These dotfiles contain all of the necessary packages, plugins and config I need to be a productive (Python/Javascript/Rust/C) developer. They mostly concern (n)vim, tmux and fish.
I've tested these dotfiles on both ubuntu and macOS.
- custom config for vim/nvim, ack-grep, fish, eslint, tmux
- vim plugins:
- ale - asynchronous code linting
- ctrlp.vim - fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder
- nerdtree - tree-style file explorer
- vim-nerdtree-tabs - makes nerdtree work better with tab-based workflow
- vim-gitgutter - show git diff in the gutter, stage/revert hunks
- lightline.vim - powerful and lightweight status/tabline
- maximbaz/lightline-ale - ALE indicators for lightline
- vim-polyglot - improved syntax highlighting
- coc.nvim - LanguageServer client for intelligent autocomplete
- vim colorschemes:
- TMUX plugins
- tpm - tmux plugin manager
- tmux-resurrect - persists tmux environment across system restarts
- tmux-yank - copying to system clipboard
- Ensure you have either neovim >= 0.3.0 or vim >= 8.0. Some plugins such as coc.nvim will need some extra fiddling to get working with regular Vim, though it should be possible. I personally also get much better performance with neovim these days, so that's what I recommend. My fish config aliases
sudo apt install neovim
brew install neovim
Configure your terminal background color to
for best integration with my vim/tmux config. Adding some padding inside the terminal is also recommended, if possible. -
Ensure you have fish installed
sudo apt install fish
brew install fish
echo /usr/local/bin/fish | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
- On macOS, set fish as your default shell:
chsh -s $(which fish)
You will need to logout and log back in for this to take effect.
On linux, weird things happen if you set fish as the default shell, so instead [we have set fish][./.tmux-linux.conf] as the default command for tmux. You can also set fish as the defalt command to run in your terminal emulator, for if you are not using tmux.
- Ensure you have flake8 (for ale python linting) and python-language-server (autocompletion) installed
sudo pip install flake8 python-language-server
- Ensure you have the python3 neovim interface installed
pip3 install neovim
- Ensure you have yarn (for coc.nvim) and eslint (for ALE) installed
sudo npm install -g yarn eslint eslint-config-tomjwatson
- Clone the repository and install the configs
git clone
cd dotfiles
To install the tmux plugins, start tmux and run
+ I. -
To install the vim plugins, open vim and run
- Install common coc.nvim plugins. NOTE - on linux these seem to need to be run with sudo
# Javascript / Typescript
:CocInstall coc-eslint coc-tslint coc-tsserver
# Web Development
:CocInstall coc-json coc-html coc-stylelint
# Rust
:CocInstall coc-rls
# Python
:CocInstall coc-pyls
- Pull the latest configs from git and install them
- To update all vim plugins, open vim and run