This repository contains the source code for our ICRA2025 paper. In this work, we propose a versatile graph-based lifelong localization framework, LiLoc , which enhances its timeliness by maintaining a single central session while improves the accuracy through multi-modal factors between the central and subsidiary sessions. The main contributions are as follows:
- A graph-based framework for long-term localization featuring a flexible mode-switching mechanism, to achieve accurate multi-session localization.
- An adaptive submap joining strategy to dynamically manage (i.e., generate, select and update) prior submaps, reducing system memory consumption while ensuring the timeliness of prior knowledge.
- An egocentric factor graph (EFG) module to tightly couple multi-modal constrains, along with a novel propagation model to enhance prior constrains by distributing weighted scan matching factors in joint factor-graph optimization (JFGO).
- We achieve the competitive performance on public and custom datasets and the proposed system will be released for community use.
$\geq$ 18.04 (tested on Noetic) -
$\geq$ 1.8 (tested on PCL 1.10) -
Eigen >= 3.3.4 (default for Ubuntu 20.04)
$\geq$ 4.0 (tested on OpenCV 4.2) -
$\geq$ 4.0.3 (tested on GTSAM 4.2(a))
- ndt_omp
- livox_ros_driver
- better_fastlio2 (Refer to the module of "pose initialization" in this open-source repository, the new reconstructed code is comming soon.)
cd <your workspace>/src
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd ..
source devel/setup.bash
Since LiLoc is a graph-based localization method with a mode-switching mechanism, you need to provide the directory where your prior maps are stored and confirm your localization mode. Edit the parameter mode
in config/*.yaml
files to change the localization mode. If your set lio
, LiLoc can be truned in to incremantal localization mode and be directly used as a SLAM algorithm. You should edit the parameter savePCDDirectory
in config/*.yaml
files to confirm where the results are stored. Otherwise, if you set relo
, LiLoc is truned in to relocalization mode. So, you should edit the parameter savePCDDirectory
in config/*.yaml
files to confirm where the prior knowledge are loaded and the parameter saveSessionDirectory
in config/*.yaml
files to confirm where the upated central session maps are stored.
Since our code of "pose initailization" is under reconstrucion, you can directly use the "2D pose estimation" or refer to our previous repository named better_fastlio2 to set the initial pose. The reconstructed code will be publicly aviliable as soon as possible.
rosservice call /liloc/save_map 0.2 1 1 # save results of the current session
rosservice call /liloc/save_session 0.2 # save results of the updated central session
Download NCLT from
roslaunch block_localization run_nclt.launch
Download M2DGR from
roslaunch block_localization run_m2dgr.launch
Download the School dataset from Google Driver
roslaunch block_localization run_lio_sam_mid360.launch
Download the Factory dataset from BaiDu Pan (passcode: g4a8)
roslaunch block_localization run_lio_sam_default.launch
If you use any of this code, please cite our paper.
title={LiLoc: Lifelong Localization using Adaptive Submap Joining and Egocentric Factor Graph},
author={Fang, Yixin and Li, Yanyan and Qian, Kun and Tombari, Federico and Wang, Yue and Lee, Gim Hee},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.10172},
Thanks for the open-source projects LIO-SAM, liorf and Block-Map-Based-Localization.