This project provides a Go implementation of a transcoder for the Data part of the EnOcean Serial Protocol 3 (ESP3) package. The transcoder allows you to decode the byte stream of data into human-readable information, making it easier to work with EnOcean devices in your Go applications.
- Go Implementation: Developed using Go, ensuring efficiency, simplicity, and ease of integration into your Go projects.
- Decoding ESP3 Data: Convert the byte stream from EnOcean devices into a structured, human-readable format.
- Encoding ESP3 Data (In Implementation): Convert structured, human-readable data into the byte stream format of the EnOcean Serial Protocol 3.
Note: This section is under construction, and specific details, including how to import the package into your project, will be added shortly. Please check back for updates.
Install Go: Make sure you have Go version 1.20.11 or later installed on your system.
Clone the Repository:
git clone
Import in your project: TBA
Decode EnOcean Data: TBA
Encode EnOcean Data: TBA
package main
import (
func main() {
byteArrayMultisensor := []int{139, 78, 197, 57, 5, 121, 194, 125, 17}
findRorg := "0xD2"
findFunc := "0x14"
findType := "0x41"
decoder := SensorDecoder{
ByteStream: byteArrayMultisensor,
EEP: models.EEP{
Rorg: findRorg,
Func: findFunc,
Type: findType,
decoder.Decode(byteArrayMultisensor, decoder.EEP)
decoded_msg, ok := decoder.Decode(byteArrayMultisensor, decoder.EEP)
if !ok {
fmt.Println("Error processing telegram")
jsoned, err := MarshalJSON(decoded_msg)
if err != nil {
"assigned_eep": { "rorg": "0xD2", "func": "0x14", "type": "0x41" },
"telegram_type": "VLD",
"sensor_description": "Indoor -Temperature, Humidity XYZ Acceleration, Illumination Sensor",
"data": {
"ACC": {
"shortcut": "ACC",
"value": "Periodic Update",
"unit": null,
"description": "Acceleration Status"
"ACX": {
"shortcut": "ACX",
"value": 1,
"unit": "g",
"description": "Absolute Acceleration on X axis"
"ACY": {
"shortcut": "ACY",
"value": 2,
"unit": "g",
"description": "Absolute Acceleration on Y axis"
"ACZ": {
"shortcut": "ACZ",
"value": 2.5,
"unit": "g",
"description": "Absolute Acceleration on Z axis"
"CO": {
"shortcut": "CO",
"value": "Closed",
"unit": null,
"description": "Contact"
"HUM": {
"shortcut": "HUM",
"value": 29.5,
"unit": "%",
"description": "Rel. Humidity linear)"
"ILL": {
"shortcut": "ILL",
"value": 10696,
"unit": "lx",
"description": "Illumination linear)"
"TMP": {
"shortcut": "TMP",
"value": -31.900000000000006,
"unit": "°C",
"description": "Temperature 10"