frequent-cron is a linux daemon under the MIT License. It is designed to run crons by millisecond in linux. Calls to the script or commands block, meaning that if you have a 500ms frequent-cron and your script runs for 3 minutes, your script will run once every 3 minutes.
- Boost 1.37 (apt-get install libboost-all-dev)
- cmake 2.8.2 (apt-get install cmake)
- git clone
- cd frequent-cron
- cmake .
- make
- ./frequent-cron --frequency=1000 --command="/usr/local/bin/php /home/ssperandeo/dev/homer6/frequent-cron/test.php"
- ps aux | grep frequent
- kill 3423
- sudo cp init_script.tpl /etc/init.d/frequent_service
- edit "command", "frequency" and "pid-file" (make sure both the "command" and the "pid-file" are absolute paths)
- sudo chmod ugo+x /etc/init.d/frequent_service
- sudo update-rc.d frequent_service defaults (optional; will automatically restart this service on system restart)
- sudo /etc/init.d/frequent_service start
- sudo /etc/init.d/frequent_service stop