Work in progress - Please get in touch
This is the second iteration of an automated deployment for running nodes and supporting infrastructure on the ICON Blockchain.
- Visit this link for more information
make clone-all
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]" -f $HOME/.ssh/icon_node
- Take note of the path that you create the keys in as you will need it in the next section
- There are five files
- Information about network and general setup
- Secret values like the keystore password (yeah, we know...) and paths to ssh keys / keystore
- Your AWS account number
- The region you deploy into. Same as in global.yaml
- The specs for your node.
- Two files have examples that you can remove the
file ending to get started - If you would like to get prompted for the inputs, run
cookiecutter .
and the files will be created for you.
- There are five files
- You will need to regster the node. Check the official docs
- Follow this readme and fill in the appropriate information
make eip-register
- Copy output and run in shell
- This is a one time process for most people
- We have several variations of the node deployment in various stages of development.
- Most stable version right now is the prep-module or prep-basic
- Developers will want to know how to deploy all the pieces individually
- To deploy the most basic version, run:
make apply-prep-module
To turn off your node, run:
make destroy-prep-module
To view a complete list of areas that we are working on, check this link.
Short list being:
- Improved monitoring and alerting
- DDoS protection using Envoy
- Host intrusion detection systems
- Vault secrets management
- Improved deployment and testing patterns
Get in touch with Rob if you want to help / need a walk through of the repo.
The deployment works on both Linux and Mac. For windows you will want to install Ubuntu WSL.
- To install dependencies, first try the Makefile
- Mac - Have brew installed then
make install-deps-mac
from the root of repo - Ubuntu -
make install-deps-ubuntu
- Mac - Have brew installed then
- Visit this link for more information
- Here are most of the programs - may be some dependencies of these missing, hence check link above.
- nodejs
- meta
- terraform
- terragrunt
- packer
- ansible
- build-essential
- awscli
- pip
- requests==2.20.0
- preptools