The repository used to store all my classes and class-related documents such as scripts and others.
It also uses GIT LFS (Large File Storage) system but the storage is not unlimited. If you add binary files, please do only if it's under ~100 MB per file.
This project was made to help students in the Networks and Telecommunications field at the IUT of Béziers, so if you've been helped by this repository, please think of supporting this project either by supporting me (this lets me have more time to work on this project) or by contributing classes or ressources in this repository.
As this repository uses submodules, when trying to clone the repository use this command:
using SSH:
git clone --recursive [email protected]:alexis-opolka/import-cours-but-rt.git
using HTTPS:
git clone --recursive
After having successfully cloned the repository, you might not see all the files such as PDFs, it's normal, as we use GIT LFS you need to pull the remaining files.
git lfs pull
Now you're ready to code! Happy to count you onboard! 😄
This repository was made in order to store school documents during my bachelor and help my comrades with the ressources acessible online.
Following this, it's important to be sure to respect any copyright holder or license linked to any media sent or stored in this repository.
Since the repository is licensed under the Unlicense license every licensed work that isn't coming from one of the collaborators needs to be written down with its license or copyright in the Hall of Fame section.
You may come accross files that contains Copyrights, even from me, even though the repository is released into the public domain.
No worries! It's simply written at the end of files in order to know who wrote the content inside the file.
If you're a contributor who writes, or contributes to a file:
Either write your copyright this way if you're the sole author of the content:
Copyright © <YEAR> <COPYRIGHT-HOLDER> - All Rights Reserved
or write it this way, including the source of the content, if you're using content written by someone else:
Copyright © <YEAR> <COPYRIGHT-HOLDER> - Some Rights Reserved
If you're adding content in a file, please add your name to the copyright.
If you're fixing or slightly modifying content, don't add your name to the copyright, I'll make sure it appears. 😉
If the copyright or license is not respected, please either open an issue or contact me here
If you think there are issues within some code or classes, please open an issue and I'll take a look at it with pleasure.
It's even better if you're able to come up with a fix to some issues and open a pull request. 😄
Nature | file / folder in question | holder (on the date of upload) |
Copyright | /cours/sae/sae-13/src/ | Fluke Networks |