Font load events, simple, small and efficient. It wil use the FontFace api if available, otherwise it falls back to a Dart port of
import 'package:font_face_observer/font_face_observer.dart';
import 'package:font_face_observer/data_uri.dart';
FontFaceObserver ffo = new FontFaceObserver('Arial', weight: 'bold');
FontLoadResult result = await ffo.load('/url/to/arial.ttf');
if (result.isLoaded) {
// at this point we're absolutely sure that the font has loaded
if (result.didTimeout) {
// We've timed out and are not sure if the font has loaded.
// You can reissue a ffo.check() call to check again if you want
// Build a base64 encoded data URI
DataUri di = new DataUri(); = DataUri.base64EncodeString('test');
..mimeType = 'text/plain';
..encoding = 'utf-8';
di.toString(); # data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,dGVzdA==
To run the demo, just install dependencies and run pub serve test
Then open http://localhost:8080
pub get
pub serve test
// Constructing a new FontFaceObserver (with default values)
String family,
String style: 'normal',
String weight: 'normal',
String stretch: 'normal',
String testString: 'BESbswy',
int timeout: 3000,
bool useSimulatedLoadEvents: false
// Check if the font face is loaded successfully
Future<FontLoadResult> check() async
// Load a font from the given URL by adding a font-face rule
// returns the same Future<FontLoadResult> from check()
Future<FontLoadResult> load(String url) async
// Unload a group of fonts (static call)
Future<int> FontFaceObserver.unloadGroup(String group);
// Unload a specific font by key and group
Future<bool> FontFaceObserver.unload(String key, String group);
Font Face Observer will use the FontFace API to detect when a font has loaded.