🔭 Successfully done my internship at KONASL working as a Software Automation Engineer
🌱 I’m currently learning Jenkins CI/CD
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://github.com/aladnansami
💬 Ask me about Graphics Design, SQA, SDET, Automation
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact Always smilling face
- 💻 Jmeter | Postman | Manual Testing | Automation Testing Mobile and web | Rest Assured
- 💻 Python | Selenium | Java | Cypress | Appium | Jenkins
- 🌐 Android | Automation | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Bootstrap
- 🛢 MySQL | Firebase | Xampp
- 🔧 Android Studio | Intellj Idea | Visual Studio code | Eclipse | Git |Jira | CI/CD
- 🖥 Adobe Xd | Illustrator | Photoshop