Launch a fully-featured virtual TDP Hadoop cluster with a single command or customize the infrastructure.
This is an alternative to tdp-vagrant which uses LXD containers instead of VMs.
- 20+ GB of RAM available
- 4+ CPU cores
- LXD (to operate Linux containers)
- Terraform >= 0.13 (to automatize containers lifecycle managment)
- Ansible >= 2.9.6 (to provision the containers)
- Linux cgroup v2 (to run recent Linux containers like Rocky 8)
To check if your host uses cgroup v2, run:
stat -fc %T /sys/fs/cgroup
# cgroup2fs => cgroup v2
# tmpfs => cgroup v1
Recent distributions use cgroup v2 by default (check the list here) but the feature is available on all hosts that run a Linux kernel >= 5.2 (e.g. Ubuntu 20.04). To enable it, see Enabling cgroup v2.
cd /path/to/tdp-getting-started
# Clone this repo
git clone
# Setup the Ansible inventory symlink
./tdp-lxd/scripts/ -c
# Init the Terraform project
terraform -chdir='tdp-lxd' init
# From tdp-getting-started
terraform -chdir='tdp-lxd' apply
# Connect to edge-01
lxc shell edge-01
Terraform only controls the creation/update of resources, but not the status of the containers. The script
is provided to start/stop/restart all containers.
# Stop all containers (also works with 'start' and 'restart')
# From tdp-getting-started
./tdp-lxd/scripts/ stop
# To control a single container, use lxc CLI
lxc stop master-01
# From tdp-getting-started
terraform -chdir='tdp-lxd' destroy