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Make the category C explicit (#634)
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* Make the category `C` explicit

In `Categories/Morphism.agda`:
- `isMonic`
- `isEpic`
- `isSplitMon`
- `isSplitEpi`
- `areInv`
- `isIso`

In `Categories/Category/Base.agda`: `CatIso`

* Fix whitespace
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barrettj12 authored Nov 26, 2021
1 parent 2226a0b commit 5af5c0b
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Showing 12 changed files with 67 additions and 59 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions Cubical/Categories/Category/Base.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,16 +48,16 @@ infixr 16 comp'
syntax comp' C g f = g ∘⟨ C ⟩ f

-- Isomorphisms and paths in categories
record CatIso {C : Category ℓ ℓ'} (x y : C .ob) : Type ℓ' where
record CatIso (C : Category ℓ ℓ') (x y : C .ob) : Type ℓ' where
constructor catiso
mor : C [ x , y ]
inv : C [ y , x ]
sec : inv ⋆⟨ C ⟩ mor ≡ C .id
ret : mor ⋆⟨ C ⟩ inv ≡ C .id

pathToIso : {C : Category ℓ ℓ'} {x y : C .ob} (p : x ≡ y) CatIso {C = C} x y
pathToIso {C = C} p = J (λ z _ CatIso _ z) (catiso idx idx (C .⋆IdL idx) (C .⋆IdL idx)) p
pathToIso : {C : Category ℓ ℓ'} {x y : C .ob} (p : x ≡ y) CatIso C x y
pathToIso {C = C} p = J (λ z _ CatIso _ _ z) (catiso idx idx (C .⋆IdL idx) (C .⋆IdL idx)) p
idx = C .id

Expand All @@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ record isUnivalent (C : Category ℓ ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') where
univ : (x y : C .ob) isEquiv (pathToIso {C = C} {x = x} {y = y})

-- package up the univalence equivalence
univEquiv : (x y : C .ob) (x ≡ y) ≃ (CatIso x y)
univEquiv : (x y : C .ob) (x ≡ y) ≃ (CatIso _ x y)
univEquiv x y = pathToIso , univ x y

-- The function extracting paths from category-theoretic isomorphisms.
CatIsoToPath : {x y : C .ob} (p : CatIso x y) x ≡ y
CatIsoToPath : {x y : C .ob} (p : CatIso _ x y) x ≡ y
CatIsoToPath {x = x} {y = y} p =
equivFun (invEquiv (univEquiv x y)) p

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28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions Cubical/Categories/Constructions/Slice.agda
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Expand Up @@ -158,18 +158,18 @@ module _ ⦃ isU : isUnivalent C ⦄ where

-- names for the equivalences/isos

pathIsoEquiv : (x ≡ y) ≃ (CatIso x y)
pathIsoEquiv : (x ≡ y) ≃ (CatIso _ x y)
pathIsoEquiv = univEquiv isU x y

isoPathEquiv : (CatIso x y) ≃ (x ≡ y)
isoPathEquiv : (CatIso _ x y) ≃ (x ≡ y)
isoPathEquiv = invEquiv pathIsoEquiv

pToIIso' : Iso (x ≡ y) (CatIso x y)
pToIIso' : Iso (x ≡ y) (CatIso _ x y)
pToIIso' = equivToIso pathIsoEquiv

-- the iso in SliceCat we're given induces an iso in C between x and y
module _ ( cIso@(catiso kc lc s r) : CatIso {C = SliceCat} xf yg ) where
extractIso' : CatIso {C = C} x y
module _ ( cIso@(catiso kc lc s r) : CatIso SliceCat xf yg ) where
extractIso' : CatIso C x y
extractIso' .mor = kc .S-hom
extractIso' .inv = lc .S-hom
extractIso' .sec i = (s i) .S-hom
Expand All @@ -181,11 +181,11 @@ module _ ⦃ isU : isUnivalent C ⦄ where
preservesUnivalenceSlice .univ xf@(sliceob {x} f) yg@(sliceob {y} g) = isoToIsEquiv sIso
-- this is just here because the type checker can't seem to infer xf and yg
pToIIso : Iso (x ≡ y) (CatIso x y)
pToIIso : Iso (x ≡ y) (CatIso _ x y)
pToIIso = pToIIso' {xf = xf} {yg}

-- the meat of the proof
sIso : Iso (xf ≡ yg) (CatIso xf yg)
sIso : Iso (xf ≡ yg) (CatIso _ xf yg)
sIso .fun p = pathToIso p -- we use the normal pathToIso via path induction to get an isomorphism
sIso .inv is@(catiso kc lc s r) = SliceOb-≡-intro x≡y (symP (sym (lc .S-comm) ◁ lf≡f))
Expand All @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ module _ ⦃ isU : isUnivalent C ⦄ where
l = lc .S-hom

-- extract out the iso between x and y
extractIso : CatIso {C = C} x y
extractIso : CatIso C x y
extractIso = extractIso' is

-- and we can use univalence of C to get x ≡ y
Expand All @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ module _ ⦃ isU : isUnivalent C ⦄ where
idx = C .id
pToIFam = (λ z _ CatIso {C = C} x z)
pToIFam = (λ z _ CatIso C x z)
pToIBase = catiso (C .id) idx (C .⋆IdL idx) (C .⋆IdL idx)

l≡pToI : l ≡ pathToIso {C = C} x≡y .inv
Expand All @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ module _ ⦃ isU : isUnivalent C ⦄ where
k = kc .S-hom
l = lc .S-hom

extractIso : CatIso {C = C} x y
extractIso : CatIso C x y
extractIso = extractIso' is

-- we do the equality component wise
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -305,11 +305,11 @@ module _ ⦃ isU : isUnivalent C ⦄ where
idx = C .id
pToIFam = (λ z _ CatIso {C = C} x z)
pToIFam = (λ z _ CatIso C x z)
pToIBase = catiso (C .id) idx (C .⋆IdL idx) (C .⋆IdL idx)

idxf = SliceCat .id
pToIFam' = (λ z _ CatIso {C = SliceCat} xf z)
pToIFam' = (λ z _ CatIso SliceCat xf z)
pToIBase' = catiso (SliceCat .id) idxf (SliceCat .⋆IdL idxf) (SliceCat .⋆IdL idxf)

-- why does this not follow definitionally?
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -370,8 +370,8 @@ open isIsoC renaming (inv to invC)

-- make a slice isomorphism from just the hom
sliceIso : {a b} (f : C [ a .S-ob , b .S-ob ]) (c : (f ⋆⟨ C ⟩ b .S-arr) ≡ a .S-arr)
isIsoC {C = C} f
isIsoC {C = SliceCat} (slicehom f c)
isIsoC C f
isIsoC SliceCat (slicehom f c)
sliceIso f c isof .invC = slicehom (isof .invC) (sym (invMoveL (isIso→areInv isof) c))
sliceIso f c isof .sec = SliceHom-≡-intro' (isof .sec)
sliceIso f c isof .ret = SliceHom-≡-intro' (isof .ret)
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Cubical/Categories/Equivalence/Properties.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ module _ {C : Category ℓC ℓC'} {D : Category ℓD ℓD'} where
Gg≡ηhη : G ⟪ g ⟫ ≡ cIso .inv ⋆⟨ C ⟩ h ⋆⟨ C ⟩ c'Iso .mor
Gg≡ηhη = invMoveL cAreInv move-c' ∙ sym (C .⋆Assoc _ _ _)
cAreInv : areInv (cIso .mor) (cIso .inv)
cAreInv : areInv _ (cIso .mor) (cIso .inv)
cAreInv = CatIso→areInv cIso

c'AreInv : areInv (c'Iso .mor) (c'Iso .inv)
c'AreInv : areInv _ (c'Iso .mor) (c'Iso .inv)
c'AreInv = CatIso→areInv c'Iso

move-c' : cIso .mor ⋆⟨ C ⟩ G ⟪ g ⟫ ≡ h ⋆⟨ C ⟩ c'Iso .mor
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Cubical/Categories/Functor/Base.agda
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Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ record Functor (C : Category ℓC ℓC') (D : Category ℓD ℓD') :

isFull = (x y : _) (F[f] : D [ F-ob x , F-ob y ]) ∃[ f ∈ C [ x , y ] ] F-hom f ≡ F[f]
isFaithful = (x y : _) (f g : C [ x , y ]) F-hom f ≡ F-hom g f ≡ g
isEssentiallySurj = (d : D .ob) Σ[ c ∈ C .ob ] CatIso {C = D} (F-ob c) d
isEssentiallySurj = (d : D .ob) Σ[ c ∈ C .ob ] CatIso D (F-ob c) d

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Cubical/Categories/Functor/Properties.agda
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Expand Up @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ module _ {F : Functor C D} where

-- functors preserve isomorphisms
preserveIsosF : {x y} CatIso {C = C} x y CatIso {C = D} (F ⟅ x ⟆) (F ⟅ y ⟆)
preserveIsosF : {x y} CatIso C x y CatIso D (F ⟅ x ⟆) (F ⟅ y ⟆)
preserveIsosF {x} {y} (catiso f f⁻¹ sec' ret') =
g g⁻¹
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Cubical/Categories/Instances/Functors.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ module _ (C : Category ℓC ℓC') (D : Category ℓD ℓD') where
open isIsoC renaming (inv to invC)
-- componentwise iso is an iso in Functor
FUNCTORIso : {F G : Functor C D} (α : F ⇒ G)
( (c : C .ob) isIsoC {C = D} (α ⟦ c ⟧))
isIsoC {C = FUNCTOR} α
( (c : C .ob) isIsoC D (α ⟦ c ⟧))
FUNCTORIso α is .invC .N-ob c = (is c) .invC
FUNCTORIso {F} {G} α is .invC .N-hom {c} {d} f
= invMoveL areInv-αc
Expand All @@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ module _ (C : Category ℓC ℓC') (D : Category ℓD ℓD') where
F ⟪ f ⟫
∎ )
areInv-αc : areInv (α ⟦ c ⟧) ((is c) .invC)
areInv-αc : areInv _ (α ⟦ c ⟧) ((is c) .invC)
areInv-αc = isIso→areInv (is c)

areInv-αd : areInv (α ⟦ d ⟧) ((is d) .invC)
areInv-αd : areInv _ (α ⟦ d ⟧) ((is d) .invC)
areInv-αd = isIso→areInv (is d)
FUNCTORIso α is .sec = makeNatTransPath (funExt (λ c (is c) .sec))
FUNCTORIso α is .ret = makeNatTransPath (funExt (λ c (is c) .ret))
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Cubical/Categories/Instances/Sets.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ open Iso

Iso→CatIso : {A B : (SET ℓ) .ob}
Iso (fst A) (fst B)
CatIso {C = SET ℓ} A B
CatIso (SET ℓ) A B
Iso→CatIso is .mor = is .fun
Iso→CatIso is .cInv = is .inv
Iso→CatIso is .sec = funExt λ b is .rightInv b -- is .rightInv
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Cubical/Categories/Limits/Terminal.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ module _ (C : Category ℓ ℓ') where

-- Objects that are initial are isomorphic.
isInitialToIso : {x y : ob} (hx : isInitial x) (hy : isInitial y)
CatIso {C = C} x y
CatIso C x y
isInitialToIso {x = x} {y = y} hx hy =
let x→y : C [ x , y ]
x→y = fst (hx y) -- morphism forwards
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ module _ (C : Category ℓ ℓ') where

-- Objects that are initial are isomorphic.
isFinalToIso : {x y : ob} (hx : isFinal x) (hy : isFinal y)
CatIso {C = C} x y
CatIso C x y
isFinalToIso {x = x} {y = y} hx hy =
let x→y : C [ x , y ]
x→y = fst (hy x) -- morphism forwards
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53 changes: 31 additions & 22 deletions Cubical/Categories/Morphism.agda
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Expand Up @@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
module Cubical.Categories.Morphism where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Categories.Category

ℓ ℓ' : Level

module _ {C : Category ℓ ℓ'} where
-- C needs to be explicit for these definitions as Agda can't infer it
module _ (C : Category ℓ ℓ') where
open Category C

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,15 +39,30 @@ module _ {C : Category ℓ ℓ'} where
sec : g ⋆ f ≡ id
ret : f ⋆ g ≡ id

record isIso (f : Hom[ x , y ]) : Type ℓ' where
inv : Hom[ y , x ]
sec : inv ⋆ f ≡ id
ret : f ⋆ inv ≡ id

-- C can be implicit here
module _ {C : Category ℓ ℓ'} where
open Category C

x y z w : ob

open areInv

symAreInv : {f : Hom[ x , y ]} {g : Hom[ y , x ]} areInv f g areInv g f
symAreInv : {f : Hom[ x , y ]} {g : Hom[ y , x ]} areInv C f g areInv C g f
sec (symAreInv x) = ret x
ret (symAreInv x) = sec x

-- equational reasoning with inverses
invMoveR : {f : Hom[ x , y ]} {g : Hom[ y , x ]} {h : Hom[ z , x ]} {k : Hom[ z , y ]}
areInv f g
areInv C f g
h ⋆ f ≡ k
h ≡ k ⋆ g
invMoveR {f = f} {g} {h} {k} ai p
Expand All @@ -63,7 +78,7 @@ module _ {C : Category ℓ ℓ'} where

invMoveL : {f : Hom[ x , y ]} {g : Hom[ y , x ]} {h : Hom[ y , z ]} {k : Hom[ x , z ]}
areInv f g
areInv C f g
f ⋆ h ≡ k
h ≡ g ⋆ k
invMoveL {f = f} {g} {h} {k} ai p
Expand All @@ -78,43 +93,37 @@ module _ {C : Category ℓ ℓ'} where
(g ⋆ k)

record isIso (f : Hom[ x , y ]) : Type ℓ' where
inv : Hom[ y , x ]
sec : inv ⋆ f ≡ id
ret : f ⋆ inv ≡ id

open isIso

isIso→areInv : {f : Hom[ x , y ]}
(isI : isIso f)
areInv f (isI .inv)
(isI : isIso C f)
areInv C f (isI .inv)
sec (isIso→areInv isI) = sec isI
ret (isIso→areInv isI) = ret isI

open CatIso

-- isIso agrees with CatIso
isIso→CatIso : {f : C [ x , y ]}
isIso f
CatIso {C = C} x y
isIso C f
CatIso C x y
mor (isIso→CatIso {f = f} x) = f
inv (isIso→CatIso x) = inv x
sec (isIso→CatIso x) = sec x
ret (isIso→CatIso x) = ret x

CatIso→isIso : (cIso : CatIso {C = C} x y)
isIso (cIso .mor)
CatIso→isIso : (cIso : CatIso C x y)
isIso C (cIso .mor)
inv (CatIso→isIso f) = inv f
sec (CatIso→isIso f) = sec f
ret (CatIso→isIso f) = ret f

CatIso→areInv : (cIso : CatIso {C = C} x y)
areInv (cIso .mor) (cIso .inv)
CatIso→areInv : (cIso : CatIso C x y)
areInv C (cIso .mor) (cIso .inv)
CatIso→areInv cIso = isIso→areInv (CatIso→isIso cIso)

-- reverse of an iso is also an iso
symCatIso : {x y}
CatIso {C = C} x y
CatIso {C = C} y x
CatIso C x y
CatIso C y x
symCatIso (catiso mor inv sec ret) = catiso inv mor ret sec
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Cubical/Categories/NaturalTransformation/Base.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ module _ {C : Category ℓC ℓC'} {D : Category ℓD ℓD'} where
open NatTrans trans

nIso : (x : C .ob) isIsoC {C = D} (N-ob x)
nIso : (x : C .ob) isIsoC D (N-ob x)

open isIsoC

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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions Cubical/Categories/Presheaf.agda
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Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,5 @@
module Cubical.Categories.Presheaf where

open import Cubical.Categories.Presheaf.Base public
open import Cubical.Categories.Presheaf.Properties public

open import Cubical.Categories.Presheaf.KanExtension public
open import Cubical.Categories.Presheaf.Properties public
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Cubical/Categories/Presheaf/Properties.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -272,11 +272,11 @@ module _ {ℓS : Level} (C : Category ℓ ℓ') (F : Functor (C ^op) (SET ℓS))

-- isomorphism follows from typeSectionIso
ηIso : (sob : SliceCat .ob)
isIsoC {C = SliceCat} (ηTrans ⟦ sob ⟧)
isIsoC SliceCat (ηTrans ⟦ sob ⟧)
ηIso sob@(sliceob ϕ) = sliceIso _ _ (FUNCTORIso _ _ _ isIsoCf)
isIsoCf : (c : C .ob)
isIsoC (ηTrans .N-ob sob .S-hom ⟦ c ⟧)
isIsoC _ (ηTrans .N-ob sob .S-hom ⟦ c ⟧)
isIsoCf c = CatIso→isIso (Iso→CatIso (typeSectionIso {isSetB = snd (F ⟅ c ⟆)} (ϕ ⟦ c ⟧)))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -370,11 +370,11 @@ module _ {ℓS : Level} (C : Category ℓ ℓ') (F : Functor (C ^op) (SET ℓS))
eq'≡eq = snd (F ⟅ c ⟆) _ _ eq' eq

εIso : (P : PreShv (∫ᴾ F) ℓS .ob)
isIsoC {C = PreShv (∫ᴾ F) ℓS} (εTrans ⟦ P ⟧)
isIsoC (PreShv (∫ᴾ F) ℓS) (εTrans ⟦ P ⟧)
εIso P = FUNCTORIso _ _ _ isIsoC'
isIsoC' : (cx : (∫ᴾ F) .ob)
isIsoC {C = SET _} ((εTrans ⟦ P ⟧) ⟦ cx ⟧)
isIsoC (SET _) ((εTrans ⟦ P ⟧) ⟦ cx ⟧)
isIsoC' cx@(c , _) = CatIso→isIso (Iso→CatIso (invIso (typeFiberIso {isSetA = snd (F ⟅ c ⟆)} _)))

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