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Releases: androidx/media


12 Mar 17:55
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  • Common Library:
    • Change SimpleBasePlayer.State access from protected to public to make it easier to handle updates in other classes (#2128).
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Fix a bug where ExoPlayer.isLoading() remains true while it has transitioned to STATE_IDLE or STATE_ENDED (#2133).
    • Add lastRebufferRealtimeMs to LoadControl.Parameter (#2113).
  • Extractors:
    • Fix issue where TS streams can get stuck on some devices (#2069).
  • Text:
    • Fix handling of multi-byte UTF-8 characters in WebVTT files using CR line endings (#2167).
  • DRM:
    • Fix MediaCodec$CryptoException: Operation not supported in this configuration error when playing ClearKey content on API < 27 devices (#1732).
  • Muxers:
    • Fix a bug in FragmentedMp4Muxer that creates a lot of fragments when only audio track is written.
  • Downloads:
    • Fix bug in CacheWriter that leaves data sources open and cache areas locked in case the data source throws an Exception other than IOException (#9760).
  • MIDI extension:
    • Plumb custom AudioSink and AudioRendererEventListener instances into MidiRenderer.
  • Cast extension:
    • Bump the play-services-cast-framework dependency to 21.5.0 to fix a FLAG_MUTABLE crash in apps targeting API 34+ on devices with Google Play services installed but disabled (#2178).


26 Feb 12:02
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1.6.0-beta01 Pre-release
  • Common Library:
    • Upgrade Kotlin from 1.9.20 to 2.0.20 and use Compose Compiler Gradle
      plugin. Upgrade KotlinX Coroutines library from 1.8.1 to 1.9.0.
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Initial audio session id is no longer immediately available after
      creating the player. You can use
      AnalyticsListener.onAudioSessionIdChanged to listen to the initial
      update if required.
  • Transformer:
    • Add MediaProjectionAssetLoader, which provides media from a
      MediaProjection for screen recording, and add support for screen
      recording to the Transformer demo app.
    • Add #getInputFormat() to Codec interface.
    • Shift the responsibility to release the GlObjectsProvider onto the
      caller in DefaultVideoFrameProcessor and DefaultVideoCompositor when
  • Video:
    • Add experimental ExoPlayer API to drop late MediaCodecVideoRenderer
      decoder input buffers that are not depended on. Enable it with
  • Session:
    • Keep foreground service state for an additional 10 minutes when playback
      pauses, stops or fails. This allows users to resume playback within this
      timeout without risking foreground service restrictions on various
      devices. Note that simply calling player.pause() can no longer be used
      to stop the foreground service before stopSelf() when overriding
      onTaskRemoved, use MediaSessionService.pauseAllPlayersAndStopSelf()
    • Make MediaSession.setSessionActivity(PendingIntent) accept null
    • Keep notification visible when playback enters an error or stopped
      state. The notification is only removed if the playlist is cleared or
      the player is released.
    • Improve handling of Android platform MediaSession actions ACTION_PLAY
      and ACTION_PAUSE to only set one of them according to the available
      commands and also accept if only one of them is set.
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Removed the following deprecated DownloadHelper methods:
      • Constructor DownloadHelper(MediaItem, @Nullable MediaSource, TrackSelectionParameters, RendererCapabilities[]), use
        DownloadHelper(MediaItem, @Nullable MediaSource, TrackSelectionParameters, RendererCapabilitiesList) instead.
      • getRendererCapabilities(RenderersFactory), equivalent
        functionality can be achieved by creating a
        DefaultRendererCapabilitiesList with a RenderersFactory, and
        calling DefaultRendererCapabilitiesList.getRendererCapabilities().
    • Removed
      method. Use
      PlayerNotificationManager.setMediaSessionToken(MediaSession.Token) and
      pass in (MediaSession.Token) compatToken.getToken()instead.


06 Feb 13:14
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1.6.0-alpha03 Pre-release
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Add option to ClippingMediaSource to allow clipping in unseekable media.
    • Fix bug where seeking with pre-warming could block following media item transition.
  • Audio:
    • Make final.
  • Video:
    • Change MediaCodecVideoRenderer.shouldUsePlaceholderSurface to protected so that applications can override to block usage of placeholder surfaces (#1905).
    • Add experimental ExoPlayer AV1 sample dependency parsing to speed up seeking. Enable it with the new DefaultRenderersFactory.experimentalSetParseAv1SampleDependencies API.
  • Muxers:
    • Disable Mp4Muxer sample batching and copying by default.
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Removed


31 Jan 17:12
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1.6.0-alpha02 Pre-release
  • Common Library:
    • Fix bug in SimpleBasePlayer where setting a new currentMediaItemIndex in State after setPlaylist with null MediaMetadata does not reevaluate the metadata (#1940).
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Add experimental 'ExoPlayer' pre-warming support for playback using MediaCodecVideoRenderer. You can configure DefaultRenderersFactory through experimentalSetEnableMediaCodecVideoRendererPrewarming to provide a secondary MediaCodecVideoRenderer to ExoPlayer. If enabled, ExoPlayer pre-processes the video of consecutive media items during playback to reduce media item transition latency.
    • Fix issue where additional decode-only frames may be displayed in quick succession when transitioning to content media after a mid-roll ad.
    • Make DefaultRenderersFactory add two MetadataRenderer instances to enable apps to receive two different schemes of metadata by default.
    • Initialize DeviceInfo and device volume asynchronously (if enabled using setDeviceVolumeControlEnabled). These values aren't available instantly after, and Player.Listener notifies changes through onDeviceInfoChanged and onDeviceVolumeChanged.
    • Reevaluate whether the ongoing load of a chunk should be cancelled when playback is paused (#1785).
  • Transformer:
    • Enable support for Android platform diagnostics using MediaMetricsManager. Transformer forwards editing events and performance data to the platform, which helps to provide system performance and debugging information on the device. This data may also be collected by Google if sharing usage and diagnostics data is enabled by the user of the device. Apps can opt-out of contributing to platform diagnostics for Transformer with Transformer.Builder.setUsePlatformDiagnostics(false).
    • Split InAppMuxer into InAppMp4Muxer and InAppFragmentedMp4Muxer. You use InAppMp4Muxer to produce a non-fragmented MP4 file, while InAppFragmentedMp4Muxer is for producing a fragmented MP4 file.
    • Move Muxer interface from media3-muxer to media3-transformer.
    • Add support for transcoding and transmuxing Dolby Vision (profile 8) format.
  • Extractors:
    • Fix handling of NAL units with lengths expressed in 1 or 2 bytes (rather than 4).
    • Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in MP4 edit lists when the edit list starts at a non-sync frame with no preceding sync frame (#2062).
  • Audio:
    • Don't bypass SonicAudioProcessor when SpeedChangingAudioProcessor is configured with default parameters.
    • Fix underflow in Sonic#getOutputSize() that could cause DefaultAudioSink to stall.
    • Fix MediaCodecAudioRenderer.getDurationToProgressUs() and DecoderAudioRenderer.getDurationToProgressUs() so that seeks correctly reset the provided durations.
  • Text:
    • TTML: Add support for referencing tts:origin and tts:extent using style (#2953).
    • Restrict WebVTT and SubRip timestamps to exactly 3 decimal places. Previously we incorrectly parsed any number of decimal places but always assumed the value was in milliseconds, leading to incorrect timestamps (#1997).
    • Add support for VobSub subtitles (#8260).
    • Fix playback hanging when a playlist contains clipped items with CEA-608 or CEA-708 captions.
    • Fix IllegalStateException when an SSA file contains a cue with zero duration (start and end time equal) (#2052).
    • Suppress (and log) subtitle parsing errors when subtitles are muxed into the same container as audio and video (#2052).
  • Muxers:
    • Renamed setSampleCopyEnabled() method to setSampleCopyingEnabled() in both Mp4Muxer.Builder and FragmentedMp4Muxer.Builder.
    • Mp4Muxer.addTrack() and FragmentedMp4Muxer.addTrack() now return an int track ID instead of a TrackToken.
    • Mp4Muxer and FragmentedMp4Muxer no longer implement Muxer interface.
  • Session:
    • Fix bug where calling a Player method on a MediaController connected to a legacy session dropped changes from a pending update.
  • UI:
    • Add PresentationState state holder class and the corresponding rememberPresentationState Composable to media3-ui-compose.
  • HLS Extension:
    • Parse SUPPLEMENTAL-CODECS tag from HLS playlist to detect Dolby Vision formats (#1785).
  • DASH Extension:
    • Fix issue when calculating the update interval for ad insertion in multi-period live streams (#1698).
    • Parse scte214:supplementalCodecs attribute from DASH manifest to detect Dolby Vision formats (#1785).
    • Improve handling of period transitions in live streams where the period contains media samples beyond the declared period duration (#1698).
  • Demo app:
    • Use PresentationState to control the aspect ratio of PlayerSurface Composable. This depends on the ContentScale type and covers it with a shutter-overlay before the first frame is rendered.
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Removed ExoPlayer.VideoComponent, ExoPlayer.AudioComponent, ExoPlayer.TextComponent and ExoPlayer.DeviceComponent.


20 Dec 16:22
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1.6.0-alpha01 Pre-release

This release includes the following changes since the 1.5.1 release:

  • Common Library:
    • Remove Format.toBundle(boolean excludeMetadata) method, use Format.toBundle() instead.
    • Add AudioManagerCompat and AudioFocusRequestCompat to replace the equivalent classes in
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Consider language when selecting a video track. By default select a 'main' video track that matches the language of the selected audio track, if available. Explicit video language preferences can be expressed with TrackSelectionParameters.Builder.setPreferredVideoLanguage(s).
    • Add selectedAudioLanguage parameter to DefaultTrackSelector.selectVideoTrack() method.
    • Add retryCount parameter to MediaSourceEventListener.onLoadStarted and corresponding MediaSourceEventListener.EventDispatcher methods.
    • Fix bug where playlist items or periods in multi-period DASH streams with durations that don't match the actual content could cause frame freezes at the end of the item (#1698).
    • Reduce default values for bufferForPlaybackMs and bufferForPlaybackAfterRebufferMs in DefaultLoadControl to 1000 and 2000 ms respectively.
    • Add MediaExtractorCompat, a new class that provides equivalent functionality to platform MediaExtractor.
    • Move BasePreloadManager.Listener to a top level PreloadManagerListener.
    • RenderersFactory.createSecondaryRenderer can be implemented to provide secondary renderers for pre-warming. Pre-warming enables quicker media item transitions during playback.
    • Enable sending CmcdData for manifest requests in adaptive streaming formats DASH, HLS, and SmoothStreaming (#1951).
    • Provide MediaCodecInfo of the codec that will be initialized in MediaCodecRenderer.onReadyToInitializeCodec (#1963).
    • Change AdsMediaSource to allow the AdPlaybackStates to grow by appending ad groups. Invalid modifications are detected and throw an exception.
  • Transformer:
    • Update parameters of VideoFrameProcessor.registerInputStream and VideoFrameProcessor.Listener.onInputStreamRegistered to use Format.
    • Add support for transmuxing into alternative backwards compatible formats.
    • Generate HDR static metadata when using DefaultEncoderFactory.
  • Extractors:
    • AVI: Fix handling of files with constant bitrate compressed audio where the stream header stores the number of bytes instead of the number of chunks.
  • Audio:
    • Fix onAudioPositionAdvancing to be called when playback resumes (previously it was called when playback was paused).
  • Video:
    • Fix MediaCodecVideoRenderer such that when without a Surface, the renderer will skip just-early frames only if the VideoFrameReleaseControl.getFrameReleaseAction is not FRAME_RELEASE_TRY_AGAIN_LATER.
  • Text:
    • Stop eagerly loading all subtitle files configured with MediaItem.Builder.setSubtitleConfigurations, and instead only load one if it is selected by track selection (#1721).
  • Effect:
    • Moved the functionality of OverlaySettings into StaticOverlaySettings. OverlaySettings can be subclassed to allow dynamic overlay settings.
  • Muxers:
    • Moved MuxerException out of Muxer interface to avoid a very long fully qualified name.
  • Session:
    • Add Context as a parameter to MediaButtonReceiver.shouldStartForegroundService (#1887).
  • UI:
    • Add PlayerSurface Composable to media3-ui-compose module.
    • Add PlayPauseButtonState, NextButtonState, PreviousButtonState, RepeatButtonState, ShuffleButtonState classes and the corresponding rememberPlayPauseButtonState, rememberNextButtonState, rememberPreviousButtonState, rememberRepeatButtonState, rememberShuffleButtonState Composables to media3-ui-compose module.
  • HLS Extension:
    • Add a first version of HlsInterstitialsAdsLoader. The ads loader reads the HLS interstitials of an HLS media playlist and maps them to the AdPlaybackState that is passed to the AdsMediaSource. This initial version only supports HLS VOD streams with X-ASSET-URI attributes.
    • Add HlsInterstitialsAdsLoader.AdsMediaSourceFactory. Apps can use it to create AdsMediaSource instances that use an HlsInterstitialsAdsLoader in a convenient and safe way.
  • DASH Extension:
    • Add AC-4 Level-4 format support for DASH (#1898).
  • Decoder Extensions (FFmpeg, VP9, AV1, etc.):
    • Add the MPEG-H decoder module which uses the native MPEG-H decoder module to decode MPEG-H audio (#1826).
  • Demo app:
    • Add MinimalControls (PlayPauseButton, NextButton, PreviousButton) and ExtraControls (RepeatButton, ShuffleButton) Composable UI elements to demo-compose utilizing PlayPauseButtonState, NextButtonState, PreviousButtonState, RepeatButtonState, ShuffleButtonState.
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Remove deprecated AudioMixer.create() method. Use DefaultAudioMixer.Factory().create() instead.
    • Remove the following deprecated Transformer.Builder methods:
      • setTransformationRequest(), use setAudioMimeType(), setVideoMimeType(), and setHdrMode() instead.
      • setAudioProcessors(), set the audio processor in an EditedMediaItem.Builder.setEffects(), and pass it to Transformer.start() instead.
      • setVideoEffects(), set video effect in an EditedMediaItem.Builder.setEffects(), and pass it to Transformer.start() instead.
      • setRemoveAudio(), use EditedMediaItem.Builder.setRemoveAudio() to remove the audio from the EditedMediaItem passed to Transformer.start() instead.
      • setRemoveVideo(), use EditedMediaItem.Builder.setRemoveVideo() to remove the video from the EditedMediaItem passed to Transformer.start() instead.
      • setFlattenForSlowMotion(), use EditedMediaItem.Builder.setFlattenForSlowMotion() to flatten the EditedMediaItem passed to Transformer.start() instead.
      • setListener(), use addListener(), removeListener() or removeAllListeners() instead.
    • Remove the following deprecated Transformer.Listener methods:
      • onTransformationCompleted(MediaItem), use onCompleted(Composition, ExportResult) instead.
      • onTransformationCompleted(MediaItem, TransformationResult), use onCompleted(Composition, ExportResult) instead.
      • onTransformationError(MediaItem, Exception), use onError(Composition, ExportResult, ExportException) instead.
      • onTransformationError(MediaItem, TransformationException), use onError(Composition, ExportResult, ExportException) instead.
      • onTransformationError(MediaItem, TransformationResult, TransformationException), use onError(Composition, ExportResult, ExportException) instead.
      • onFallbackApplied(MediaItem, TransformationRequest, TransformationRequest), use onFallbackApplied(Composition, TransformationRequest, TransformationRequest) instead.
    • Remove deprecated TransformationResult class. Use ExportResult instead.
    • Remove deprecated TransformationException class. Use ExportException instead.
    • Remove deprecated Transformer.PROGRESS_STATE_NO_TRANSFORMATION. Use Transformer.PROGRESS_STATE_NOT_STARTED instead.
    • Remove deprecated Transformer.setListener(). Use Transformer.addListener(), Transformer.removeListener() or Transformer.removeAllListeners() instead.
    • Remove deprecated Transformer.startTransformation(). Use Transformer.start(MediaItem, String) instead.
    • Remove deprecated SingleFrameGlShaderProgram. Use BaseGlShaderProgram instead.
    • Remove Transformer.flattenForSlowMotion. Use EditedMediaItem.flattenForSlowMotion instead.


19 Dec 16:28
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This release includes the following changes since the 1.5.0 release:

  • ExoPlayer:
    • Disable use of asynchronous decryption in MediaCodec to avoid reported codec timeout issues with this platform API (#1641).
  • Extractors:
    • MP3: Don't stop playback early when a VBRI frame's table of contents doesn't cover all the MP3 data in a file (#1904).
  • Video:
    • Rollback of using MediaCodecAdapter supplied pixel aspect ratio values when provided while processing onOutputFormatChanged (#1371).
  • Text:
    • Fix bug in ReplacingCuesResolver.discardCuesBeforeTimeUs where the cue active at timeUs (started before but not yet ended) was incorrectly discarded (#1939).
  • Metadata:
    • Extract disc/track numbering and genre from Vorbis comments into MediaMetadata (#1958).


25 Nov 17:20
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This release includes the following changes since the 1.4.1 release:

  • Common Library:
    • Add ForwardingSimpleBasePlayer that allows forwarding to another player with small adjustments while ensuring full consistency and listener handling (#1183).
    • Replace SimpleBasePlayer.State.playlist by getPlaylist() method.
    • Add override for SimpleBasePlayer.State.Builder.setPlaylist() to directly specify a Timeline and current Tracks and Metadata instead of building a playlist structure.
    • Increase minSdk to 21 (Android Lollipop). This is aligned with all other AndroidX libraries.
    • Add androidx.media3:media3-common-ktx artifact which provides Kotlin-specific functionality built on top of the Common library
    • Add Player.listen suspending extension function to spin a coroutine to listen to Player.Events to the media3-common-ktx library.
    • Remove @DoNotInline annotations from manually out-of-lined inner classes designed to avoid runtime class verification failures. Recent versions of R8 now automatically out-of-line calls like these to avoid the runtime failures (so the manual out-of-lining is no longer required). All Gradle users of the library must already be a using a version of the Android Gradle Plugin that uses a version of R8 which does this, due to compileSdk = 35. Users of the library with non-Gradle build systems will need to ensure their R8-equivalent shrinking/obfuscating step does a similar automatic out-of-lining process in order to avoid runtime class verification failures. This change has already been done in other AndroidX libraries.
  • ExoPlayer:
    • MediaCodecRenderer.onProcessedStreamChange() can now be called for every media item. Previously it was not called for the first one. Use MediaCodecRenderer.experimentalEnableProcessedStreamChangedAtStart() to enable this.
    • Add PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl.onPreloadError to allow PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl implementations to take actions when error occurs.
    • Add BasePreloadManager.Listener to propagate preload events to apps.
    • Allow changing SNTP client timeout and retry alternative addresses on timeout (#1540).
    • Remove MediaCodecAdapter.Configuration.flags as the field was always zero.
    • Allow the user to select the built-in speaker for playback on Wear OS API 35+ (where the device advertises support for this).
    • Defer the blocking call to Context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE) until audio focus handling is enabled. This ensures the blocking call isn't done if audio focus handling is not enabled (#1616).
    • Allow playback regardless of buffered duration when loading fails (#1571).
    • Add AnalyticsListener.onRendererReadyChanged() to signal when individual renderers allow playback to be ready.
    • Fix MediaCodec.CryptoException sometimes being reported as an "unexpected runtime error" when MediaCodec is operated in asynchronous mode (default behaviour on API 31+).
    • Pass bufferedDurationUs instead of bufferedPositionUs with PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl.onContinueLoadingRequested(). Also changes DefaultPreloadManager.Status.STAGE_LOADED_TO_POSITION_MS to DefaultPreloadManager.Status.STAGE_LOADED_FOR_DURATION_MS, apps then need to pass a value representing a specific duration from the default start position for which the corresponding media source has to be preloaded with this IntDef, instead of a position.
    • Add ForwardingRenderer implementation that forwards all method calls to another renderer (1703).
    • Add playlist preloading for the next item in the playlist. Apps can enable preloading by calling ExoPlayer.setPreloadConfiguration(PreloadConfiguration) accordingly. By default preloading is disabled. When opted-in and to not interfere with playback, DefaultLoadControl restricts preloading to start and continue only when the player is not loading for playback. Apps can change this behaviour by implementing LoadControl.shouldContinuePreloading() accordingly (like when overriding this method in DefaultLoadControl). The default implementation of LoadControl disables preloading in case an app is using a custom implementation of LoadControl.
    • Add method MediaSourceEventListener.EventDispatcher.dispatchEvent() to allow invoking events of subclass listeners (1736).
    • Add DefaultPreloadManager.Builder that builds the DefaultPreloadManager and ExoPlayer instances with consistently shared configurations.
    • Remove Renderer[] parameter from LoadControl.onTracksSelected() as DefaultLoadControl implementation can retrieve the stream types from ExoTrackSelection[].
    • Deprecated DefaultLoadControl.calculateTargetBufferBytes(Renderer[], ExoTrackSelection[]) and marked method as final to prevent overrides. The new DefaultLoadControl.calculateTargetBufferBytes(ExoTrackSelection[]) should be used instead.
    • Report MediaSourceEventListener events from secondary sources in MergingMediaSource. This will result in load start/error/cancelled/completed events being reported for sideloaded subtitles (those added with MediaItem.LocalConfiguration.subtitleConfigurations), which may appear as duplicate load events emitted from AnalyticsListener.
    • Prevent subtitle & metadata errors from completely stopping playback. Instead the problematic track is disabled and playback of the remaining tracks continues (#1722).
      • In new subtitle handling (during extraction), associated parse (e.g. invalid subtitle data) and load errors (e.g. HTTP 404) are emitted via onLoadError callbacks.
      • In legacy subtitle handling (during rendering), only associated load errors are emitted via onLoadError callbacks while parse errors are silently ignored (this is pre-existing behaviour).
    • Fix bug where playlist items or periods in multi-period DASH streams with durations that don't match the actual content could cause frame freezes at the end of the item (#1698).
    • Add a setter to SntpClient to set the max elapsed time since the last update after which the client is re-initialized (#1794).
  • Transformer:
    • Add SurfaceAssetLoader, which supports queueing video data to Transformer via a Surface.
    • ImageAssetLoader reports unsupported input via AssetLoader.onError instead of throwing an IllegalStateException.
    • Make setting the image duration using MediaItem.Builder.setImageDurationMs mandatory for image export.
    • Add export support for gaps in sequences of audio EditedMediaItems.
  • Track Selection:
    • DefaultTrackSelector: Prefer object-based audio over channel-based audio when other factors are equal.
  • Extractors:
    • Allow Mp4Extractor and FragmentedMp4Extractor to identify H264 samples that are not used as reference by subsequent samples.
    • Add option to enable index-based seeking in AmrExtractor.
    • Treat MP3 files with more than 128kB between valid frames as truncated (instead of invalid). This means files with non-MP3 data at the end, with no other metadata to indicate the length of the MP3 bytes, now stop playback at the end of the MP3 data instead of failing with ParserException: Searched too many bytes.{contentIsMalformed=true, dataType=1} (#1563).
    • Fix preroll sample handling for non-keyframe media start positions when processing edit lists in MP4 files (#1659).
    • Improved frame rate calculation by using media duration from the mdhd box in Mp4Extractor and FragmentedMp4Extractor (#1531).
    • Fix incorrect scaling of media_time in MP4 edit lists. While segment_duration was already correctly scaled using the movie timescale, media_time is now properly scaled using the track timescale, as specified by the MP4 format standard (#1792).
    • Handle out-of-order frames in endIndices calculation for MP4 with edit list (#1797).
    • Fix media duration parsing in mdhd box of MP4 files to handle -1 values (#1819).
    • Add support for identifying h263 box in MP4 files for H.263 video (#1821).
    • Add AC-4 Level-4 ISO base media file format support (#1265).
  • DataSource:
    • Update HttpEngineDataSource to allow use starting at version S extension 7 instead of API level 34 (#1262).
    • DataSourceContractTest: Assert that DataSource.getUri() returns the resolved URI (as documented). Where this is different to the requested URI, tests can indicate this using the new DataSourceContractTest.TestResource.Builder.setResolvedUri() method.
    • DataSourceContractTest: Assert that DataSource.getUri() and getResponseHeaders() return their 'open' value after a failed call to open() (due to a...
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19 Nov 13:44
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This release includes the following changes since the
1.5.0-rc01 release:

  • Extractors:
    • Add AC-4 Level-4 ISO base media file format support (#1265).
  • Text:
    • Fix garbled CEA-608 subtitles in content with more than one SEI message per sample.
    • Fix playback hanging on DASH multi-period streams when CEA-608 subtitles are enabled (#1863).
    • Fix garbled CEA-608 subtitles in MP4 files that incorrectly mark every sample as a sync sample (#1863).
  • Demo app
    • Resolve the memory leaks in demo short-form app (#1839).


14 Nov 13:40
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This release includes the following changes since the 1.5.0-beta01 release:

  • ExoPlayer:
    • Fix bug where playlist items or periods in multi-period DASH streams with durations that don't match the actual content could cause frame freezes at the end of the item (#1698).
    • Add a setter to SntpClient to set the max elapsed time since the last update after which the client is re-initialized (#1794).
  • Extractors:
    • Fix media duration parsing in mdhd box of MP4 files to handle -1 values (#1819).
    • Add support for identifying h263 box in MP4 files for H.263 video (#1821).
  • DataSource:
    • DataSourceContractTest: Assert that DataSource.getUri() returns the resolved URI (as documented). Where this is different to the requested URI, tests can indicate this using the new DataSourceContractTest.TestResource.Builder.setResolvedUri() method.
    • DataSourceContractTest: Assert that DataSource.getUri() and getResponseHeaders() return their 'open' value after a failed call to open() (due to a 'not found' resource) and before a subsequent close() call.
      • Overriding DataSourceContractTest.getNotFoundResources() allows test sub-classes to provide multiple 'not found' resources, and to provide any expected headers too. This allows to distinguish between HTTP 404 (with headers) and "server not found" (no headers).
  • Text:
    • Fix CEA-608 subtitles in H.264 MPEG-TS streams not being output (this was broken in 1.5.0-alpha01 by 03a205f).
    • Support CEA-608 subtitles in Dolby Vision content (#1820).
  • RTSP Extension:
    • Fix crashing when parsing of RTP packets with header extensions (#1225).


30 Oct 18:44
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1.5.0-beta01 Pre-release

This release includes the following changes since the
1.5.0-alpha01 release:

  • Common Library:
    • Remove @DoNotInline annotations from manually out-of-lined inner classes designed to avoid runtime class verification failures. Recent versions of R8 now automatically out-of-line calls like these to avoid the runtime failures (so the manual out-of-lining is no longer required). All Gradle users of the library must already be a using a version of the Android Gradle Plugin that uses a version of R8 which does this, due to compileSdk = 35. Users of the library with non-Gradle build systems will need to ensure their R8-equivalent shrinking/obfuscating step does a similar automatic out-of-lining process in order to avoid runtime class verification failures. This change has already been done in other AndroidX libraries.
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Fix MediaCodec.CryptoException sometimes being reported as an "unexpected runtime error" when MediaCodec is operated in asynchronous mode (default behaviour on API 31+).
    • Pass bufferedDurationUs instead of bufferedPositionUs with PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl.onContinueLoadingRequested(). Also changes DefaultPreloadManager.Status.STAGE_LOADED_TO_POSITION_MS to DefaultPreloadManager.Status.STAGE_LOADED_FOR_DURATION_MS, apps then need to pass a value representing a specific duration from the default start position for which the corresponding media source has to be preloaded with this IntDef, instead of a position.
    • Add ForwardingRenderer implementation that forwards all method calls to another renderer (1703).
    • Add playlist preloading for the next item in the playlist. Apps can enable preloading by calling ExoPlayer.setPreloadConfiguration(PreloadConfiguration) accordingly. By default preloading is disabled. When opted-in and to not interfere with playback, DefaultLoadControl restricts preloading to start and continue only when the player is not loading for playback. Apps can change this behaviour by implementing LoadControl.shouldContinuePreloading() accordingly (like when overriding this method in DefaultLoadControl). The default implementation of LoadControl disables preloading in case an app is using a custom implementation of LoadControl.
    • Add method MediaSourceEventListener.EventDispatcher.dispatchEvent() to allow invoking events of subclass listeners (1736).
    • Add DefaultPreloadManager.Builder that builds the DefaultPreloadManager and ExoPlayer instances with consistently shared configurations.
    • Remove Renderer[] parameter from LoadControl.onTracksSelected() as DefaultLoadControl implementation can retrieve the stream types from ExoTrackSelection[].
    • Deprecated DefaultLoadControl.calculateTargetBufferBytes(Renderer[], ExoTrackSelection[]) and marked method as final to prevent overrides. The new DefaultLoadControl.calculateTargetBufferBytes(ExoTrackSelection[]) should be used instead.
    • Report MediaSourceEventListener events from secondary sources in MergingMediaSource. This will result in load start/error/cancelled/completed events being reported for sideloaded subtitles (those added with MediaItem.LocalConfiguration.subtitleConfigurations), which may appear as duplicate load events emitted from AnalyticsListener.
    • Prevent subtitle & metadata errors from completely stopping playback. Instead the problematic track is disabled and playback of the remaining tracks continues (#1722).
      • In new subtitle handling (during extraction), associated parse (e.g. invalid subtitle data) and load errors (e.g. HTTP 404) are emitted via onLoadError callbacks.
      • In legacy subtitle handling (during rendering), only associated load errors are emitted via onLoadError callbacks while parse errors are silently ignored (this is pre-existing behaviour).
  • Transformer:
    • Make setting the image duration using MediaItem.Builder.setImageDurationMs mandatory for image export.
    • Add export support for gaps in sequences of audio EditedMediaItems.
  • Track Selection:
    • DefaultTrackSelector: Prefer object-based audio over channel-based audio when other factors are equal.
  • Extractors:
    • Fix preroll sample handling for non-keyframe media start positions when processing edit lists in MP4 files (#1659).
    • Improved frame rate calculation by using media duration from the mdhd box in Mp4Extractor and FragmentedMp4Extractor (#1531).
    • Fix incorrect scaling of media_time in MP4 edit lists. While segment_duration was already correctly scaled using the movie timescale, media_time is now properly scaled using the track timescale, as specified by the MP4 format standard (#1792).
    • Handle out-of-order frames in endIndices calculation for MP4 with edit list (#1797).
  • Audio:
    • Fix pop sounds that may occur during seeks.
    • Fix truncation error accumulation for Sonic's time-stretching/pitch-shifting algorithm.
    • Fix bug in SpeedChangingAudioProcessor that causes dropped output frames.
  • Video:
    • Add workaround for a device issue on Galaxy Tab S7 FE that causes 60fps secure H264 streams to be marked as unsupported (#1619).
    • Add workaround for codecs that get stuck after the last sample without returning an end-of-stream signal.
  • Text:
    • Ensure WebVTT in HLS with very large subtitle timestamps (which overflow a 64-bit long when represented as microseconds and multiplied by the 90,000 MPEG timebase) are displayed (#1763).
  • Metadata:
    • Assign the C.TRACK_TYPE_METADATA type to tracks containing icy or vnd.dvb.ait content.
  • DRM:
    • Fix IllegalStateException from DefaultDrmSession.requiresSecureDecoder after opening a DRM session failed. This issue was introduced in 1.5.0-alpha01.
  • IMA extension:
    • Fix bug where server-side inserted DAI streams without a preroll can result in an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when playing past the last midroll (#1741).
  • Session:
    • Fix bug that caused custom commands sent from a MediaBrowser being dispatched to the MediaSessionCompat.Callback instead of the MediaBrowserServiceCompat variant of the method when connected to a legacy service. This prevented the MediaBrowser to receive the actual return value sent back by the legacy service (#1474).
    • Handle IllegalArgumentException thrown by devices of certain manufacturers when setting the broadcast receiver for media button intents (#1730).
    • Add command buttons for media items. This adds the Media3 API for what was known as Custom browse actions with the legacy library with MediaBrowserCompat. Note that with Media3 command buttons for media items are available for both, MediaBrowser and MediaController. See Custom Browse actions of AAOS.
    • Fix bug where a Media3 controller was sometimes unable to let a session app start a foreground service after requesting play().
    • Restrict CommandButton.Builder.setIconUri to only accept content Uris.
    • Pass connection hints of a Media3 browser to the initial MediaBrowserCompat when connecting to a legacy MediaBrowserCompat. The service can receive the connection hints passed in as root hints with the first call to onGetRoot().
    • Fix bug where a MediaBrowser connected to a legacy browser service, didn't receive an error sent by the service after the browser has subscribed to a parentid.
    • Improve interoperability behavior, so that a Media3 browser that is connected to a legacy MediaBrowserService doesn't request the children of a parentId twice when subscribing to a parent.
  • UI:
    • Make the stretched/cropped video in PlayerView-in-Compose-AndroidView workaround opt-in, due to issues with XML-based shared transitions. Apps using PlayerView inside AndroidView need to call PlayerView.setEnableComposeSurfaceSyncWorkaround in order to opt-in (#1237, #1594).
    • Add setFullscreenButtonState to PlayerView to allow updates of fullscreen button's icon on demand, i.e. out-of-band and not reactively to a click interaction (#1590, #184).
    • Fix bug where the "None" choice in the text selection is not working if there are app-defined text track selection preferences.
  • Smooth Streaming Extension:
    • Fix a Bad magic number for Bundle error when playing SmoothStreaming streams with text tracks (#1779).
  • RTSP Extension:
    • Fix user info removal for URLs that contain encoded @ characters (#1138).
  • Decoder Extensions (FFmpeg, VP9, AV1, etc.):
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