This repository is created for implementating instrumentation-based modified condition/decision coverage in rust compiler based on llvm.
It is still under development and waiting for more tests. All changes are committed to the master branch.
See the track issure
To run tests
git clone
git checkout master
./x build --stage 1
./x test tests/coverage/
To check code of foo
export PATH=path/to/llvm-build:$PATH
rustup toolchain link mcdc build/host/stage1
cargo +mcdc rustc --bin foo -- -Cinstrument-coverage -Zcoverage-options=mcdc
cd target/debug
LLVM_PROFILE_FILE="foo.profraw" ./foo
llvm-profdata merge -sparse foo.profraw -o foo.profdata
llvm-cov show ./foo -instr-profile=foo.profdata --show-mcdc
Note that if a custom llvm is used, the llvm version should be 18 or later.
This repository only contains works by Banma. But mcdc implementation for rust also is co-authored by RenjiSann from Adacore, Zalathar.
evodius96 lands mcdc implementation on llvm and clarifies the details.
implements branch coverage, which introduces essential base for mcdc, and reviews a lot.
Ferrous shares their research about mcdc in rust.