Welcome to my React Native Projects Repository! This repository contains various projects that I developed while learning React Native. As an iOS developer proficient in Swift, I decided to explore React Native to keep up with the dynamic trends in the market, where cross-platform solutions are gaining popularity. This journey has allowed me to gain a better understanding of different technologies and be more aware of their pros and cons.
The repository currently contains the following projects (each on separate directory):
- Guess Number Game - simple game in which you enter number, and the bot guesses it
* Be familiar with JS
* Creating own components with custom styles
* Passing data between components
- Meals App - app with dummy recipes
* Learn React Navigation (using nested Navigators)
* Continue creating own components with custom styles
* Learn React's Context API & Redux
- Expense Tracker App
* Practice what I've learnt so far (Navigation, creating screens, Redux for updating local state)
* Handling user inputs
* Integration with Firebase Realtime Database (HTTP requests)
To improve:
* Get rid of warning regard to not valid icon names - preferred solution: check if name is valid before rendering, otherwise give default icon name
- SpotMe App
* Switching navigator stacks depends on user authentication
* Integrate authentication with Firebase Auth
* Manage idToken to protect damanding data (stored in persistent local storage and in Redux store)
* Focusing on UIs good for eyes