This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository.
* docs(contributing md): add contributing documentation (#16) docs(readmemd): add initial readme md until dynamic import * docs(readmemd): fix contributing url (#18) fix contributing url on readme md * fix(babelconfigjs): fix built absolute path to relative path (#19) Fix built file path and extract customizable to outer maleo fix(playground): change path to root maleo fix(plugins): change name of plugins into maleo- fix(maleo binary): add figlet to maleo binary * test(test): make babel-jest working (#20) Adding babelrc and @babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs to make babel-jest works * chore(package json example): remove example from workspace (#21) need to remove example from workspace since we dont want hoisted dependency to be used by example, it doesnt really mimic how the library works fix(maleo/build/webpack): resolve add node modules on project root directory to resolve fix(webpackts): change nodeexternals to own function remove node externals switch it to our own function fix(package json): add dev dependencies react and react router fix(webpack): add nodeexternals add airy maleo * docs(readme): fixed typo on getinitalprops to getinitialprops (#22) * refactor(md): clean up md and template (#23) * chore(circleci): remove job to only build * test(packagejson travis circle): add coveralls and travisyml (#27) chore(lock.yml): add lock.yml to automatically lock issues and pr test(loadinitialprops test): add more unit test for load props test(routehandler): add test for routehandler test(utils index): add utilities test * test(jest test): add enzyme config and document test (#28) * fix(webpack): missing .js extension on filename (#30) * feat(maleo playground): add default server and client (#29) add defult server, client, and routes for auto import, so user no need to register snippet BREAKING CHANGE: client haven't use the route yet feat(client route): add register route added register route for client to be able to pass it to window and feed to default client docs(readmemd): update docs for default server and client feat(webpack client wrap): add register wrap to window feat(webpack register-loader client): auto register add auto register using register loader for wrap and routes to be used by client feat(webpack app client): add auto register for app refactor(webpack): clean up static entries refactor static entries to be more readable fix(webpack): comment out hardsourcewbp fix(webpack): fix node externals fix(webpack server tsplugin): fix error not bundling on client error caused by webpack getting imported to server.ts not sure what cause the error feat(client): added register entry class docs(readmemd): update register route readme * fix(webpack client server): remove hmr but fix sync (#33) * docs(readme): adjust readme to default register (#34) * feat(maleo webpack): add rimraf before run and cache server (#35) * feat(webpack loaders routes): add auto code splitting on routes (#36) * docs(readmemd): add contributors (#38) * docs(readmemd): add license (#39) * docs(readmemd): add license * Update * fix(require cache hmr): add nextjs license (#40) * fix(webpack stats-writer plugin): add dynamic key on stats json (#41) added dynamic key to stats json so maleo wont serve dynamic file as normal file * feat(webpack client preset): add simple hmr refresh (#37) fix(clienthmr): hot module now accepting new changes BREAKING CHANGE: new hash is not synced * feat(maleo-routes-split): auto add key for routes (#42) docs(readmemd): update docs remove routes key remove routes key * docs(readmemd): add badges (#43) ci(travis circleci): yml * chore(lerna travis package): prepare for npm publish automation (#44) * chore(travis gitignore): add separation on branch master and canary (#45) * chore(travis yml): testing deploy (#46) * chore(travis): testing chore (#47) * fix(css-plugin): first render isl not working (#48) fix(withstyles): change stylecontext to function generate * chore(yarn lock): update yarn lock to use static reactdom (#51) chore(package.json): do semver to 0.0.1 chore(package.json): add gren chore(travis.yml): add script for prepublish and publish canary * chore(travis.yml, publishing to canary with sh file (#52) * chore(package.json): publish to canary and add dist-tag (#53) * chore(travis.yml): add registry auth token before deploy (#54) * chore(travis.yml): add access public npm (#55) chore(package.json yarn.lock): add the correct gren * chore(package.json): comment gren for now (#56) * chore(package.json): try to use publish from-git (#57) * chore(travis.yml): remove tag require (#58) * chore(package.json): remove from-git tag (#59) * chore(package.json): bump version to v0.0.2 (#60) * chore(package.json): bump version to 3 and add force-publish (#61) * chore(lerna.json, package.json, .travis.yml): add lerna version config (#62) * chore(package.json): bump version manually (#63) * chore(lerna.json): move all the versoin config to publish (#64) * chore(package.json): bump version to 0.0.5 (#65) * chore(package.json): bump version and add conventional commit tag (#66) * chore(lerna.json, package.json): add version bump prerelease (#67) * chore( attach ci to head when publish canary (#68) * chore(publish-canary): remove local (#69) * chore(publish-canary): change return to exit 1 (#70) * chore(release): publish %s [skip ci] - @airy/[email protected] - @airy/[email protected] - @airy/[email protected] - @airy/[email protected] - @airy/[email protected] * chore(travis.yml, lerna.json): add checkout branch sh, no force publish (#71) * chore(ci): move ci related commands to new folder (#72) chore(changelog): remove changelog * docs( update register routes docs (#73) * feat(webpack): change maleo-routes.json to routes.json (#74) use exact path ro routes.json and add react router dep refactor(package.json, yarn.lock): remove react and react-router core * chore(release): publish %s [skip ci] - @airy/[email protected] * chore(lerna.json): force publish @airy/maleo (#75) * chore(package.json): bump version to 0.0.7 (#76) * chore(release): publish %s [skip ci] - @airy/[email protected] - @airy/[email protected] - @airy/[email protected] - @airy/[email protected] - @airy/[email protected] * chore(package.json changelog): change alpha to canary, remove changelog (#77) * chore(package.json): fix changelog typo and bump versoin (#78) * chore(release): publish %s [skip ci] - @airy/[email protected] - @airy/[email protected] - @airy/[email protected] - @airy/[email protected] - @airy/[email protected] * docs(readme): add npm badge and fix contributors (#79) * chore(package.json, travis): publish stable (#80) * chore(travis.yml): move test:cov to before_deploy (#81) * docs(readme): add @canary docs (#82) * chore(package.json, yarn.lock): bump react-router version to 5.0.0 (#83) * chore(release): publish %s [skip ci] - @airy/[email protected] * docs( fix trailing commas, and add dev (#84) t push --force# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit. * chore(travis, lerna): manual publish for stable version (#99)
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