This repository offers a Home-Manager module for configurating your Distrobox's containers declaratively.
Since containers cannot be built during Home-Manager's config evaluation, because no container backend (like Docker or Podman) is available, this module also provides a Shell integration that prompts the user to build the containers if some changes are detected.
This works storing the sha256sum of the containers.ini
file, and comparing
it with the current file.
There's already an open pull request for merging this module. #6528
- Bash ✅
- Zsh ✅
- Fish ✅
- Nushell ✅
Add this flake as an input in your flake.nix
that contains your NixOS configuration.
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
home-manager = {
url = "github:nix-community/home-manager";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
# ...
distrobox4nix.url = "github:aguirre-matteo/distrobox4nix";
The provided Home-Manager module can be found at inputs.distrobox4nix.homeManagerModule
Add the module to Home-Manager's sharedModules
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, home-manager, ... }@inputs: {
nixosConfigurations.nixos = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
modules = [
home-manager = {
useGlobalPkgs = true;
useUserPackages = true;
backupFileExntesion = "bkp";
sharedModules = [
inputs.distrobox4nix.homeManagerModule # <--- this will enable the module
user.yourUserName = import ./path/to/home.nix
The best (or at least the easier) way to install the module without using flakes
is manually downloading module.nix
And importing it in our configuration.nix
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
imports = [
# ...
The following options are available at programs.distrobox
Whatever to enable or not Distrobox. Default: false
The Distrobox package will be used. This option is usefull when
overriding the original package. Default: pkgs.distrobox
A set of containers (sets) and all its respective configurations. Each option can be either a
bool, a string or a list of those types. If passed a list, the option will be repeated for each
element. See common-debian
in the example config. All the available options
for each container can be found in the distrobox-assemble documentation. Default: {}
Whatever to enable or not the Bash integration. Default: true
Whatever to enable or not the Zsh integration. Default: true
Whatever to enable or not the Fish integration. Default: true
Whatever to enable or not the Nushell integration. Default: true
programs.distrobox = {
enable = true;
containers = {
python-project = {
image = "fedora:40";
additional_packages = "python3 git";
init_hooks = "pip3 install numpy pandas torch torchvision";
common-debian = {
image = "debian:13";
entry = true;
additional_packages = "git";
init_hooks = [
"ln -sf /usr/bin/distrobox-host-exec /usr/local/bin/docker"
"ln -sf /usr/bin/distrobox-host-exec /usr/local/bin/docker-compose"
office = {
clone = "common-debian";
additional_packages = "libreoffice onlyoffice";
entry = true;
random-things = {
clone = "common-debian";
entry = false;