Original (llama.cpp rocm port, llama.cpp commit) by SlyEcho, YellowRoseCx, ardfork, funnbot, Engininja2, Kerfuffle, jammm, and jdecourval.
To install, either use the file "easy_KCPP-ROCm_install.sh" or navigate to the folder you want to download to in Terminal then run
git clone https://github.com/YellowRoseCx/koboldcpp-rocm.git -b main --depth 1 && \
cd koboldcpp-rocm && \
make LLAMA_HIPBLAS=1 -j4 && \
python ./koboldcpp.py
When the KoboldCPP GUI appears, make sure to select "Use hipBLAS (ROCm)" and set GPU layers
KoboldCpp-ROCm is an easy-to-use AI text-generation software for GGML and GGUF models, inspired by the original KoboldAI. It's an AI inference software from Concedo, maintained for AMD GPUs using ROCm by YellowRose, that builds off llama.cpp and adds many additional powerful features.
- You will have to compile your binaries from source. A makefile is provided, simply run
. - Fedora users need some additional preparations for compiling koboldcpp with the ROCm feature. Please see below for more details.
- Arch Linux users can install koboldcpp via the AUR package provided by @AlpinDale. Please see below for more details.
- For an ROCm only build, do
make LLAMA_HIPBLAS=1 -j4
(-j4 means it will use 4 cores of your CPU; you can adjust accordingly or leave it off altogether) - Alternatively, if you want a full-featured build, you can also link CLBlast and or OpenBLAS by adding
to the make command, for this you will need to obtain and link OpenCL and CLBlast libraries.- For Arch Linux: Install
. - For Debian: Install
- For Arch Linux: Install
- For a full featured build, do
- After all binaries are built, you can use the GUI with
python koboldcpp.py
and select hipBLAS or run use ROCm through the python script with the commandpython koboldcpp.py --usecublas --gpulayers [number] --contextsize 4096 --model [model.gguf]
- There are several parameters than can be added to CLI launch, I recommend using
--usecublas mmq
or--usecublas mmq lowvram
as it uses optimized Kernels instead of the generic rocBLAS code. My typical start command looks like this:python koboldcpp.py --threads 6 --blasthreads 6 --usecublas --gpulayers 18 --blasbatchsize 256 --contextsize 8192 --model /AI/llama-2-70b-chat.Q4_K_M.gguf
Download the latest .exe release here or clone the git repo.
Windows binaries are provided in the form of koboldcpp_rocm.exe, which is a pyinstaller wrapper for a few .dll files and koboldcpp.py. You can also rebuild it yourself with the provided makefiles and scripts.
Weights are not included, you can use the official llama.cpp
to generate them from your official weight files (or download them from other places such as TheBloke's Huggingface. -
To run, simply execute koboldcpp_rocm.exe.
Launching with no command line arguments displays a GUI containing a subset of configurable settings. Generally you dont have to change much besides the
andGPU Layers
. Read the--help
for more info about each settings. -
Obtain and load a GGUF model. See here
By default, you can connect to http://localhost:5001
You can also run it using the command line. For info, please check
koboldcpp.exe --help
orpython koboldcpp.py --help
AMD GPU Acceleration: If you're on Windows with an AMD GPU you can get CUDA/ROCm HIPblas support out of the box using the
flag. -
GPU Layer Offloading: Want even more speedup? Combine one of the above GPU flags with
to offload entire layers to the GPU! Much faster, but uses more VRAM. Experiment to determine number of layers to offload, and reduce by a few if you run out of memory. -
Increasing Context Size: Try
--contextsize 4096
to 2x your context size! without much perplexity gain. Note that you'll have to increase the max context in the KoboldAI Lite UI as well (click and edit the number text field). -
If you are having crashes or issues, you can try turning off BLAS with the
flag. You can also try running in a non-avx2 compatibility mode with--noavx2
. Lastly, you can try turning off mmap with--nommap
For more information, be sure to run the program with the --help
flag, or check the wiki.
- KoboldCpp uses GGUF models. They are not included with KoboldCpp, but you can download GGUF files from other places such as TheBloke's Huggingface. Search for "GGUF" on huggingface.co for plenty of compatible models in the
format. - For beginners, we recommend the models Airoboros Mistral 7B (smaller and weaker) or Tiefighter 13B (larger model) or Beepo 22B (largest and most powerful)
- Alternatively, you can download the tools to convert models to the GGUF format yourself here. Run
to convert them, thenquantize_gguf.exe
to quantize the result. - Other models for Whisper (speech recognition), Image Generation, Text to Speech or Image Recognition can be found on the Wiki
(More in depth guide below)
- Use the latest release of w64devkit (https://github.com/skeeto/w64devkit). Be sure to use the "vanilla one", not i686 or other different stuff. If you try they will conflict with the precompiled libs!
- Make sure you are using the w64devkit integrated terminal, (powershell should work for the cmake hipblas part)
- This site may be useful, it has some patches for Windows ROCm to help it with compilation that I used, but I'm not sure if it's necessary with ROCm v5.7. https://streamhpc.com/blog/2023-08-01/how-to-get-full-cmake-support-for-amd-hip-sdk-on-windows-including-patches/
- (ROCm Required): https://rocm.docs.amd.com/en/latest/deploy/windows/quick_start.html
Build command used:
cd koboldcpp-rocm
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -G "Ninja" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLAMA_HIPBLAS=ON -DHIP_PLATFORM=amd -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER="C:/Program Files/AMD/ROCm/6.1/bin/clang.exe" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="C:/Program Files/AMD/ROCm/6.1/bin/clang++.exe" -DAMDGPU_TARGETS="gfx803;gfx900;gfx906;gfx908;gfx90a;gfx1010;gfx1030;gfx1031;gfx1032;gfx1100;gfx1101;gfx1102"
cmake --build . -j 6
(-j 6 means use 6 CPU cores, if you have more or less, feel free to change it to speed things up)
That puts koboldcpp_hipblas.dll inside of .\koboldcpp-rocm\build\bin copy koboldcpp_hipblas.dll to the main koboldcpp-rocm folder (You can run koboldcpp.py like this right away) like this:
python koboldcpp.py --usecublas mmq --threads 1 --contextsize 4096 --gpulayers 45 C:\Users\YellowRose\llama-2-7b-chat.Q8_0.gguf
To make it into an exe, we use make_pyinstaller_exe_rocm_only.bat
which will attempt to build the exe for you and place it in /koboldcpp-rocm/dists/
kobold_rocm.exe is built!
It seems like there's an issue with the commands you used because everything has escape slashes in it and the build process tries to use a different compiler than the one in the code before building the app
I'm not 100% sure if using w64devkit is still needed, using the Windows Terminal might work just as well.
Before starting,
- Make sure when you type
python --version
it shows at least "Python 3.10", I don't recommend using Python 3.11 or 3.12 for this; if its below Python 3.10, please upgrade Python. Use the Windows Installer (64 bit) File on this page. After updating close out of Windows Terminal or w64devkit and reopen it, typingpython --version
should show "Python 3.10.11". - Make sure you have AMD ROCm 6.2 installed before doing this. Also, I recommend changing the "AMDGPU_TARGETS" to only the one you're using as it will speed up compilation time significantly.
git clone https://github.com/YellowRoseCx/koboldcpp-rocm
cd koboldcpp-rocm
mkdir build && cd build
python -m pip install cmake ninja pyinstaller==6.4.0 psutil customtkinter
set CC=C:\Program Files\AMD\ROCm\6.1\bin\clang.exe
set CXX=C:\Program Files\AMD\ROCm\6.1\bin\clang++.exe
set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:\Program Files\AMD\ROCm\6.1
Then you can double check that CLang is set to the right version by using clang --version
which should show "AMD clang version 17.0.0"
After that, you should be able to run the following build procedure:
cmake .. -G "Ninja" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLAMA_HIPBLAS=ON -DHIP_PLATFORM=amd -DAMDGPU_TARGETS="gfx803;gfx900;gfx906;gfx908;gfx90a;gfx1010;gfx1030;gfx1031;gfx1032;gfx1100;gfx1101;gfx1102"
cmake --build . --config Release -j2
Everything should be fine and dandy then. After that, you'll need to copy "koboldcpp_hipblas.dll" from "*koboldcpp-rocm\build\bin\koboldcpp\hipblas.dll*" to the main folder "/koboldcpp-rocm".
If you are using a AMD RX 6800 or 6900 variant or RX 7800 or 7900 variant, You should be able to run it directly with either python koboldcpp.py
(for the GUI) or python koboldcpp.py --usecublas mmq --threads 1 --contextsize 4096 --gpulayers 45 C:\Users\USERNAME\llama-2-7b-chat.Q8_0.gguf
for starting via command line.
If you have an AMD GPU that's a RX6600 or RX6700 variant, you'll either need to compile the ROCm tensile library files yourself (in lazy mode IIRC?) or use the community provided tensile libraries here: https://github.com/YellowRoseCx/koboldcpp-rocm/releases/download/deps-v6.2.0/rocblas-6.2.0.dll.7z
I've never done it this way, but if you're not compiling the exe, extract that zip file into C:/Program Files/AMD/ROCm/6.1/bin/ it should merge with the "rocblas" folder that's already in there.
To build the exe, you should be able to use "make_pyinstaller_exe_rocm_only.bat" otherwise, make sure you're in the main /koboldcpp-rocm folder and you can do this:
copy "C:\Program Files\AMD\ROCm\6.1\bin\hipblas.dll" .\ /Y
copy "C:\Program Files\AMD\ROCm\6.1\bin\rocblas.dll" .\ /Y
xcopy /E /I "C:\Program Files\AMD\ROCm\6.1\bin\rocblas" .\rocblas\ /Y
Then with that rocblas-6.2.0.dll.7z file, extract the "rocblas" folder into /koboldcpp-rocm, the previous command will have copied the ROCm rocblas folder into /koboldcpp-rocm and you are merging the .zip files into that same folder. It can be done by hand, or by code like:
curl -LO https://github.com/YellowRoseCx/koboldcpp-rocm/releases/download/deps-v6.2.0/rocblas-6.2.0.dll.7z
7z x rocblas-6.2.0.dll.7z -aoa
Then you should be able to make the .exe file with this command:
PyInstaller --noconfirm --onefile --clean --console --collect-all customtkinter --collect-all psutil --icon "./niko.ico" --add-data "./winclinfo.exe;." --add-data "./OpenCL.dll;." --add-data "./klite.embd;." --add-data "./kcpp_docs.embd;." --add-data="./kcpp_sdui.embd;." --add-data="./taesd.embd;." --add-data="./taesd_xl.embd;." --add-data "./koboldcpp_default.dll;." --add-data "./koboldcpp_openblas.dll;." --add-data "./koboldcpp_failsafe.dll;." --add-data "./koboldcpp_noavx2.dll;." --add-data "./libopenblas.dll;." --add-data "./koboldcpp_clblast.dll;." --add-data "./koboldcpp_clblast_noavx2.dll;." --add-data "./koboldcpp_vulkan_noavx2.dll;." --add-data "./clblast.dll;." --add-data "./koboldcpp_vulkan.dll;." --add-data "./vulkan-1.dll;." --add-data "./rwkv_vocab.embd;." --add-data "./rwkv_world_vocab.embd;." --add-data "./koboldcpp_hipblas.dll;." --add-data "C:/Program Files/AMD/ROCm/6.1/bin/hipblas.dll;." --add-data "C:/Program Files/AMD/ROCm/6.1/bin/rocblas.dll;." --add-data "C:/Program Files/AMD/ROCm/6.1/bin/rocblas;." --add-data "C:/Windows/System32/msvcp140.dll;." --add-data "C:/Windows/System32/vcruntime140_1.dll;." "./koboldcpp.py" -n "koboldcpp_rocm_full.exe"
If you'd like to do a full feature build with OPENBLAS and CLBLAST backends, you'll need w64devkit. Once downloaded, open w64devkit.exe and cd
into the folder then run
then it will build the rest of the backend files.
Once they're all built, you should be able to just run make_pyinst_rocm_hybrid_henk_yellow.bat
and it'll bundle the files together into koboldcpp_rocm.exe in the \koboldcpp-rocm\dists folder
- If you wish to use your own version of the additional Windows libraries (OpenCL, CLBlast and OpenBLAS), you can do it with:
- OpenCL - tested with https://github.com/KhronosGroup/OpenCL-SDK . If you wish to compile it, follow the repository instructions. You will need vcpkg.
- CLBlast - tested with https://github.com/CNugteren/CLBlast . If you wish to compile it you will need to reference the OpenCL files. It will only generate the ".lib" file if you compile using MSVC.
- Move the respectives .lib files to the /lib folder of your project, overwriting the older files.
On other Linux distributions, ROCm development files come with copies of LLVM tools like clang and clang++ in /opt/rocm
, which is what the makefile expects. On Fedora, however, the ROCm packages do not do that. By running hipcc --version
you can find out where the LLVM tools are, which should be located at /usr/lib64/llvm17/bin
. Because of this, you need to make symbolic links:
This can be done with the following snippet:
sudo mkdir /opt/rocm/llvm &&
sudo mkdir /opt/rocm/llvm/bin &&
sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/llvm17/bin/clang /opt/rocm/llvm/bin/clang &&
sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/llvm17/bin/clang++ /opt/rocm/llvm/bin/clang++
The packages you need are rocblas-devel
and hipblas-devel
, installed with sudo dnf install rocblas-devel hipblas-devel
. All ROCm-related packages in the Fedora repositories may be found here.
This will allow the program to be compiled, but if you have RX 6700 XT then you also need to run make
with GPU_TARGETS=gfx1030
, so make LLAMA_HIPBLAS=1 GPU_TARGETS=gfx1030 -j$(nproc)
. Otherwise koboldcpp will crash with a CUDA-related error after loading the model into memory. You can check which GPU_TARGETS
you need with rocminfo | grep "Name" | grep "gfx"
, which will give you the gfxXXXX
platform information.
With these changes, the program should be readily compilable on Fedora 40 and Fedora 39. You can now follow the rest of the instructions in the README.
There are some community made AUR packages (Maintained by @AlpinDale) available: HIPBLAS and CUBLAS.
The recommended installation method is through an AUR helper such as paru or yay:
paru -S koboldcpp-hipblas
Alternatively, you can manually install, though it's not recommended (since the build depends on customtkinter):
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/koboldcpp-hipblas.git && cd koboldcpp-hipblas
makepkg -si
You can then run koboldcpp anywhere from the terminal by running koboldcpp
to spawn the GUI, or koboldcpp --help
to view the list of commands for commandline execution (in case the GUI does not work).
- Install and run Termux from F-Droid
- Enter the command
and chooseMirror by BFSU
- Install dependencies with
pkg install wget git python
(plus any other missing packages) - Install dependencies
apt install openssl
(if needed) - Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/LostRuins/koboldcpp.git
- Navigate to the koboldcpp folder
cd koboldcpp
- Build the project
- To make your build sharable and capable of working on other devices, you must use
, this disables usage of ARM instrinsics. - Grab a small GGUF model, such as
wget https://huggingface.co/concedo/KobbleTinyV2-1.1B-GGUF/resolve/main/KobbleTiny-Q4_K.gguf
- Start the python server
python koboldcpp.py --model KobbleTiny-Q4_K.gguf
- Connect to
on your mobile browser - If you encounter any errors, make sure your packages are up-to-date with
pkg up
- GPU acceleration for Termux may be possible but I have not explored it. If you find a good cross-device solution, do share or PR it.
- Please check out https://github.com/YellowRoseCx/koboldcpp-rocm (you're already here 😊)
- (Nvidia Only) GPU Acceleration: If you're on Windows with an Nvidia GPU you can get CUDA support out of the box using the
flag, make sure you select the correct .exe with CUDA support. - Any GPU Acceleration: As a slightly slower alternative, try CLBlast with
flags for a slightly slower but more GPU compatible speedup. - GPU Layer Offloading: Want even more speedup? Combine one of the above GPU flags with
to offload entire layers to the GPU! Much faster, but uses more VRAM. Experiment to determine number of layers to offload, and reduce by a few if you run out of memory. - Increasing Context Size: Try
--contextsize 4096
to 2x your context size! without much perplexity gain. Note that you'll have to increase the max context in the Kobold Lite UI as well (click and edit the number text field). - Reducing Prompt Processing: Try the
flag to reduce prompt processing frequency. - If you are having crashes or issues, you can try turning off BLAS with the
flag. You can also try running in a non-avx2 compatibility mode with--noavx2
. Lastly, you can try turning off mmap with--nommap
- These unofficial resources have been contributed by the community, and may be outdated or unmaintained. No official support will be provided for them!
- Arch Linux Packages: CUBLAS, and HIPBLAS.
- Unofficial Dockers: korewaChino and noneabove1182
- Nix & NixOS: KoboldCpp is available on Nixpkgs and can be installed by adding just
to yourenvironment.systemPackages
(or it can also be placed inhome.packages
).- Example Nix Setup and further information
- If you face any issues with running KoboldCpp on Nix, please open an issue here.
- GPTLocalhost - KoboldCpp is supported by GPTLocalhost, a local Word Add-in for you to use KoboldCpp in Microsoft Word. A local alternative to "Copilot in Word."
For more information, be sure to run the program with the --help
flag, or check the wiki.
- KoboldCpp now has an official Colab GPU Notebook! This is an easy way to get started without installing anything in a minute or two. Try it here!.
- Note that KoboldCpp is not responsible for your usage of this Colab Notebook, you should ensure that your own usage complies with Google Colab's terms of use.
- The official docker can be found at https://hub.docker.com/r/koboldai/koboldcpp
- KoboldCpp also has a few unofficial third-party community created docker images. Feel free to try them out, but do not expect up-to-date support:
- If you're building your own docker, remember to set CUDA_DOCKER_ARCH or enable LLAMA_PORTABLE
- First, please check out The KoboldCpp FAQ and Knowledgebase which may already have answers to your questions! Also please search through past issues and discussions.
- If you cannot find an answer, open an issue on this github, or find us on the KoboldAI Discord.
- For Windows: No installation, single file executable, (It Just Works)
- Since v1.15, requires CLBlast if enabled, the prebuilt windows binaries are included in this repo. If not found, it will fall back to a mode without CLBlast.
- Since v1.33, you can set the context size to be above what the model supports officially. It does increases perplexity but should still work well below 4096 even on untuned models. (For GPT-NeoX, GPT-J, and LLAMA models) Customize this with
. - Since v1.42, supports GGUF models for LLAMA and Falcon
- Since v1.55, lcuda paths on Linux are hardcoded and may require manual changes to the makefile if you do not use koboldcpp.sh for the compilation.
- Since v1.60, provides native image generation with StableDiffusion.cpp, you can load any SD1.5 or SDXL .safetensors model and it will provide an A1111 compatible API to use.
- I try to keep backwards compatibility with ALL past llama.cpp models. But you are also encouraged to reconvert/update your models if possible for best results.
- Since v1.75, openblas has been deprecated and removed in favor of the native CPU implementation.
- The original GGML library and llama.cpp by ggerganov are licensed under the MIT License
- However, KoboldAI Lite is licensed under the AGPL v3.0 License
- The other files are also under the AGPL v3.0 License unless otherwise stated
- If you wish, after building the koboldcpp libraries with
, you can rebuild the exe yourself with pyinstaller by usingmake_pyinstaller.bat
- API documentation available at
) and https://lite.koboldai.net/koboldcpp_api. An OpenAI compatible API is also provided at/v1
route (e.g.http://localhost:5001/v1
). - All up-to-date GGUF models are supported, and KoboldCpp also includes backward compatibility for older versions/legacy GGML
models, though some newer features might be unavailable. - An incomplete list of architectures is listed, but there are many hundreds of other GGUF models. In general, if it's GGUF, it should work.
- Llama / Llama2 / Llama3 / Alpaca / GPT4All / Vicuna / Koala / Pygmalion / Metharme / WizardLM / Mistral / Mixtral / Miqu / Qwen / Qwen2 / Yi / Gemma / Gemma2 / GPT-2 / Cerebras / Phi-2 / Phi-3 / GPT-NeoX / Pythia / StableLM / Dolly / RedPajama / GPT-J / RWKV4 / MPT / Falcon / Starcoder / Deepseek and many, many more.
- The best place to get GGUF text models is huggingface. For image models, CivitAI has a good selection. Here are some to get started.
- Text Generation: Airoboros Mistral 7B (smaller and weaker) or Tiefighter 13B (larger model) or Beepo 22B (largest and most powerful)
- Image Generation: Anything v3 or Deliberate V2 or Dreamshaper SDXL
- Image Recognition MMproj: Pick the correct one for your model architecture here
- Speech Recognition: Whisper models for Speech-To-Text
- Text-To-Speech: TTS models for Narration