This project was forked from: to add support for CakePHP 2.x
All credits go to the original authors of securimage and the author of this CakePHP component.
The url to the original project is:
This is a modified version of the docs found on the url above, to mirror the changes for using with CakePHP 2.x.
Some major changes are the removal of all option-handling from the component and the ability to override these through the $options array passed within the components declaration in the controller. Please refer to the USAGE section for more details. Also, there are some examples of how to integrate validation within the form's model and integration within a plugin.
First and foremost, you are required to obtain the SecurImage library and unzip it into your app/Vendor folder.
If you are familiar with the CakePHP framework, usage of this component should be fairly evident to you.
The zip file contains:
A component file that should be placed in Controller/Components folder of your application, and A view file, that is to be placed in View/Elements folder.
If effect, the folder structure should be as follows:
├── Controller
│ └── Component
│ └── SecurimageComponent.php
├── Vendor
│ └── securimage (The folder you get from unzipping the Securimage library)
└── View
└── Elements
└── securimage.ctp
The component should be included like a standard CakePHP component, in whichever controller you wish to use it. In my examples, I’m using a controller named ContactsController. The corresponding model’s name is ContactForm.
Simple example:
class ContactsController extends AppController {
// Components
public $components = array(
Example if using this Component inside a plugin, e.g. 'MyPlugin':
App::uses('MyPluginAppController', 'MyPlugin.Controller');
class ContactsController extends MyPluginAppController {
// Components
public $components = array(
The same example but with parameters:
App::uses('MyPluginAppController', 'MyPlugin.Controller');
* Import SecurImage library to be able to use class constants like:
require_once(APP . 'Plugin' . DS . 'MyPlugin' . DS . 'Vendor' . DS .
'securimage' . DS . 'securimage.php');
class ContactController extends MyPluginAppController {
// Components
public $components = array(
'Securimage' => array(
'options' => array(
'image_width' => 150,
'image_height' => 56,
'image_bg_color' => '#F7F7F7',
'captcha_type' => Securimage::SI_CAPTCHA_MATHEMATIC,
Note: For a full list of available parameters (configuration options)
please take a look into the Vendor/securimage/securimage.php file.
Also, if using this Component inside a plugin, then the Component should be adjusted to use the controller and paths inside the plugin. The diff would look something like this:
--- Controller/Component/SecurimageComponent.php
+++ Plugin/MyPlugin/Controller/Component/SecurimageComponent.php
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
* Import SecurImage library
-require_once(APP . 'Vendor' . DS . 'securimage' . DS . 'securimage.php');
+require_once(APP . 'Plugin' . DS . 'MyPlugin' . DS . 'Vendor' . DS .
+ 'securimage' . DS . 'securimage.php');
* Project: Securimage Captcha Component<br />
* File: SecurimageComponent.php<br />
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@
* @version 0.5
-App::uses('Component', 'Controller');
+App::uses('Component', 'MyPlugin.Controller');
class SecurimageComponent extends Component {
It is important to add the new route to the securimage action of the controller. This would look something like this:
// Config/routes.php
CroogoRouter::connect('/contact/securimage/*', array('controller' => 'contact', 'action' => 'securimage'));
... or if using inside a plugin:
// Plugin/MyPlugin/Config/routes.php
CroogoRouter::connect('/contact/securimage/*', array('plugin' => 'my_plugin', 'controller' => 'contact',
'action' => 'securimage'));
In your view file the CAPTCHA image can be displayed in the following manner:
$captcha = (
'<img id="captcha" src="/contact/securimage/0" alt="CAPTCHA image" />' .
' <a href="#" title="' .
__('Load a different image.') . '" onclick="' .
"document.getElementById('captcha').src = " .
"'/contact/securimage/' + Math.random(); return false;" .
'"><i class="icon-refresh"></i></a> ');
$this->Form->input('captcha_code', array(
'label' => __('Please solve the following puzzle:'),
'before' => '',
'between' => $captcha,
'after' => '',
'class' => 'input-mini'));
For the validation, you can add the 'captcha_code' field to the form's Model (in my case I'm using a model within my plugin without a table to handle the validation):
// Plugin/MyPlugin/Model/ContactForm.php
App::uses('MyPluginAppModel', 'MyPlugin.Model');
* Import SecurImage library for checking captcha_code field
require_once(APP . 'Plugin' . DS . 'MyPlugin' . DS . 'Vendor' . DS . 'securimage' . DS . 'securimage.php');
class ContactForm extends MyPluginAppModel {
public $name = 'ContactForm';
// don't want this model on db, just use it for validation
public $useTable = false;
protected $_schema = array(
// many fields
'captcha_code' => array('type' => 'string', 'null' => false, 'default' => '',
'length' => '3'),
public $validate = array(
// some field validations
'captcha_code' => array(
'notEmpty' => array(
'rule' => array('notEmpty'),
'message' => 'You need to solve the puzzle to continue.',
'validCode' => array(
'rule' => array('checkCaptcha'),
'message' => 'The answer you entered was incorrect.',
public function checkCaptcha($check) {
$securimage = new Securimage();
return $securimage->check($check['captcha_code']);