Install CUDA 11.7 from here.
# Create Conda Environment
conda create -n nerf_editing python=3.9
conda activate nerf_editing
# Install System Dependencies
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt install --upgrade gcc g++ wget llvm-6.0 freeglut3 freeglut3-dev libxi-dev libxmu-dev ffmpeg -y
sudo wget
sudo dpkg -i ./mesa_18.3.3-0.deb || true
# Install compatible PyOpenGL
git clone
pip install ./pyopengl
# Install Remaining Dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
#Build Colmap
git clone
cd NeuS
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd colmap_preprocess
python ${data_dir}
# Build OpenVolumeMesh
cd OpenVolumeMesh/OpenVolumeMesh
mkdir build && cd build
sudo cmake .. && sudo make -j8
sudo make install
# Build simple_mesh
cd ../../
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make -j8
# Build TetWild
cd ../../TetWild
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make -j8
cd ../../
# Build Eigen
cd volumeARAP_batch/Eigen
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make -j8
cd ../../
# Build volumeARAP_batch
cd volumeARAP_batch
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make -j8
cd ../../
Ensure Jittor is working by running:
python -c "import jittor; print(jittor.__version__)"
The dataset directory structure looks like this:
├── hbychair_mask
│ ├── extrinsic
│ ├── mask
│ ├── pose
│ └── rgb
└── nerf_synthetic
├── lego
│ ├── test
│ ├── train
│ └── val
└── ship
├── images
├── pose
├── rgb
├── sparse
├── test
├── train
└── val
NeRF Dataset Source: nerf-synthetic dataset
file works as the training entrypoint, which trains the NeRF model as well as validates it. It is also responsible for rendering the mesh. It has the following functionalities:
- train: Train the model
- validate_mesh: Extract mesh from the model
- circle: Render the model
- render_video: Render the model from different viewpoints
- render_video_with_mask: Render the model from different viewpoints with mask
file is used to calculate the barycentric control points for the mesh. It is a pre-requisite for the volume ARAP step.
Both of the above files are based on an open source deep learning library called jittor
, which is a high-performance deep learning framework based on JIT compiling and meta-operators. It is also compatible with PyTorch. The code is written in a way that it can be easily ported to PyTorch.
python --mode train --conf ./confs/womask_hbychair.conf --case hbychair_neus
For the remaining steps we provide ready-made bash scripts which allow step by step execution of the code. (Please modify the directory structure in the scripts before running them.)
Deform the mesh:
Download blender from here: and Use blender deformations to deform the mesh
Post deformation, run the following script to render the deformed mesh.
A detailed step-by-step method to run the code is given below in-case the scripts do not work or throw error.
cd NeRF-Editing/src
# Extract Mesh
python --mode validate_mesh --conf ./confs/womask_hbychair.conf --case hbychair_neus --is_continue
# Render before deformation
python --mode circle --conf ./confs/womask_hbychair_render.conf --case hbychair_neus --is_continue --obj_path ./logs/hbychair_wo_mask/meshes/00170000.obj # Here 00170000.obj is the last mesh extracted from the previous step (training)
# Optimize the converted video (optional)
ffmpeg -i ./logs/hbychair_wo_mask/render_circle/video.mp4 ./logs/hbychair_wo_mask/render_circle/out_1.mp4 -y
# Perform Dialation (Construct Cage Mesh)
python --mode validate_mesh --conf ./confs/womask_hbychair.conf --case hbychair_neus --is_continue --do_dilation
# TetWild
cd NeRF-Editing/TetWild/build
./TetWild ../../src/logs/hbychair_wo_mask/meshes/00170000.obj
# Create OVM
cd NeRF-Editing/OpenVolumeMesh/build
./simple_mesh ../../src/logs/hbychair_wo_mask/meshes/00170000_.txt ../../src/logs/hbychair_wo_mask/mesh_cage_nofloor_.ovm
# EDIT The Mesh using Blender
# Calculate Barycentric Control Points (This step consumes a lot of GPU memory for complex meshes)
# Perform Volume ARAP
cd NeRF-Editing/volumeARAP_batch/build
./volumeARAP ../../src/logs/hbychair_wo_mask/mesh_cage_nofloor_.ovm ../../src/logs/hbychair_wo_mask/mesh_seq/2_barycentric_control.txt ../../src/logs/hbychair_wo_mask/mesh_seq_ovm 0
# Render after deformation
cd NeRF-Editing/src
python --mode circle --conf ./confs/womask_hbychair_render.conf --case hbychair_neus --is_continue --use_deform --reconstructed_mesh_file ./logs/hbychair_wo_mask/meshes/00170000_.txt --deformed_mesh_file ./logs/hbychair_wo_mask/mesh_seq_ovm/arap_result_0000_.ovm --obj_path ./logs/hbychair_wo_mask/mesh_seq/2.obj
# Optimize the converted video (optional)
ffmpeg -i ./logs/hbychair_wo_mask/render_circle/video.mp4 ./logs/hbychair_wo_mask/render_circle/out_2.mp4 -y
This code borrows heavily from We thank the authors for their great work.