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Start developing new WordPress websites using dependency management tools and automated deployments


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WordPress Boilerplate

The WordPress Boilerplate is a starting base for development of any WordPress based web project. It provides all the files and most common code patterns — the bare essentials needed to get started quickly without wasting time setting up directory and file structure, importing CSS resets, setting up the functions.php file etc.

WordPressBP is meant for developers developing a WordPress site from scratch using a scalable and modern approach.

It is not:

  1. an end-user template
  2. a WordPress Plugin Boilerplate
  3. a WordPress Widget Boilerplate

If you need a stripped down version to manage WordPress installations with 3rd-party themes and plugins and an automated deployment process, check out my other project ManagedWP.


System requirements

WordPressBP has been extensively tested on Linux but will probably work with any Unix environment (macOS, BSD,…). It does not work on Windows in which case you should use a Linux VM for development.

  • LEMP stack (Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP 7+)
  • Git
  • NodeJS (node) and NPM (npm)
  • Composer
  • WP-CLI
  • gettext utilities (msgfmt) for i18n

Read this Gist on how to correctly set these tools up on your development environment.


Quick-start guide:

  1. Clone this repository and move into it
  2. Run the setup script ./ mywebsite /srv/http/
  3. Set up the web server to serve from /srv/http/
  4. Map the server IP to in your local hosts file (/etc/hosts)
  5. Login at (login: dev / dev)
  6. Initialize Git in /srv/http/ and start developing

Continue reading for details.

Setup script

$ ./
  ./ <namespace> <project_path> [<branch>]

  <namespace>:    Lowercase alphanumeric name for your project. Must not start with a number. Must be file system and URL friendly.
  <project_path>: Path to directory where the project structure will be set up.
  <branch>:       Branch from which to create the project structure. Defaults to 'master'.

  ./ mything /srv/http/

The script will create the directory at project_path if it doesn't exist. Make sure the parent directory (or project_path if exists) is writable by the user running this script. Do not run the setup script as root unless you're doing everything as root on your dev environment.

The script will use composer, npm and wp (WP-CLI) to install dependencies and setup WordPress. Make sure these tools are installed as explained here.

If you don't have or don't want to use a root MySQL account, you'll be asked to manually create a database and user for it.

Nginx web server

Lets assume your project_path is /srv/http/ and namespace is mywebsite.

Create /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ with the following content and restart Nginx:

# If you have SSL enable this redirect
#server {
#  listen [::]:80;
#  listen 80;
#  server_name;
#  return 301$request_uri;

server {
  # If no SSL:
  listen [::]:80;
  listen 80;
  # Else if SSL:
  #listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
  #listen 443 ssl http2;
  #include /etc/nginx/conf.d/ssl.conf; #
  #ssl_certificate /srv/http/;
  #ssl_certificate_key /srv/http/;

  root /srv/http/;
  index index.html index.php;
  access_log off;
  client_max_body_size 20m;

  # Rewrite URLs for uploaded files to production - no need to sync uploads from production
  #location /app/uploads/ { try_files $uri @production; }
  #location @production { rewrite ^$request_uri permanent; }

  location ~ \.php$ {
    try_files $uri =404;
    fastcgi_index index.php;
    include fastcgi_params;
    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
    fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock; # Arch
    #fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.2-fpm.sock; # Ubuntu

  location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args; }

Read up on how to create self signed certificates for development. If you do create SSL certs, enable them in the Nginx config (above) and change the URLs in .env.

To be able to access you need to map the server IP to domain in /etc/hosts. If you're running the server on your local machine, the IP is, if you are using a virtual environment, then use the IP of that VM.

$ /etc/hosts


Complete Nginx SSL configuration for production.


Go to your project at <project_path>/repo and initialize git or whatever versioning system you like. Note that .gitignore and .gitattributes are already present so you can quick-start by running:

git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin [email protected]:mygithubname/mywebsite.git
git push -u origin master


Front-end dependencies are handled by NPM and will be installed in the node_modules sub-folder.

  • npm run build will compile and minify CSS and JS and compile translations.
  • npm run watch will watch CSS, JS and language files in the theme directory for changes and compile on every change.
  • npm run test will run syntax style checks. You should run this before every commit.

Run npm run to list all available tasks as configured in package.json.

Code style:

Use an editor that supports EditorConfig. JavaScript code style should follow the JS Standard style. You should set up your editor to support these tools:

  • Atom: apm install busy-signal editorconfig hyperclick intentions linter linter-js-standard-engine linter-ui-default

Compilation details:

JS is compiled with Rollup from ES2015+. Build process is coded in etc/build/js.js which you can adjust as needed.

CSS is compiled with node-sass from Sass sources. Build process is coded in etc/build/css.js.

Languages are build from .po files with msgfmt. Build process is coded in etc/build/lang.js.

Including NPM dependencies

  • Include dependencies: npm install <package>
  • Keep dependencies updated: npm update

Theming tips and WordPressBP defaults

Referencing assets from twigs with optional cache busting

There are two helper functions (disabled by default) you can use to reference assets from .twig files:

{{ asset('image.png') }}       #
{{ asset('image.png', true) }} #
E.g. <img src="{{ asset('hero.jpg') }}" alt="">

{{ symbol('#icon1') }}         #
E.g. <svg><use xlink:href="{{ symbol('#icon1') }}"></svg>

To enable these, search for timber_twig in functions.php and uncomment them. The cache busting string will be a timestamp set at deploy time. When developing, the value will default to vDEV.

Disabled wp_head() garbage and emojis

The accompanying plugin cleans up wp_head by removing a bunch of old and unneeded content. It also removes WordPress emojis scripts. If you need those for whatever reason, review the mywebsite-addons.php in the addons plugin.

Use object cache wherever possible

In your theme's controllers, whenever you're running IO/CPU heavy tasks, use cache like so:

$cache_key = 'mydata' . $theme->cache_itr; // concat with $post->ID if you need a post/page unique key
$context['mydata'] = wp_cache_get($cache_key);
if ($context['mydata'] === false) {
  $context['mydata'] = 'some expensive result';
  wp_cache_set($cache_key, $context['mydata']);

The $theme->cache_itr is a unique cache iteration index which is increased whenever a post is saved or deleted (check flush_theme_cache in functions.php). Saving settings, widgets or menu configuration is not hooked to the flush_theme_cache in which case you'll need to manually flush the cache. I recommend using Redis with the Redis Object Cache plugin.


Develop your template in the web/app/themes/mywebsite. The base template is set up to use Timber which allows you to write views using Twig.

If you're going to build custom plugins put them in web/app/plugins and prefix the folder name with you project's namespace e.g. mywebsite-cool-plugin. This way they won't be ignored by .gitignore otherwise you'll have to modify its rules. A basic plugin is included with some neat defaults and example code that you can extend to support your theme.

WordPress config

WordPress configuration is set in the following files:

  • .env - local environment settings
  • config/application.php - global defaults
  • config/environments/<environment>.php - environment specific defaults

Including free plugins and themes

Use composer to pull in free plugins and themes from WordPress Packagist. You can also include any packages from Packagist.

  • Include a plugin: composer require wpackagist-plugin/wordpress-seo
  • Keep dependencies updated: composer update

Including non-free plugins and themes

You want to keep those out of the repository but still deploy them with the rest of the code. .gitignore is set up to ignore everything inside web/app/{themes,plugins}/ unless the name starts with <namespace> so you can easily place non-free themes and plugin there for local development.

Then open etc/deploy/pack.js and make sure these files are copied into the build directory before deploy. Look for the NOTE comment near the top of the file for examples.

Protip: If you're developing multiple sites on the same dev environment and share a plugin between them (like ACF Pro), symlink it from a single source everywhere you need. When the project is being packed for deploy, the copy command will resolve the symlink and copy the files. E.g.:

  • Shared plugin: /srv/http/shared-plugin
  • Project 1 /srv/http/project1/web/app/plugins/shared-plugin -> /srv/http/shared-plugin - a symlink to shared plugin
  • Project 2 /srv/http/project2/web/app/plugins/shared-plugin -> /srv/http/shared-plugin - a symlink to shared plugin
  • Then for every project copy the common plugin into build when deploying:
    add to: etc/deploy/pack.js:
    sh.cp('-fr', 'web/app/plugins/shared-plugin', 'build/web/app/plugins/')

Including languages

You could set up composer to use WP language packs by Koodimonni or you can manually download the language pack you need and place the files in web/app/languages/.

Then edit etc/deploy/pack.js and make sure these files are copied into the build directory before deploy.

Sync from staging or production

Syncing from the server requires SSH access. Basic SSH understanding is expected for syncing and deployment which isn't covered here.

Syncing requires wp (WP-CLI) also available in non-interactive shells on the server. This gist explains that as well.

Copy to, open it and look for TODO comments. Set those up and make the file executable with chmod u+x The script will drop your local database so make sure to make a backup if needed.

Set up a new development environment

  1. Ensure you have SSH access to staging or production (wherever points to)
  2. Create a local database and user
  3. Clone the repository
  4. Copy .env.example to .env and set it up
  5. Install dependencies and build the project
    composer install
    npm install
    npm run build
  6. Sync the database ./
  7. Set up the web server and /etc/hosts

If you want to push database changes upstream, you will have to figure out how to do migrations. Without that, the only way to ensure a working codebase for everybody on the team is to only sync the database downstream. Whenever database changes are required (WP settings, posts, pages etc.) repeat them on staging when you push and deploy the code.

Keep notes on what to configure when you push everything to production.

Ideas / contributions for DB migrations welcome!


WordPressBP includes a simple automated deployment script using node-shell and node-ssh packages. You can deploy your website by running npm run deploy but this requires some setup. All the configuration for deploys is in etc/deploy directory.

Deploy requires Git, SSH and tar.

How it works

Run npm run deploy or npm run deploy <environment>.

  1. When you run deploy, current repository HEAD will be build and zipped into a tarball archive
  2. The tarball is uploaded to server over SSH and extracted into a temporary directory
  3. Static folders and files like uploads are symlinked into this temporary directory
  4. Finally, the live current directory is renamed to previous and the new temporary directory is renamed to current
  5. Cleanup tasks are run to remove any temporary files from server and local folders

If there's an error with the newly deployed version, you are able to revert to previous deploy by running npm run deploy:revert <environment>.

If your server is correctly configured, the deployment scripts will never require root (or sudo) to any command or part of the file system.

Deploy configuration

Copy etc/deploy-config.js.example to etc/deploy-config.js and open it.

  • defaultDeployEnv - default environment to deploy to. Needs an entry in deployEnvSSH and deployEnvPaths
  • deployEnvSSH - SSH connection parameters for all environments you want to deploy too
  • deployEnvPaths - Path to directory where you want to deploy the files to for each environment

If your server requires public key authentication, locally the key needs to be managed by an SSH agent so that NodeJS can access it through the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable.

Review the deploy procedure: etc/deploy/deploy.js contains the entire deploy procedure. const deployProcedure is a string of shell commands that will run on the server to unpack the tarball. Read through everything and add commands to set up needed symlinks, cache flushing etc. Also review etc/deploy/revert.js.

First deploy

  1. Create a writable (for the SSH user) directory on the server where you want to store the files. This should be the path set in deployEnvPaths in etc/deploy-config.js.
  2. On development machine run npm run deploy:init or npm run deploy:init [environment]. This will create the needed directory structure on the server.
  3. Configure the web server to serve from <directory_from_step_1>/current/web.
  4. Visit your website. If everything is correct you should see a phpinfo() page.
  5. Create the database:
    $ mysql -u root -p
    create database mywebsitedb;
    grant all privileges on mywebsitedb.* to 'dbuser'@'localhost' identified by 'some_password';
    flush privileges;
  6. Dump local database and import it on the server.
  7. Set up the environment in <directory_from_step_1>/static/.env.
  8. Make <directory_from_step_1>/static/uploads writable for the PHP process group:
    chown -R user:www-data uploads # you might need to sudo this
    chmod g+w uploads
  9. Deploy the code: npm run deploy or npm run deploy [environment].
  10. Run a search-replace for the domain on the database and flush rewrite rules: wp search-replace && wp rewrite flush.

Deploying and reverting

All commands support optional environment. If you don't specify it, the default from etc/deploy-config.js will be used.

  • npm run deploy [environment] will deploy the current Git HEAD to environment. If you leave out the environment, the defaultDeployEnv will be used.
  • npm run deploy:revert [environment] allows you to revert 1 time to previously deployed release.

If you need more flexibility, you can extend the deploy scripts or look into a dedicated deploy tool.

Recommended plugins

PLUGIN RULE #1: Do not use a plugin if doing it by yourself is reasonable!

You don't need plugins for sliders, lightboxes, social widgets etc. and you certainly don't want plugins not being actively developed. Most WP plugins are garbage that will make your site slow and insecure.

Here are some developer-friendly and maintained plugins that you can use:

And some of my own plugins:



WordPressBP is licensed under the MIT license. See


Start developing new WordPress websites using dependency management tools and automated deployments







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