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NPM Packages for Act Now Coalition

This is a multi-package repository to host NPM packages for the Act Now Coalition.


Make sure you have Node.js installed. We recommend using nvm to quickly install and use different versions of node via the command line. In this project, we use Node 16 (the latest LTS version).

nvm install v16
nvm use v16



Once the code is merged to develop, we can publish the package by merging the changeset-release/develop branch to develop. To publish your package

  1. Go to the changeset-release/develop branch. This should be titled "Version Packages" and should be automatically generated when we ship updates with changesets attached to their PRs. If there is no changeset-release/develop branch, then no changeset has been detected since the last package release.
  2. Once step one is complete, the updated package should be published on NPM. Check our Github Actions page or NPM to see if it published successfully.
  3. In most cases, it is good practice to also update Act Now Template to use the newly updated package. More information here.

Installing the package

If you want to use the package on a different project, you can install it as you would normally do with any other package. For example, to install the package on a different repository, just go to that project and run:

yarn add @actnowcoalition/actnow.js

If you need a specific version, you can install

yarn add @actnowcoalition/[email protected]

Updating a package

If you change the code on a package, you will need to update its version number and re-publish the package. We use semantic versioning to determine what the new version number should be.
