SoBioS: Sobol' Indices for Biological Systems is an easy-to-use Matlab code designed for Sobol' indices-based global sensitivity analysis of biological systems. Developed with an educational approach, SoBioS is intuitive and user-friendly, making it an excellent tool for researchers and students in the field of systems biology.
- Overview
- Features
- UQLab dependency
- Usage
- Documentation
- Authors
- Citing SoBioS
- License
- Institutional support
- Funding
SoBioS was developed as a pedagogical tool to teach the basics of global sensitivity analysis of biological systems via Sobol' indices. A tutorial explaining the theory and practical aspects behind the SoBioS package is provided in the following book chapter:
- M. Tosin, A.M.A. Côrtes, A. Cunha Jr, A Tutorial on Sobol’ Global Sensitivity Analysis Applied to Biological Models, in Networks in Systems Biology: Applications for Disease Modeling, Computational Biology, vol. 32, Springer, Cham, 2020. DOI.
- Global sensitivity analysis using Sobol' indices
- Easy-to-run Matlab implementation
- Educational style code for easy understanding
- Includes example cases and detailed comments
In order to use the SoBioS code, it is necessary to have UQLab package installed:
This external package is free for academic use.
This package includes the following modules:
- SoBioS_CaseName.m - main file for the simulation (use servaral resourses from UQLab package);
- QoI_CaseName.m - function to compute the Quantity of Interest (QoI).
To get started with SoBioS, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the code directory:
cd SoBioS/SoBioS-1.0
- To run a simulation, execute the main file corresponding to your case:
The routines in SoBioS are well-commented to explain their functionality. Each routine includes a description of its purpose, as well as inputs and outputs. Detailed documentation can be found within the code comments and the provided tutorial.
- Michel Tosin
- Adriano Côrtes
- Americo Cunha
If you use SoBioS in your research, please cite the following publication:
- Tosin M., Côrtes A.M.A., Cunha A. (2020) A Tutorial on Sobol’ Global Sensitivity Analysis Applied to Biological Models. In: da Silva F.A.B., Carels N., Trindade dos Santos M., Lopes F.J.P. (eds) Networks in Systems Biology: Applications for Disease Modeling. Computational Biology, vol 32. Springer, Cham
author = {M. Tosin and A. M. A. C\ˆ{o}rtes and A. {Cunha~Jr}},
title = {A {T}utorial on {S}obol’ {G}lobal {S}ensitivity {A}nalysis {A}pplied to {B}iological {M}odels},
editor = {F.A.B. {da Silva} and N. Carels and M. {Trindade dos Santos} and F.J.P. Lopes},
booktitle = {Networks in Systems Biology: Applications for Disease Modeling},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
address = {Cham},
year = {2020},
pages = {93-118},
doi = {},
SoBioS is released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details. All new contributions must be made under the MIT license.