gtk4 offline app for Muslims prayer times; Get salat timing at your linux desktop with full control over the methods adjustment. this app can work without connection or sending your personal ip adress to any random api servers.
we use ( free and open source api ) to proved you an api that can return lat & long from your given adress. we recommend you to read privacy policy pf nomination api.
Web Client:
Report issues:
install it from terminal or from flathub
flatpak install flathub io.github.adenlall.salatok-gtk
then, run it with :
flatpak run io.github.adenlall.salatok-gtk
download the .deb package from releases and install it from the terminal.
sudo apt install ./salatokapp_1.1.3_all.deb
or open it in your software app (ex: GNOME Software)
this package will be available soon on Debian repos
download the .deb package from releases and install it.
for more install ressources ( optional ) :
* visit : and select "Text" for file format, and download all you need from the list there.
* then copy all .txt files downloaded into this location `$HOME/.local/share/quran/io.github.adenlall.salatok-gtk/`
- the file name should be something like : <Language>.<Translator>.txt ex: ar.tanzil.txt
* download or copy any .ttf or otf font files into `$HOME/.local/share/fonts/io.github.adenlall.salatok-gtk/`
- name the file like his font name plus language of the font. ex: if you have Ubuntu Font, the name should be exactly like this : Ubunutu.latin.ttf
If you're unfamiliar with GJS, here are a few good places to start:
- The beginner-level guide for working with GJS
- An overview of working with GNOME APIs via GJS
- The documentation for various GNOME libraries in JavaScript
This app is under GPL-v3.0