This repository hosts the cloud.aws_ops
Ansible Collection.
The collection includes a variety of Ansible roles and playbooks to help automate the management of resources on AWS.
This collection has been tested against following Ansible versions: >=2.12.0.
Click on the name of a role to view that content's documentation:
Name | Description |
cloud.aws_ops.aws_setup_credentials | A role to define credentials for aws modules. |
cloud.aws_ops.awsconfig_detach_and_delete_internet_gateway | A role to detach and delete the internet gateway you specify from virtual private cloud. |
cloud.aws_ops.awsconfig_multiregion_cloudtrail | A role to create/delete a Trail for multiple regions. |
cloud.backup_create_plan | A role to create an AWS backup plan. |
cloud.backup_select_resources | A role to select resources to back up with an existing backup plan. |
cloud.aws_ops.customized_ami | A role to manage custom AMIs on AWS. |
cloud.aws_ops.ec2_instance_terminate_by_tag | A role to terminate the EC2 instances based on a specific tag you specify. |
cloud.aws_ops.enable_cloudtrail_encryption_with_kms | A role to encrypt an AWS CloudTrail trail using the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) customer managed key you specify. |
cloud.aws_ops.manage_vpc_peering | A role to create, delete and accept existing VPC peering connections. |
Name | Description |
cloud.aws_ops.webapp | A playbook to create a webapp on AWS. |
The and collections MUST be installed in order for this collection to work.
Clone the collection repository.
mkdir -p ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/cloud/aws_ops
cd ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/cloud/aws_ops
git clone .
Once installed, you can reference the cloud.aws_ops collection content by its fully qualified collection name (FQCN), for example:
- hosts: all
- name: Include 'enable_cloudtrail_encryption_with_kms' role
name: cloud.aws_ops.enable_cloudtrail_encryption_with_kms
enable_cloudtrail_encryption_with_kms_trail_name: "{{ cloudtrail_name }}"
enable_cloudtrail_encryption_with_kms_kms_key_id: "{{ kms_alias }}"
- Ansible Using collections for more details.
We welcome community contributions to this collection. If you find problems, please open an issue or create a PR against this collection repository.
The project uses ansible-lint
and black
Assuming this repository is checked out in the proper structure,
e.g. collections_root/ansible_collections/cloud/aws_ops/
, run:
tox -e linters
Sanity and unit tests are run as normal:
ansible-test sanity
If you want to run cloud integration tests, ensure you log in to the cloud:
# using the "default" profile on AWS
aws configure set aws_access_key_id my-access-key
aws configure set aws_secret_access_key my-secret-key
aws configure set region eu-north-1
ansible-test integration [target]
This collection is tested using GitHub Actions. To know more about CI, refer to
GNU General Public License v3.0 or later
See LICENSE to see the full text.