This is an old fork of the Microsoft R course, and is no longer updated. Please refer to for the updated repository. Thanks!
- Signup Sheet, please fill out before class!
- I'll use the signup sheet to email you, so add your email address if you want to be contacted with updates
- Feedback Survey, please fill out after class
- Download Data as a zip file, and extract to directory data/
- Package prerequisite are provided in the first section of the utility-function.R script. If you're using a windows machine, please download and install Rtools 3.2
- Topics
- R Fundamentals
- Data Manipulation with
- Data Manipulation with
- Spark, SparkR and RxSpark
- Datasets
- Compute Contexts: we will focus on the local compute contexts and RxSpark compute contexts. Subsequent trainings may be centered on
- LocalParallel
- RxInSqlServer
- need MRO 3.2.2, MRS >= 7.5 (most likely 8.0)
- an R IDE
You can use RTVS and the DSVM. For classrooms, we have been using RStudio Server, but we are transitioning to Jupyter. Hopefully, we can use JupyterHub to easily deploy classrooms later this year.
We are still in the process of transitioning our course materials from our Revolution Repository to the Azure repository and Cortana gallery. Currently, you can find the following two courses on the Cortana Gallery: