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Golden Parameter Search (GPS)

Golden Parameter Search (GPS) [Pushak & Hoos, 2020] is an automated algorithm congifuration procedure. That is, it seeks to optimize the performance of a target algorithm on a set of instances by automatically finding high-quality values for the parameters of the target algorithm. GPS can optimze the performance of an algorithm in terms of either the running time required to solve problem instances or the solution quality found by the target algorithm for the problem instances.

GPS is the first automated algorithm configuration procedure to exploit recent insights into the structural properties of algorithm configuration landscapes [Pushak & Hoos, 2018]. In particular, GPS assumes that each parameter of the target algoritm effects a uni-modal response in the performance of the algorithm, when modified individually. Furthermore, GPS assumes that most parameters of the target algorithm do not strongly interact, thereby allowing GPS to optimize each parameter semi-independently in parallel. These two assumptions allow GPS to quickly and efficiently explore the parameter configuration space. However, if you have reason to believe that your particular target algorithm contains parameters that strongly violates either of these two assumptions, then GPS may not be the appropriate algorithm configuration procedure for you.

If you use GPS in your work, please consider citing our paper.

  • Yasha Pushak and Holger H. Hoos.
    Golden Parameter Search: Exploiting Structure to Quickly Configure Parameters In Parallel.
    In Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Interntional Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2020). pp 245-253 (2020).
    Won the 2020 GECCO ECOM Track best paper award.
  • Yasha Pushak and Holger H. Hoos.
    Algorithm Configuration Landscapes: More Benign than Expected?
    In Proceedings of the Fifteenth Internationl Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN 2018). pp 271-283 (2018).
    Won the 2018 PPSN best paper award.

Table of Contents

Installing GPS

  1. Create a python2.7 virtual environment
  2. Download the latest version of the parameter configuration space parser from
  3. While in the main PCS directory, install PCS with pip install . or python install --user.
  4. Download the latest version of GPS from
  5. While in the main GPS directory, install GPS's other required python packages pip install -r requirements.txt.
  6. While in the main GPS directory, install GPS with pip install . or python install --user
  7. Setup and install a redis database.

Setting up a Redis Database

These instructions help you to setup a simple local database. You can find more information on redis on their official website: The configuration file provided is only a light modification of the one provided with redis 5.0.

You first need to install redis. It is available on most systems, as well as on Anaconda using:

conda install redis 

To start local a server, use the following command:

redis-server ./redis/redis.conf

This will start a server that listens to port 9503 on your local machine. It has 16 databases with dbid from 0 to 15.

In the file redis_configuration.txt change redis-host to localhost

You should now be ready to run GPS.

Quick Start Guide

GPS is implemented in python2.7, but is designed to be used from the command line. To use GPS you will need to launch a master process and one or more worker processes. The master process will loop through each parameter, check for newly completely target algorithm runs and queue new target algorithm runs to be performed. The worker processes will repeatedly check for new target algorithms, perform them and then save the reuslts. Communication between the master and worker processes is done through a redis database.

Required Input

To use GPS, you must provide it with several minimum requirements. We will use the artificial algorithm example scenario provided with GPS as a running example. This artificial algorithm hallucinates running times for simulated parameter responses, all of which is designed to approximate the behaviour of real target algorithms. The scenario was designed to be an easy benchmark for GPS that can be run in less than 5 minutes with 2 processors (it typically takes between 60-90 seconds on our machines).

GPS requires several pieces of information about your scenario to run:

Target Algorithm: A target algorithm to optimize. This corresponds to the GPS's algo argument. For example: --algo 'python2 examples/artificial-algorithm/'. The target algorithm can either be callable via the command line, or it can implement a simple python interface. See Target Algorithm Wrapper for more details.

Instance File: A file that specifies the instances on which your your target algorithm should be evaluated. Each line should contain a single instance name. This corresponds to the instance-file argument. For example: --instance-file examples/artificial-algorithm/instances.txt See Instance File Format for more details.

Parameter Configuration Space File: A parameter configuration space (.pcs) file, which defines the parameters of your target algorithm that GPS should optimize, including their names, (suggested) domains and default values. This corresponds to the pcs-file argument. For example: --pcs-file examples/artificial-algorithm/params.pcs See Parameter Configuration Space File Format for more details.

Target Algorithm Running Time Cutoff: The maximum amount of time GPS should wait for a single target algorithm call to complete. Ideally, the default configuration of your target algorithm should be able to solve at least 90% of the problem instances within this running time cutoff. The performance of all algorithm configurators is very sensitive to this parameter. If you are unsure what value to use, you can use a very large one. GPS will adaptively limit the running times of the target algorithm calls; however, it may initially waste considerable time if some of the first few target algorithm calls it performs take extremely long to run, since it won't yet know what a good value to use is. This corresponds to the algo-cutoff-time argument and should be specified in seconds. For example: --algo-cutoff-time 600

Configuration Budget: You must specify a configuration budget using at least one of GPS's three configuration budget limits. These are:

  • wallclock-limit - Which specifies the total wall clock time allowed for the GPS run.
  • cputime-limit - Which specifies the total amount of CPU time allowed to be spent evaluating configurations (exlcuding overhead from GPS) for the GPS run.
  • runcount-limit - Which specifies the total number of target algorithm runs allowed for the GPS run.

You may use multiple configuration budget limits together. For example: --runcount-limit 400 --cputime-limit 14400. Whichever one is exhausted first will terminate the GPS run.

Redis Database Configuration: You must also tell GPS how to connect to your redis database server. Normally, you will want to specify both the redis host and port using the redis_configuration.txt file in the main GPS directory, as these will typically not change between GPS runs. For example, the file contents could be:

redis-host = localhost
redis-port = 9503

If you choose, you can also specify this information on the command line: --redis-host localhost --redis-port 9503.

You will also need to speciy the redis database instance ID to be used for the GPS run. You can perform multiple independent runs of GPS in parallel, in which case each run must use a separate database ID. For this reason, we recommend to always specify this value on the command line. For example: --redis-dbid 0.

Example command line call for GPS

Combining all of the above examples, you're now ready to perform your first run of GPS. From the base GPS directory, run:

python2 --algo 'python2 examples/artificial-algorithm/' --instance_file examples/artificial-algorithm/instances.txt --pcs-file examples/artificial-algorithm/params.pcs --algo-cutoff-time 600 --runcount-limit 400 --cputime-limit 14400 --redis-dbid 0

This will setup the scenario files and output directory for the GPS run. It will then stop and wait until there is at least 1 GPS worker ready to start. It should print similar output to the following to the console:

[INFO]:2020-07-02 11:39:05,801: Starting new GPS run with GPS ID 4RP76T
[INFO]:2020-07-02 11:39:05,804: Waiting until all workers are ready...
[INFO]:2020-07-02 11:39:06,806: There are 0 out of a minimum of 1 workers ready...

Next, in a second terminal, run

python2 --redis-dbid 0

Note that you do not need to set any arguments other than the redis database ID. The first process you started will have already created all of the files necessary for the GPS run, including a new copy of the scenario file with all GPS arguments fully instantiated. The worker will connect to the specified database to determine the location of these files, and then it will begin to query the database for target algorithm runs to perform. At this time, the original process will begin running the GPS master process.

Normally, you would typically want to provide GPS with additional workers to distribute the work of performing target algorithm runs. There is no limit to the number of workers that GPS can use. You can continue to start as many worker processes as you like. However, since this scenario uses an artificial algorithm that requires virtually no time to perform the target algorithm runs, there is no benefit to doing so.

The entire process should take about 60-90 seconds to run, although it occassionaly requires up to 5 minutes. While running, GPS will print information to the console on the current status of its run, including any time it updates the value of a parameter in the incumbent configuration. When it is done, you should see output similar to the following printed to the console from the master process:

[INFO]:2020-07-02 11:40:34,070: Reason for stopping: run budget exhausted
[INFO]:2020-07-02 11:40:34,070: Used: 10289.0807883 CPU Seconds on target algorithm runs
[INFO]:2020-07-02 11:40:34,071: Used: 67.2261619568 Wall Clock Seconds (total)
[INFO]:2020-07-02 11:40:34,071: Used: 400 target algorithm runs.
[INFO]:2020-07-02 11:40:34,071: Final Incumbent:  -heuristic 'a' -x0 '5' -x1 '0.999546896146'

However, since GPS is a randomized algorithm the exact output will vary. See examples/artificial-algorithm/readme.txt for more information about this scenario.

Experiment Directory

Rather than running everything from the GPS root directory, it is often more convenient to specify the location from which the experiment should be run using the experiment-dir argument. When this is done, all other relative file and directory paths should be specified relative to this directory. Note that GPS will then change to this directory prior to beginning to run, which means that any relative paths used internally by your target algorithm or wrapper must be available from your experiment directory.

This is also a convenient way to help organize the several output files used by GPS, as they will be stored in this experiment directory rather than the directory from which you called GPS. To continue our running example, you would start the master process with the following command line call:

python2 --experiment-dir examples/artificial-algorithm/ --algo 'python2' --instance_file instances.txt --pcs-file params.pcs --algo-cutoff-time 600 --runcount-limit 400 --cputime-limit 14400 --redis-dbid 0

The call for the worker process remains the same.

Using a Scenario file

Rather than using a long command line call to start GPS, it is often helpful to specify most of GPS's arguments in a scenario file, and then to simply point GPS to the scenario file. For example, we include the file examples/artificial-algorithm/scenario.txt, which contains the following argument specifications:

pcs-file = params.pcs
algo = python
algo_cutoff_time = 600
instances = instances.txt
# Whichever budget limit is reached first will terminate GPS
runcount_limit = 400
# Note that GPS only counts the times reported by your target algorithm in this limit
# So even though we are giving it 6 hours (21600 seconds), it should actually terminate
# in around 1-3 minutess, since our artificial algorithm actually spends far less time
# than it returns
cputime_limit = 21600
verbose = 1

Any line that begins with # is treated as a comment and ignored.

You can then start the GPS master process using:

python2 --experiment-dir examples/artificial-algorithm --scenario-file scenario.txt --redis-dbid 0

The call for the worker process remains the same.

Any argument that can be specified on the command line can also be specified in a scenario file (except the scenario file itself). If the same argument is defined multiple times, the order of precedence will be: command line > scenario file > redis configuration file > GPS default values.

Temporary File Directory - Important

GPS (like other algorithm configurators) creates a large number of temporary files that it uses to interact with your target algorithm wrapper (provided you use the command line interface instead of the python interface). This can sometimes cause temporary performance degredation for your entire filesystem (which in turn, can of course impact the quality of the configurations found by GPS). GPS will clean up these files when it is done with them. However, for file systems that automatically back-up files, GPS and other algorithm configurators can still cause performance degradation.

For this reason, it is strongly recommended to provide GPS with the location of a temporary directory where it can create these files without effecting the performance of the main filesystem. This directory should not be backed up, and should ideally be fast to write to.

The temporary directory can be specified using the temp-dir argument. For example: --temp-dir /tmp.

GPS does not share temporary files between processes. So if worker processes are operating on separate nodes of a cluster, it is unproblematic for each worker to have access to separate temporary file directories.

Solution Quality Optimization

In addition to minimizing the running times of a target algorithm, GPS can be used to minimize the solution qualities found by the target algorithm, if applicable. For example, used this way GPS can optimize the validation error of machine learning models through hyper-parameter optimization, or GPS can be applied to optimize the performance of optimization algorithms, allowing them to find better solutions within a fixed computational budget. Recent evidence suggests that for scenarios where both metrics are available, optimizing for solution quality should provide configurators with a more informative objective function, allowing them to find higher-quality parameter configurations (see, e.g., Hall et al., 2020, "Analysis of the Performance of Algorithm Configurators for Search Heuristics with Global Mutation Operators").

An example artificial scenario showing how to use GPS for solution quality optimization can be found in ./examples/artificial-classifier, which is designed to approximately resemble the behaviour of a machine learning binary classification scenario. This scenario can be run with:

python --experiment-dir examples/artificial-classifier --scenario-file scenario.txt --dbid 0


python --dbid 0

Apart from providing GPS with the solution quality to optimize, it is required to specify in the scenario file that the run_obj is QUALITY instead of the default RUNTIME. When optimizing solution quality, GPS will minimize the mean solution quality.

Note that it does not make sense to use adaptive capping when performing solution quality optimization. Therefore, adaptive capping will be disabled and any values passed to the bound_multiplier parameter will be ignored.

Target Algorithm Wrapper

When performing automated algorithm configuration, it is typical to use a target algorithm wrapper that implements a particular command line interface between the algorithm configurator and the target algorithm. GPS supports both the conventional command line interface, as well as a python interface. The target algorithm wrapper is responsable for calling the target algorithm using the specified configuration on the specified instance, measuring the runing time or solution quality (e.g., validation loss), and enforcing the running time cutoff.

GPS uses the same command line interface as SMAC and ParamILS, which means that you can directly use any scenarios set up for use with the generic wrapper for algorithm configuration available from However, if your target algorithm is implemented in python, then using the python interface will potentially speed up the configuration process and improve the quality of the configurations found. This is because the python interface allows you to load and initialize data/instances a single time (per worker), and then re-use this data for each target algorithm call, whereas due to the nature of command line interfaces you must instead re-load the instances from the disk for every target algorithm call, which may be costly. The python interface is further advantageous as it removes the need for GPS to constantly write to and read from temporary files on the disk.

Command Line Target Algorithm Wrapper Format

The command line interface require input and output in a pre-defined format.

Target Algorithm Wrapper Input

The format for the wrapper command line calls must conform to the following:

wrapper_name instance_name instance_specifics running_time_cutoff run_length seed -a_parameter_name 'a_parameter_value' -another_parameter_name 'another_parameter_value' ...

The wrapper_name will correspond to the value you specify for GPS's algo argument.

The instance_name will correspond to one of the lines from your problem instance file (see below).

The running_time_cutoff will be a positive real number. Your target algorithm should respect this running time cutoff as closely as possible.

Currently, GPS does not support the instance-specific information or the run-length arguments. GPS will pass values 0 for both of these.

The remaining parameters passed will specify the configuration to be evaluated. Parameter names will be preceeded with a single dash. Following the parameter name there will be a single space and then the value for the parameter in single quotes. If you specify any conditional, parent-child relationships between your parameters, GPS will automatically remove any disabled children parameters prior to passing the configuration to your wrapper.

Target Algorithm Wrapper Output

The wrapper may output any amount of information to the command line. However, each call to the wrapper should produce exactly one line of output in the following format:

Result for GPS: run_status, runtime, solution_quality, miscellaneous_data

GPS will also accept Result for SMAC: and Result for ParamILS: as the beginning of the line.

The run_status must be one of: SUCCESS, CRASHED or TIMEOUT. For historical reason, GPS will also treat SAT and UNSAT as SUCCESS, anything else will be treated as CRASHED.

The runtime should be the running time spent by your target algorithm. This is the value that GPS uses as its objective function. This is also the number used by GPS to update the CPU time spent on its CPU time configuration budget. If the run result is either TIMEOUT or CRASHED, GPS will still use this running time to appropriately update the time spent in the budget, but will otherwise ignore the running time value, since it will penalize the configuration in question for being unable to produce correct output (within the running time cutoff limit).

At this time, GPS does not support solution quality optimization and will ignore the solution_quality field.

The miscellaneous_data field can contain any additional details about the target algorithm run that you choose. GPS parses it as a string, but otherwise ignores this information. For backwards compatibility with other configurators, this field should not contain any commas.

Python Target Algorithm Wrapper Interface

To use the python interface you will need to create a class called TargetAlgorithmRunner that inherits from GPS's AbstractRunner class and implements two functions: __init__ and perform_run.

The __init__ function should be used to load and initialize any needed instance data. However, you may also choose to do this in a lazy format, by only loading and saving instance data when it is first needed by perform_run.

The perform_run function should accept several key-word arguments defining, for example, the configuration to be evaluated, the instance on which the configuration will be evaluated, the maximum budget (cutoff) to be used by the target algorithm for this particular run, etc. It must also return exactly four arguments: the run status (one of SUCCESS, CRASHED or TIMEOUT), the running (budget) time spent on the target algorithm run, the solution quality and a string containing miscellaneous data. All four fields are always required for consistency; however, GPS does not make use of the solution quality when optimizing for running time.

We provide a minimal example below

from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits

from GPS.abstract_runner import AbstractRunner

# Note that the class name must match this exactly!
class TargetAlgorithmRunner(AbstractRunner):

    def __init__(self):
        X, y = load_digits(return_X_y=True)
        X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y,
        # Save the data for later re-use.
        self.X_train = X_train
        self.y_train = y_train
        self.X_test = X_test
        self.y_test = y_test

    def perform_run(self, parameters, instance, seed, **kwargs):

        Fits the model to the training fold specified by the instance
        and returns the validation error and the training time.

        parameters : dict
            A dictionary mapping parameter names to values. This defines the
            parameter configuration to be evaluated.
        instance : str
            The name of the instance on which the configuration is to be
            evaluated. This will correspond directly to one of the lines
            defined in your instance file.
        instance_specifics : str
            GPS does not currently support instance-specific information. This
            value will always be "0".
        seed : int
            The random seed to be used by your target algorithm.
        cutoff : float
            A running time cutoff to be used by your target algorithm. Note
            that you must enforce this cutoff in your target algorithm or
            wrapper, GPS does not do it for you. The cutoff time is in seconds.
        run_length : int
            GPS does not currently support run-length-based cutoffs. This value
            will always be 0.
        run_id : str
            A randomly generated string that you may optionally use to uniquely
            identify this run of your target algorithm.
        temp_dir : str
            The location of a directory where temporary files used by your
            target algorithm should be created (and deleted).

        result : str
            Should be one of 'SUCCESS', 'TIMEOUT', or 'CRASHED'.
        runtime : float
            The running time used by your target algorithm to perform the run.
            If optimizing for solution quality, this is still used for
            CPU-time-based configuration budgets.
        solution_quality : float
            The solution quality obtained by your target algorithm on this
            this instance. If optimizing for running time, this field is
            ignored by GPS (but still required).
        miscellaneous : str
            Miscellaneous data returned by your target algorithm run. This
            must be comma-free, but otherwise will be ignored by GPS.
        # Default values to overwrite if the run is successful.
        result = 'SUCCESS'
        error_observed = 1
        miscellaneous = ''
        # Get the train-test split that corresponds to the specified
        # instance
        X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = self._get_instance_data(instance)
        start_time = time.clock()
        # Create and fit the model using the specified configuration
        model = SVC(random_state=seed, **parameters), y_train)
        # Record the training time, whether or not the fitting failed, so
        # that GPS's remaining budget is adjusted accordingly
        runtime_observed = time.clock() - start_time
        # GPS always minimizes solution quality, so we return
        # the error instead of the accuracy
        error_observed = 1 - model.score(X_val, y_val)
        return result, runtime_observed, error_observed, miscellaneous

    def _get_instance_data(self, instance):
        if instance.lower() != 'test':
            X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test \
                = train_test_split(self.X_train, self.y_train,
            X_train = self.X_train
            y_train = self.y_train
            X_test = self.X_test
            y_test = self.y_test
        return X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test

This implementation leaves GPS to handle crashed target algorithm runs, which may cause GPS to over-charge the CPU budget (if specified) for crashed runs. That is, if a crashed run requires 1 CPU second, GPS will charge it for the full running time cutoff. This example also does not enforce a running time cutoff for the target algorithm. If a call to perform_run never terminates, then the GPS worker that initiated the call will be unable to report a result back to GPS. This could potentially be extremely problematic. By default, GPS will requeue any target algorithm runs for which a result has not been reported withiun two times their running time cutoff. Therefore, by not enforcing a running time cutoff, GPS's workers may all slowly become blocked while waiting for the same, broken target algorithm run to complete.

For a more detailed example on how to handle this, see the target algorithm runner as implemented in the example examples/digits-svm. To run this scenario (on an 8+ core machine), use:

python --experiment_dir examples/digits-svm --scenario_file scenario.txt --dbid 0


python --dbid 0 &
python --dbid 0 &
python --dbid 0 &
python --dbid 0 &
python --dbid 0 &
python --dbid 0 &
python --dbid 0 &

It should take approximately 1 minute to run. GPS should be able to reduce the test error from approximately 49% to 1.5% for this scenario.

As you can see from the docstring for perform_run, GPS also provides several other keyword arguments that you may use. However, since most of them were not needed in this example, we simply captured and ignored them with **kwargs.

Instance File Format

GPS requires that a text file that specifies the problem instances on which your target algorithm should be evaluated. Each line specifies the name of an instance, with one line per instance. It is common for instances to correspond to filenames; however, GPS treats them only as strings, so you may specify any kind of information as needed for your scenario, provided that it does not contain any spaces.

At this time, GPS does not support instance-specific information.

Parameter Configuration Space File Format

GPS requires a file that specifies the parameters of your target algorithm that are to be configured, containing the type of each parameter, the domain of values to be searched, and their default values.

GPS supports a subset of the parameter configuration space (.pcs) file formats used by SMAC and ParamILS. In short, it supports most of the old and new syntax, but it does not support forbidden statements or advanced conditional statements.

Each line in the parameter configuration space file should either specify a single parameter, should be a comment (beggining with "#") or should be left blank. The general format is:

parameter_name parameter_type parameter_range default_value [log] # Comment

The parameter_name should not contain any spaces.

The parameter_type should be one of: real, integer or categorical. Ordinal parameters are not currently supported by GPS, and should be encoded as integer-valued parameters.

If the parameter_type is real or integer, then the parameter_range should be specified in the following format: [lower_bound, upper_bound]. Note that unlike other algorithm configurators (e.g., SMAC or ParamILS), GPS does not treat these bounds as strict upper and lower limits, but instead as guidelines indicating promising regions of the configuration space. This means that if GPS sees evidence that values outside of this range will improve the performance of your target algorithm it will not hesitate to attempt them. If values outside of this range do not produce valid confiugrations (for example, the parameter specifies a probability), then it is up to you to monitor for these values. You can handle this case in any way that you deem appropriate, for example, but raising an exception (and returning a CRASH result to GPS), or by saturating the parameter value at the minimum or maximum. If desired, you can implement this in your target algorithm wrapper instead of your algorithm.

If the parameter_type is categorical, then the parameter_range should be specified in the following format: {value_1, value_2, ..., value_n}. Where each value is a space-free string that specifies one of the possible values for the parameter.

The default_value for your parameter should be contained within square brackets, and should be within the domain of values specified.

You may optionally append the word log (without square brackets) at the end of a line to suggest the parameter should be searched on a log scale. Currently this option is ignored by GPS.

You may also optionally append a # followed by any text to the end of any line, will GPS will treat this as a comment and ingore it.

Conditional Parameters

GPS also accepts conditional parameters, which may be specified using the following syntax:

child_parameter_name | parent_parameter_name == parent_parameter_value # comment

GPS does not support other operators, for example in or >. If you need to support this behaviour, you must create one child parameter for each value of the parameter parameter that should enable the child (see example below).

Note that GPS can have any number of children for a single parent parameter; however, GPS can only have a child parameter can only be defined for a single value of its parent parameter. This does not limit the number of parents or ancestors that a child can have -- however; each such parent or ancestor must enable the child for only a single value. This means that if you have the following:

param1 | param2 in {a, b}
param1 | param3 in {a, b}

you will need to encode this as, for example:

param1_2a_3a | param2 == a
param1_2a_3a | param3 == a

param1_2b_3a | param2 == b
param1_2b_3a | param3 == a

param1_2a_3b | param2 == a
param1_2a_3b | param3 == b

param1_2b_3b | param2 == b
param1_2b_3b | param3 == b

You should then modify your target algorithm wrapper to include param1_2a_3a, param1_2b_3a, param1_2a_3b and param1_2b_3b as aliases for param1. (Note that only one of these four aliases will ever be passed to your target algorithm at once time).

Example Configuration Space

The following configuration space is an extended version of the one used in the artificial algorithm example, designed to also illustrate conditional parameters.

# x0 is an integer-valued parameter. We're suggesting to GPS that it should 
# search values in the range [0, 20] and indicating that 2 is a good default
# value.
x0 integer [0, 20] [2]

# x1 is a real-valued parameter. We're suggesting to GPS that is should
# search values in the range [0, 20] and indicating that 3 is a good default
# value.
x1 real [0, 20] [3]

# heuristic is a categorical parameter. It can take on three values: a, b
# or c, which corresponds to three (fictional) heuristics that the 
# algorithm could use. We're indicating that c is a good default heuristic.
heuristic categorical {a, b, c} [c]

# sample_probability is a real-valued parameter. We're suggesting to
# GPS that it should search values in the range [0, 1]. Note that GPS might
# actually try values outside of this range if it sees evidence that they
# might perform better. However, since this is a probability it probably
# doesn't make sense for these values outside of [0, 1] to be used. If this
# causes unexpected behaviour for your target algorithm, you should 
# validate the parameter values prior to running it. You can simply tell
# GPS that a configuration with an invalid value crashed. 
sample_probability real [0, 1] [0.05]

# This tells GPS that sample_probability is a conditional parameter, that
# is, that your target algorithm only uses this parameter when heuristic
# is set to a.
sample_probability | heuristic == a

# If your algorithm shares a child value for two or more values of a
# parent parameter, then you must create one copy of the child parameter
# for each value of the parent for which the child should be used.
sample_probability_copy real [0, 1] [0.05]
sample_probability_copy | heuristic == b

Forbidden Statements

GPS does not currently support forbidden statements. If there are combinations of parameter values that do not yield valid confiugraitons, then you can instead detect these configurations in your wrapper and return a CRASHED run status without bothering to call your target algorithm. However, if your forbidden statements are complex, then you may wish to choose a different algorithm configurator (e.g., SMAC), since GPS assumes that your target algorithm parameters do not interact strongly, and hence this could cause performance degradation for GPS.

Old Parameter Configuration Space Syntax

GPS also supports the old parameter configuration space syntax. For example:

parameter_name [lower_bound, upper_bound] [default] i # for an integer-valued parameter
parameter_name [lower_bound, upper_bound] [default] # for a real-valued parameter
parameter_name {value_1, value_2, ..., value_n} [default] # for a categorical parameter

GPS Arguments

All of the following arguments can be specified on the command line on in a scenario file (except the scenario file itself, which must be defined on the command line). To specify an argument in a scenario file, simply remove all leading dashes. For example, to specify the instance file on the command line you would use:

python2 --instance-file /path/to/instances.txt

To specify the same in the scenario file you would place:

instance-file = /path/to/instances.txt

in the scenario file.

GPS Argument Table of Contents:

Setup Arguments

These are general GPS arguments that are used to set up the GPS run.


DescriptionThe root directory from which experiments will be run. By default, this is the current working directory. GPS will change to this directory prior to running, this means that if relative paths are specified for any other files or directories then they must be given relative to your experiment directory.
Aliases--experiment-dir, --experiment_dir, --experimentDir, --experimentdir, --exec-dir, --exec_dir, --execDir, --execdir, -e


DescriptionThe directory where output will be stored. The actual directory for a particular GPS run with ID gps_id will be stored in {experiment-dir}/{output-dir}/gps-run-{gps_id}
Aliases--output-dir, --output_dir, --outputDir, --outputdir, --output-directory, --output_directory, --outputDirectory, --outputdirectory, --out-dir, --out_dir, --outDir, --outdir, --log-location, --log_location, --logLocation, --loglocation


DescriptionThe scenario file (and location) that defines what settings are used for GPS.
Aliases--scenario-file, --scenario_file, --scenarioFile, --scenariofile, --scenario


DescriptionThe directory for GPS to use to write temporary files to. By default, GPS will write all temporary files to the current working directory (i.e., the experiment-dir. GPS will also clean up all such temporary files when it is done with them, unless GPS crashes unexpectedly. GPS will create a single temporary file for every target algorithm run, which means that it will create and delete and large number of these files. It is therefore strongly recommended to use a directory with a fast filesystem that is not automatically backed up. In some cases, GPS and other algorithm configurators with similar behaviour have been known to unneccesarily stress file systems with automatic back-ups due to the volume of temporary files created and deleted. If this happens, the quality of the configurations found with GPS (when using a wall clock budget) may suffer substantially, as well as any other person or system that interacts with the filesystem.
Aliases--temp-dir, --temp_dir, --tempDir, --tempdir, --temp, --temporary-directory, --temporary_directory, --temporaryDirectory, --temporarydirectory


DescriptionControls the verbosity of GPS's output. Set of 0 for warnings only. Set to 1 for more informative messages. And set to 2 for debug-level messages. The default is 1.
Aliases--verbose, --verbosity, --log-level, --log_level, --logLevel, --loglevel, -v

Redis Arguments

These arguments are required to configure GPS so that it connect to your redis server installation, which it uses to communicate between master and worker processes.


DescriptionThe redis database ID number to be used by this instance of GPS. All workers of this GPS instance must be given this ID. Each concurrent GPS instance must have a unique database ID.
Aliases--redis-dbid, --redis_dbid, --redisDbid, --redisdbid, --dbid


DescriptionThe redis database host name.
Aliases--redis-host, --redis_host, --redisHost, --redishost, --host


DescriptionThe redis database port number.
Aliases--redis-port, --redis_port, --redisPort, --redisport, --port

Scenario Arguments

These arguments define the scenario-specific information.


DescriptionIf algorithm-type is 'COMMAND_LINE', then this should be the command line string used to execute the target algorithm. Otherwise, this should be the name of the python file that implements the target-algorithm interface.
Aliases--algo, --algo-exec, --algo_exec, --algoExec, --algoexec, --algorithm, --wrapper


DescriptionThe CPU time limit for an individual target algorithm run, in seconds. If adaptive capping is used, GPS may sometimes use smaller cutoff times as well.
Aliases--algo-cutoff-time, --algo_cutoff_time, --algoCutoffTime, --algocutofftime, --target-run-cputime-limit, --target_run_cputime_limit, --targetRunCputimeLimit, --targetruncputimelimit, --cutoff-time, --cutoff_time, --cutoffTime, --cutofftime, --cutoff


DescriptionGPS can interact with your target algorithm either using ACLib's pre-defined command line interface, or more directly by using a python interface. To use the classic command line interface, set to 'COMMAND_LINE', otherwise use 'PYTHON'.
Aliases--algo-type, --algo_type, --algoType, --algotype, --algorithm-type, --algorithm_type, --algorithmType, --algorithmtype


DescriptionLimits the total CPU time used by the target algorithm, in seconds. Either this, the runcount or the wallclock limit must be less than the maximum integer value. The default is the maximum integer value. NOTE: Unlike SMAC, this does not include the CPU time spent by GPS -- this only adds the running times reported by your target algorithm wrapper and terminates GPS once they have exceeded this limit.
Aliases--cputime-limit, --cputime_limit, --cputimeLimit, --cputimelimit, --tunertime-limit, --tunertime_limit, --tunertimeLimit, --tunertimelimit, --tuner-timeout, --tuner_timeout, --tunerTimeout, --tunertimeout


DescriptionThe file (and location) containing the names of the instances to be used to evaluate the target algorithm's configurations.
Aliases--instance-file, --instance_file, --instanceFile, --instancefile, --instances, -i


DescriptionThe file that contains the algorithm parameter configuration space in PCS format. GPS supports a subset of the syntax used for SMAC and ParamILS.
Aliases--pcs-file, --pcs_file, --pcsFile, --pcsfile, --param-file, --param_file, --paramFile, --paramfile, --p


DescriptionThis is the objective that GPS is attempting to minimize. Can be 'RUNTIME' or 'QUALITY' to minimize the target algorithm's running time or solution quality, respectively. If 'RUNTIME', GPS will minimize the PAR10 of the running times.
Aliases--run-obj, --run_obj, --runObj, --runobj, --run-objective, --run_objective, --runObjective, --runobjective


DescriptionLimits the total number of target algorithm runs performed by GPS. Either this, the wallclock or CPU time limit must be less than the maximum integer value. The default is the maximum integer value.
Aliases--runcount-limit, --runcount_limit, --runcountLimit, --runcountlimit, --total-num-runs-limit, --total_num_runs_limit, --totalNumRunsLimit, --totalnumrunslimit, --num-runs-limit, --num_runs_limit, --numRunsLimit, --numrunslimit, --number-of-runs-limit, --number_of_runs_limit, --numberOfRunsLimit, --numberofrunslimit


DescriptionThe random seed used by GPS. If -1, a random value will be used. Note that because GPS is an asychronous parallel algorithm, it is not deterministic even when the seed is set to the same value, as this does not control for random background environmental noise that can affect the running times and order in which GPS receives target algorithm run updates.
Aliases--seed, -s


DescriptionLimits the total wall-clock time used by GPS, in seconds. Either this, the runcount or the CPU time limit must be less than the maximum integer value. The default is the maximum integer value.
Aliases--wallclock-limit, --wallclock_limit, --wallclockLimit, --wallclocklimit, --runtime-limit, --runtime_limit, --runtimeLimit, --runtimelimit

GPS Parameters

These are the parameters of GPS itself. You can use these to modify GPS to best suit your scenario, if desired. Unless you know what you are doing, we recommend not to change these parameters from their defaults, as they have been chosen through careful experimentation. However, we did this manually, so if you have a large enough budget, you could always apply GPS to configure itself, which would no doubt improve the performance of GPS ;) . If you do this, please get in touch! We would love to validate your GPS configuration and include it as the new default settings.


DescriptionThe significance level used in the permutation test to determine whether or not one configuration is better than another. Multiple test correction is not applied, so this is better viewed as a statistically-grounded heuristic than a true significance level. Setting this value too small will slow GPS's progress. Setting this value too high may allow GPS to make mistakes, which could potentially substantially adversely affect the final solution quality of the configurations found; however, it will allow GPS to move through the search space more quickly. If you can only afford to perform a single run of GPS, it is safest to set this parameter on the lower side: perhaps 0.01-0.05. Otherwise, you can experiment with larger values (say 0.1-0.25), which will increase the variance in the output of GPS. This parameter should be in (0,0.25). The default is 0.05.
Aliases--alpha, --significance-level, --significance_level, --significanceLevel, --significancelevel


DescriptionThe bound multiple used for adaptive capping. Should be 'adaptive', False or a positive, real number. We strongly recommend always setting it to 'adaptive'. Using a value of 2 as is often done in other configurators is known to be overly aggressive, and will frequently result in high-quality configurations that are incorrectly rejected. This will cause GPS to eliminate large swaths of the configuration space, possibly eliminating all high-quality configurations. If you believe that the running time distribution of your algorithm has substantially heavier tails than an exponential distribution, then you could set this to a large positive integer, e.g., 200. However, with a value so large you might as well disable adaptive capping by setting it to False. The default is 'adaptive'.
Aliases--bound-multiplier, --bound_multiplier, --boundMultiplier, --boundmultiplier, --bound-mult, --bound_mult, --boundMult, --boundmult


DescriptionThe decay rate used in GPS's decaying memory heuristic. Larger values mean information will be forgotten slowly, small values mean information will be forgotten quickly. Set this value to 0 if you believe that all of your algorithm's parameters interact strongly. Should be in [0, 0.5]. The default is 0.2
Aliases--decay-rate, --decay_rate, --decayRate, --decayrate


DescriptionThe instance increment controls the number of instances that are queued at one time. By increasing this value GPS will effectively operate on batches of instance_increment instances at one time for its intensification and queuing mechanisms. This can help to make better use of large amounts of parallel resources if the target algorithm runs can be performed very quickly and/or there are few parameters to be optimized. The instance increment must be a positive Fibonacci number. GPS will also dynamically update the value for the instance increment if it observes that there are too few tasks in the queue to keep the workers busy, or if there are too many tasks in the queue for the workers to keep up. The default is 1.
Aliases--instance-increment, --instance_increment, --instanceIncrement, --instanceincrement, --instance-incr, --instance_incr, --instanceIncr, --instanceincr


DescriptionThe minimum number of run equivalents on which a configuration must be run before it can be accepted as a new incumbent. This is also the minimum number of run equivalents required before two configurations will be compared to each other using the permutation test. Configurations whose intersection of run equivalents is less than this number will be considered equal. Consequentially, brackets cannot be updated until at least this many runs have been performed for each configuration. Setting this number too large will delay or completely stop GPS from making any progress. However, setting it too small will allow GPS to make mistakes about the relative performance of two configurations with high probability. Ultimately the distribution of running times for your algorithm will impact what should be considered a good setting for you. If you can only afford to perform a single run of GPS, it is safest to set this parameter on the higher side: perhaps 10-25 (provided you can afford at least thousands of target algorithm runs). Otherwise, 5-10 may be reasonable. Should be at least 5. The default is 5.
Aliases--minimum-runs, --minimum_runs, --minimumRuns, --minimumruns, --min-runs, --min_runs, --minRuns, --minruns, --minimum-run-equivalents, --minimum_run_equivalents, --minimumRunEquivalents, --minimumrunequivalents, --min-run-equivalents, --min_run_equivalents, --minRunEquivalents, --minrunequivalents, --minimum-instances, --minimum_instances, --minimumInstances, --minimuminstances, --min-instances, --min_instances, --minInstances, --mininstances


DescriptionGPS must use at least two processes to run: the master process, which loops through each parameter checking for updates and queuing runs; and at least one worker process, which perform target algorithm runs. By default, GPS's master process will setup the scenario files and then wait until it has received a notification that at least one worker is ready to begin. GPS does not count any time while waiting towards its total configuration budget. This parameter controls the minimum number of workers that need to be ready in order for GPS's master process to start. Note that it does not place any restriction on the maximum number of workers. If you set this value to 1, you can still point an unlimitted number of workers to the same GPS ID and they will run. This parameter is only used when starting GPS. If some or all of the workers crash unexpectedly, the master process will continue running until it has exhausted its configuration budget (which may be never if the configuration budget is based on the maximum number of target algorithm runs). This must be a non-negative integer. The default is 1.
Aliases--minimum-workers, --minimum_workers, --minimumWorkers, --minimumworkers, --min-workers, --min_workers, --minWorkers, --minworkers


DescriptionDetermines whether or not a bandit queue is used to prioritize parameters that are believed to be more importance. Parameter importance is approximated by counting the number of times that a parameter's incumbent is updated. Options are 'BANDIT', 'RANDOM' and 'DETERMINISTIC'. If set to 'RANDOM' or 'DETERMINISTIC' then parameters are prioritized equally, but the order in which they are processed will either be shuffled or not, respectively. Deterministic ordering is useful for debugging as it removes one of the many elements of randomness, but is otherwise not recommended. 'RANDOM' might be preferable to 'BANDIT' for heavily parameterized scenarios containing many conditional parameters -- especially if a single top-level parent parameter controls which of several algorithms are used, when each of which in turn contains many children parameters.
Aliases--parameter-order, --parameter_order, --parameterOrder, --parameterorder


DescriptionGPS can make some mistakes. Most often, these will simply cause GPS to avoid high-quality regions of the configuration space. However, in the presence of parameter interactions some mistakes can cause GPS to return worse incumbents when given a larger budget. This is because GPS can update the incumbent to a configuration which has never been evaluated before. Given enough time, GPS should typically be able to recover from these situations. However, if the configuration run is terminated shortly after such an update, GPS may return a poor quality incumbent configuration. By enabling this feature, GPS will automatically post-process all of the recorded target algorithm runs and select the configuration which exhibits the best performance on the largest number of instances. This post processing is an experimental method for post-processing the output from one or more GPS runs to help protect against these kinds of mistakes made by GPS. However, preliminary results testing this method currently indicates that it typically decreases the performance of the incumbents returned by GPS. Should be 'True' or 'False'. The default is 'False'.
Aliases--post-process-incumbent, --post_process_incumbent, --postProcessIncumbent, --postprocessincumbent


DescriptionGPS randomizes the order in which the configurations are evaluated on instances. Each parameter search process can either share an instance ordering or not. In the original version of GPS the instance ordering was shared, but we suspect it will slightly improve the performance to do otherwise, so the default is False.
Aliases--share-instance-order, --share_instance_order, --shareInstanceOrder, --shareinstanceorder


DescriptionWhen the master or worker processes are blocked waiting for new results/tasks to be pushed to the database, they will sleep for this amount of time, measured in CPU seconds.The default is 0.
Aliases--sleep-time, --sleep_time, --sleepTime, --sleeptime

Post-Process Parameters

GPS comes with a currently-undocumented post-processing procedure that can be used to post-process the output from one or more runs of GPS in order to extract the best configuration that has been evaluated on the largest number of instances. These are the parameters that control the behaviour of this procedure. If you perform multiple independent runs of GPS, but can not afford the time required to validate all of final incumbents, you may find this feature helpful. However, preliminary data suggests that using this procedure to post-process the output of a single GPS run harms the quality of the final configurations. Further study of this method is still required.


DescriptionThe significance level used in the permutation tests performed during GPS's optional incumbent post-processing procedure. Unlike the alpha parameter used by GPS's main procedure, multiple test correction is enabled by default, so this can be viewed as the actual significance level of the statistical tests performed, rather than as a heuristic. As a result, it is not unreasonable to set the main alpha parameter to a larger value than this one -- especially if multiple independent runs of GPS are performed. Should be in (0, 0.25]. The default is 0.05.
Aliases--post-process-alpha, --post_process_alpha, --postProcessAlpha, --postprocessalpha, --post-process-significance-level, --post_process_significance_level, --postProcessSignificanceLevel, --postprocesssignificancelevel


DescriptionThe minimum number of unique instances on which the intersection of the incumbent and a challenger must have been evaluated in order for a challenger to be considered in GPS's optional post-processing, incumbent-selection phase.
Aliases--post-process-min-runs, --post_process_min_runs, --postProcessMinRuns, --postprocessminruns, --post-process-min-instances, --post_process_min_instances, --postProcessMinInstances, --postprocessmininstances


DescriptionDetermines whether or not multiple test correction is used during GPS's optional incumbent post-processing procedure. Must be 'True' or 'False'. The default is 'True'.
Aliases--post-process-multiple-test-correction, --post_process_multiple_test_correction, --postProcessMultipleTestCorrection, --postprocessmultipletestcorrection


DescriptionThe number of permutations performed by the permutation test during GPS's optional incumbent post-processing procedure. Recommended to be at least 10000 to obtain stable permutation test results. Set it higher if you are using a smaller significance level or are performing the procedure on many combined, independent GPS runs, as the significance level will be smaller in such cases in order to perform multiple test correction. Must be a positive integer greater than 1000. The default is 10000.
Aliases--post-process-n-permutations, --post_process_n_permutations, --postProcessNPermutations, --postprocessnpermutations, --post-process-number-of-permutations, --post_process_number_of_permutations, --postProcessNumberOfPermutations, --postprocessnumberofpermutations


Yasha Pushak
[email protected]

PhD Student & Vanier Scholar
Department of Computer Science
The University of British Columbia


The Golden Parameter Search Configurator







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