This example demonstrates how to use AWS C++ SDK rekognition with focus on the face recognition.
Main features:
- List collections with related enrolled faces
- Create collections
- Enroll face to a collection given the face image file
- Recognize a face given the collection id and the face image file
The tool assumes that you have built and installed the AWS C++ SDK. Follow the link for instruction how to do it,
We also assume that the AWS cli is installed and configured, for installation see Configure AWS cli configure like:
aws configure
If you have been able to build and install the sdk, then simply run make:
All configurations and credentials are taken from you local AWS home. It's located in ~/.aws/.
To view all Collections enter following command:
./aws-face-rekognition list
To create a Collection in AWS:
./aws-face-rekognition create test-123
The following command will enroll a given image into AWS rekognition service:
./aws-face-rekognition enroll 80 face123.jpeg
In order to recognize a face, pass the collection id and the face image like:
./aws-face-rekognition recognize 80 face456.jpeg