22.08-plus",
"bosPlus": true
"hostname": "localhost",
"macAddress": "94:e3:6d:fb:89:ad",
"systemUptime": "90919", // Deprecated, use system_uptime_s
"bosminer_uptime_s": "5050",
"system_uptime_s": "90919",
"kernel_version": "3.8.13+"
It is important to note what version of Public API must be used for communication with the miner. Current API version on the miner is available via GetApiVersion
method in braiins.bos.ApiVersionService
. This service does not require authentication.
$ grpcurl -plaintext miner:50051 braiins.bos.ApiVersionService/GetApiVersion
"major": "1",
"minor": "3",
"patch": "0",
"pre": "",
"build": ""
Note: Version 1.0.0-<ver>
is actually 1.0.0-<ver>.0
. 0
as default value was dropped during serialization.
Contains miner actions related protobuf messages and ActionsService with various method to control miner:
- Start - method to start mining,
- Stop - method to stop mining,
- PauseMining - method to pause mining,
- ResumeMining - method to resume mining,
- Restart - method to restart mining,
- Reboot - method to reboot whole miner,
- SetLocateDeviceStatus - method to enable/disable locate device mode,
- GetLocateDeviceStatus - method to retrieve the locate device mode status.
Contains authentication related messages and AuthenticationService with various methods:
- Login - method to log in and get auth. token,
- SetPassword - method to set new password.
Contains SaveAction enumeration used for setting configuration. Options:
- only save new configurationSAVE_ACTION_SAVE_AND_APPLY
- save and apply new configurationSAVE_ACTION_SAVE_AND_FORCE_APPLY
- save and force apply new configuration
Contains configuration related messages and ConfigurationService with various methods to read or modify miner settings:
- GetMinerConfiguration - method to read current miner configuration,
- GetConstraints - method to read current configuration constraints(min, max, default).
Contains protobuf messages used for constraints.
Contains cooling related messages and CoolingService with various methods to read cooling info and modify cooling settings:
- GetCoolingState - method to read current temperature measurements and fans states,
- SetImmersionMode - method to set/toggle immersion mode.
Contains license related messages and LicenseService with method to read license state:
- GetLicenseState - method to read current license state.
Contains miner related messages and MinerService with various methods to read info about miner:
- GetMinerStatus - method to fetch miner status,
- GetMinerDetails - method to read miner details info like model, IP, uptime, etc.,
- GetMinerStats - method to read aggregated miner stats,
- GetErrors - method to get all miner errors,
- GetHashboards - method to read miner hashboards state and statistics,
- GetSupportArchive - method to download Braiins OS support archive,
- EnableHashboards - method to enable hashboards,
- DisableHashboards - method to disable hashboards.
Contains network related messages and NetworkService with various methods to read and modify network settings:
- GetNetworkConfiguration - method to read network configuration,
- SetNetworkConfiguration - method to modify network configuration,
- GetNetworkInfo - method to get current network configuration for the default network interface.
Contains tuner related messages and PerformanceService with various methods to read or modify tuner:
- GetTunerState - method to read current tuner state and available tuner profiles,
- ListTargetProfiles - method to set default power target,
- SetDefaultPowerTarget - method to set default power target,
- SetPowerTarget - method to set specific power target,
- IncrementPowerTarget - method to increment currently configured power target by a specific value,
- DecrementPowerTarget - method to decrement current configured power target by a specific value,
- SetDefaultHashrateTarget - method to set default hashrate target,
- SetHashrateTarget - method to set specific hashrate target,
- IncrementHashrateTarget - method to increment currently configured hashrate target by a specific value,
- DecrementHashrateTarget - method to decrement current configured hashrate target by a specific value,
- SetDPS - method to set Dynamic Performance Scaling,
- SetPerformanceMode - method to set performance mode,
- GetActivePerformanceMode - method to read active(runtime) performance mode.
Contains pools related messages and PoolService with various methods to read or modify pool settings:
- GetPoolGroups - method to read current pools state and statistics,
- CreatePoolGroup - method to create pool group
- UpdatePoolGroup - method to update default pool group,
- RemovePoolGroup - method to remove pool group.
- SetPoolGroups - method to set all pool groups at once.
Contains protobuf messages representing various units like Voltage, Frequency, etc.
Contains mining work related protobuf messages.
Contains ApiVersionService service with GetApiVersion to be able to read current Public API version available for communication with miner
Do you have questions or specific needs from the API? Our dev and support teams are always available to help. You can send a request to our support team or open a GitHub issue.
You can also join our Telegram group at point and customize it to fit your project's specific needs.