This project allows you to convert a landscape image into a panning video. The output video is in 16:9 format, which is useful for Instagram stories, TikTok, and other social media platforms that support videos in this format.
- Convert a landscape image into a panning video
- Easy to use
- High-quality output
- Customizable output size, frame rate, and movement direction
- Add audio to the output video
- Support for multiple images
- Support for multiple audio formats
- Support for multiple movement directions
git clone
cd Photo2Panning
poetry install
poetry run python -m pic2panning.main --images --output_file output.mp4 --time 5 --ratio 16:9 --audio.files --output_size 1080 1920 --fps 240 --movement panning-lr
Demo command: poetry run python -m pic2panning.demos.panning lr
Demo command: poetry run python -m pic2panning.demos.zoom in
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License