Web micro service for ORCID
git clone https://github.com/adsabs/orcid-service
virtualenv python
pip install -r requirements.txt
vim orcid_service/config.py # edit edit...
python orcid_service/app.py &
The service needs to know few details
- ORCID_API_ENDPOINT: usually https://api.orcid.org/v1.2
- ORCID_CLIENT_SECRET: must be given to you by Orcid, do not share this secret!
- ORCID_CLIENT_ID: given to you from Orcid
To check existing routes:
curl "" | python -mjson.tool
For testing purposes, the application can be started with Flask-CORS activated (good for testing ajax requests; ie. directly from Bumblebee)
python orcid_service/cors.py